Recap: March 19, 1992

Trucker’s Shop

Stacey walks in, reading from one of the love letters from the attic at The Tides, and trips over some boxes. Trucker asks if she’s okay and wonders how many times she plans to re-read the letter. “It’s great, I can’t put it down,” she says. She tells Trucker that she thinks the woman must have been special to Cabot.

Slavinsky House – Living Room/New York Apartment

Paul and Carly have another argument about her plans to marry Flynn.

Pins – Bar

Gwyneth walks in and Clay calls her out for posing as a wedding consultant. She calls him out right back for posing as Trucker, which in the circumstances is certainly a worse thing to be doing. Clay tells Gwyneth to stay out of it, but of course she isn’t going to do that and tells him that she’s going to make sure the wedding doesn’t happen.

Pins – Bar

Clay tells Gwyneth that he isn’t going to discuss the wedding with her in public and drags her out of the bar just before Shana walks in with Larry. She spots Gwyneth and Clay disappearing into another room and says that the bowling alley is the “last place” she’d expect to see her.

After Shana and Larry head into the alley, Kate walks in and is surprised to see Louie behind the bar. He tells her about his new job and she tells him about Carly’s engagement to Flynn.

New York Apartment/Slavinsky House – Living Room

“Any decision you make affects our son,” Paul says. Carly tells Paul that her marrying Flynn isn’t about him and she wonders if this is all about his own unresolved feelings. When he says that he’s coming to New York, she tells him to stay in Corinth.

Flynn and Michael walk in and Michael lets slip that Flynn bought something for Carly: a ring.

Trucker’s Shop

Stacey tells Trucker that she wants to have another look around the attic room and see what’s there, but he doesn’t think that’s a great idea. She thinks that the writer of the letter doesn’t sound much like Cabot and Trucker offers that Cabot might have been different back then. “Poor Isabelle,” Stacey says, “Here she thought he was just having a bunch of meaningless affairs. I wonder if she knew how serious this one was.” Trucker wonders if it even matters now because what happened was in the past. “People make mistakes and it doesn’t do anyone any good to dredge them up.”

Stacey admits that she hates to hurt Isabelle, but she can’t stop her curiosity. He tells her that if she can’t stop the investigation for Isabelle’s sake, maybe she should do it for Jack’s, since he’s already having so many problems with Isabelle. She tells him that she hasn’t even told Jack about the attic room because he’s always at the office.

Pins – Equipment Room

“This is the room, isn’t it?” Gwyneth says as she and Clay walk in. “This is where Trucker was playing with Dinah Lee while our daughter was in labor.” Clay tells her that nothing happened that night, but she doesn’t believe it.

She tells him that she wants to know what’s going on and why he’s posing as Trucker. He tells her that she wouldn’t understand. She wonders why he’s marrying the person she thinks is responsible for Trisha having left town and disappearing with the baby, calling it a “mean and stupid thing to do” and he tells her that it’s all play acting for the sake of Hannah so that Dinah Lee won’t have to admit that she lied to her about her life in Corinth.

Gwyneth can’t believe that Clay is marrying Dinah Lee “to fulfill her kid sister’s fantasy life” and thinks this is really about him. “You are just as bad as Trucker. You fell for her, too, didn’t you? You’re in love with Dinah Lee.”

Pins – Equipment Room

Clay laughs off Gwyneth’s accusation and says that the wedding is just a sham to make Hannah happy. Gwyneth points out the debts Clay is wracking up in pursuit of this scheme and he wonders if she might be a bit jealous. When Gwyneth lists Dinah Lee’s bad qualities, Clay implies that Dinah Lee and Gwyneth have a lot in common and then voices some further similarities. “Maybe that’s why the two of us get along,” Clay says. “Maybe there’s a sense of familiarity, almost like I’m being with you again.”

Gwyneth threatens to expose him and Dinah Lee to Hannah. He asks for the price for her silence and she says that what she wants is for Trisha to come back and that she thinks that can be accomplished by getting Dinah Lee out of Corinth. “Trisha is not going to set foot in this town until Dinah Lee Mayberry is gone!” Clay returns that the real problem is Trucker, not Dinah Lee, but Gwyneth reiterates that she’s only going to keep her mouth shut if Clay gets rid of Dinah Lee. “She isn’t going anywhere!” Clay spits.

New York Apartment/Slavinsky House – Living Room

Carly and Flynn are getting ready to go out and he promises Michael that they’ll bring something back for him. Carly thanks her roommate, Jackie, for looking after Michael and then heads out with Flynn.

Moments after Carly and Flynn leave, Paul calls and Michael tells him that Carly went out with Flynn. Paul asks him to have her call when she gets back, but Michael tells him that he thinks Carly and Flynn will be out late. “Just tell her she has to call me,” Paul says.

Pins – Bar

Louie can’t believe that Carly is marrying Flynn so quickly and Kate thinks that Carly is using Flynn “as an escape route.” She tells Louie that Carly is still in love with Paul and he admits that he had some suspicions about that – and about Paul’s feelings for Carly, too. Kate asks if Paul told him that he loves Carly and Louie says that Paul has never said that, but he knows he has feelings he isn’t dealing with. That’s enough for Kate, who decides that she needs to stop Carly from going through with her marriage, but Louie tells her that they have to let the kids make their own mistakes.

Pins – Alley

Larry teases Shana at how bad she is at bowling and then bowls a strike in the neighboring lane. The people in that lane give him and Shana a hard time and after chasing them off, Shana picks up a ball and gets her hand stuck in it. Larry tries to help her extricate it, which leads to them getting close and then kissing.

Pins – Bar

Gwyneth marches over to the phone with Clay following her, telling her that she’s not going to do it. She offers to invite the whole town to his wedding and starts by calling Trucker.

Pins – Bar/Trucker’s Shop

Gwyneth asks Trucker if he’s heard from Trisha, then asks if he’s seen Dinah Lee lately and if he knows what she’s been up to. Before she can finish filling him in, Clay grabs her by the wrist and tells her to hang up. She tells Trucker “never mind” and hangs up.

Trucker tells Stacey that Gwyneth called about Dinah Lee and that he thinks Gwyneth enjoys torturing him because she blames him for Trisha taking off. Stacey asks if he’s going to be heading home soon because she wants to return the letter, but doesn’t want to be at The Tides by herself. He reminds her that he’s not living there anymore because he’s moved back to the cabin, but offers to go to The Tides with her if she’s nervous about going alone. She says she can manage on her own.

The Tides – Attic Room

Meanwhile, a figure all in black walks into the attic room and looks around. He or she picks up a bell.

Pins – Bar

Gwyneth asks if Clay has decided to accept her terms and he declines. He warns her not to push him, but she reminds him that she’s the one holding the cards. Clay tries some reverse psychology, telling her to go ahead reveal the truth. Gwyneth counters by offering to do more than just blow up the wedding plot by telling Hannah all about Dinah Lee’s time in Corinth. “How her sister stole my credit card and landed herself in jail. How she accepted money from you and Shana to ruin Jack’s marriage. And, who knows, I may even break down and tell her how she had an affair with the real Trucker McKenzie and ran his pregnant wife out of town.”

Clay’s lame rebuttal to this is: “You wouldn’t dare.” Oh… no? Gwyneth once offered to get a convicted kidnapper out of prison in exchange for him getting his son to break up with Trisha, but you doubt that Gwyneth would go so far as to state a few facts to Hannah?

Gwyneth adds that not only will she shatter Hannah’s vision of her sister, but she’ll fill Trisha in on what Clay’s been up to. “She will never speak to you again, Clayton. You will never see your grandson.” Clay finally gives in, telling Gwyneth that after the fake wedding, he’ll “make sure that Dinah Lee leaves town.”

Episode Cast:

  • Louie Slavinsky – Bernard Barrow
  • Paul Slavinsky – Joseph Breen
  • Shana Vochek – Susan Keith
  • Michael – Alexander Kniffin
  • Clay Alden – Larkin Malloy
  • Flynn Riley – Keith Pruitt
  • Carly Rescott – Colleen Quinn
  • Kate Rescott – Nada Rowand
  • Larry Lamont – John Schneider
  • Stacey Donovan Forbes – Lauren-Marie Taylor
  • Trucker McKenzie – Robert Tyler
  • Gwyneth Alden – Christine Tudor
  • Jackie – Hazel J. Medina

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