Recap: March 18, 1992

Pins – Bar

Dinah Lee and Clay walk in, still arguing about the situation at Corinth Towers. She’s ready to call it defeat and he keeps encouraging her to see it through to the end. “Trust me,” he tells her.


Gwyneth shows up at the penthouse and is taken aback when Hannah opens the door. Hannah, meanwhile, assumes that Gwyneth is the hotel’s party coordinator, come to help plan the wedding. “I’m new in town so you’re going to have to help me with pretty much everything,” Hannah says. When Hannah clarifies who she thinks Gwyneth is, Gwyneth decides to go along with it for the purpose of getting the dirt on what Clay is up to. When she asks who the couple is, Hannah tells her, “Dinah Lee Mayberry is marrying Trucker McKenzie.”

Gwyneth’s look could cut glass.

New York Apartment/Rescott Kitchen

Carly calls Kate to let her know about her engagement to Flynn and Kate is a little less than enthusiastic about it all. In fact, she reacts like she thinks Carly is crazy. “What’s the point of waiting?” Carly wonders. “I’m not going to change my mind.” Kate asks if she loves Flynn.

Pins – Bar

Customers are giving Maggie a hard time at the shoe counter and Louie offers to pitch in and lend a hand. When Clay and Dinah Lee walk over, Maggie complains to them about how overworked she’s been ever since they fired Ted and is grateful to Louie for always stepping in, suggesting that they should hire him. They agree, but Louie says he’s not there to look for a job. However, it doesn’t take much to talk him into it.

They start talking about things Louie could do around the place and when Louie jokingly asks if they’re going to be having another party, Clay has an idea. He tells Dinah Lee that they can have “it” at Pins for free. Louie and Maggie are confused and Clay tells them that he and Dinah Lee are going to get married.


Gwyneth plays along with being the wedding coordinator, getting all sorts of info from Hannah, including that Dinah Lee is supposedly a big time real estate developer. “Tell me something, is this Trucker the same one who owns the motorcycle shop?” Gwyneth wonders. Hannah says it’s a different Trucker – “the other Trucker.”

They start talking about dresses and Hannah shows off some of the ads that she’s taken out of magazines. Gwyneth wonders what the groom should wear and asks Hannah to describe him. “So, it’s that Trucker, huh?” Gwyneth says after Hannah gives her the description. “I want this wedding to be the most glamorous, romantic wedding this town has ever seen,” Hannah says and Gwyneth assures her that, “I’ll make sure that Dinah Lee gets exactly what she deserves.”

Rescott House – Ally’s Bedroom

Ally is drawing some fruit when Bonnie stops in for another visit. Ally is surprised, because she thought that Bonnie was heading home, and Bonnie tells her that she wanted them to work things out before she left. Ally notices the Burnell’s bag in Bonnie’s hand and asks what’s in it and has some feelings about it when Bonnie shows off the baby clothes she bought.

Bonnie asks Ally about her art class and her new boyfriend, wondering if the boyfriend is in the class with her. Ally refers to the guy as her “inspiration” and, in the process of finding out more, Bonnie wonders if maybe it isn’t a little soon after her break up with Matt for her to be in love with someone else, which naturally elicits a defensive reaction from Ally.

New York Apartment/Rescott House – Kitchen

Carly asks Kate if she thinks she would be marrying Flynn if she didn’t love him and Kate backs down a little, but wonders about Carly’s feelings for Paul. “Are you sure you’re not just fooling yourself?” Carly admits that she has feelings for Paul, but says she can’t act on them. Kate wonders if rushing into marriage with Flynn is the right thing to do, but Carly is sure that she can get over Paul once she marries Flynn and tells Kate that having her support would help her.

As their conversation continues, Ava walks in and hears about the engagement. Unlike everyone else who’s heard, Ava is thrilled about this and when she gets on the line with Carly, Carly slips that Paul already knows, but then backtracks and covers that she just figured that Michael would have told him when they spoke the night before.

After they hang up, Flynn walks out of the other room and asks Carly how she’s doing. She tells him that she just told Kate and Ava about their engagement. He tells her that they need to head out to get their blood tests and notices some hesitation on her face. When he asks if she’s having second thoughts, she says that she’s just nervous about the needle.

Pins – Bar

Clay and Dinah Lee are in the midst of filling Louie and Maggie in on the marriage plot, which Maggie thinks is “so romantic – just like in the movies.” Louie offers that the other players in his league could play along as the guests, but Dinah Lee tells him that it’s “supposed to be a society wedding.”

A society wedding. At a bowling alley.

Maggie thinks she could get the ladies’ league to play along as well and Louie offers to play the role of the priest. After Maggie and Dinah Lee leave to go get some materials, Louie tells Clay that he’s doing a nice thing for Dinah Lee and Hannah. Clay asks if this means that Louie thinks he’s “not the complete ogre” that everyone thinks he is and Louie agrees pretty easily, given the number of people who have been close to Louie that Clay has screwed over (Ava, Carly, Abril).

Hannah walks in and “Trucker” is surprised to see her. She’s surprised to see him, too, since she thought he and Dinah Lee were going to Dinah Lee’s real estate office. He wonders why she’s not at the penthouse and she tells him that Arthur tried to stop her, but she wanted to see the alley and tells him about all the plans she’s made with the wedding coordinator.

Rescott House – Kitchen

Ava tells Kate about how happy she is about Carly’s engagement and notices that Kate isn’t very happy about it. Kate admits that she’s wondering about Carly’s motivations, but Ava thinks that Carly “obviously” loves Flynn and thinks that they’re going to be very happy together.

Rescott House – Ally’s Bedroom

Bonnie comes back and asks how Ally’s drawing is coming along. Ally shows it to her and then notes that Bonnie looks pale, which she attributes to morning sickness. Bonnie brings the conversation back to Ally’s mystery boyfriend and tells her that she hopes she’ll take things slow because she knows that she’s hurt by the divorce and dealing with a lot of feelings. Ally insists that she’s not angry, she just wants to live her life, but Bonnie thinks that Ally dating an artist, when Bonnie is also dating an artist, is part of some ploy to “get back” at her.

“My relationship has absolutely nothing to do with yours,” Ally states. Bonnie relents and asks if she can meet the boyfriend. Instead, Ally tells Bonnie to go home and have her baby because she wants them to keep their lives separate from now on. “You have absolutely no right telling me what to do. You met some guy on the rebound, you got pregnant, and now you have to marry him. Everything you taught me not to do, so forgive me if I’m uninterested in taking your advice.” Ally storms out of the room.

Pins – Bar/Gwyneth’s Apartment

Having been informed that the wedding is going to take place at the alley, Hannah tells Clay/Trucker that she approves and will call the wedding consultant to let her know of the change in plans. Clay wants to know more about the woman, but Hannah didn’t get Gwyneth’s name. She says that the woman knows Dinah Lee, though, and was surprised about the wedding. Clay asks for a description and realizes that Hannah spoke to Gwyneth. Clay tells Hannah not to tell the consultant about the change and then distracts her by suggesting that she have a look around.

Dinah Lee returns with Maggie just as Clay takes a call from Gwyneth. He tells her that he was just thinking about her and she tells him that they need to meet. “We need to talk about your upcoming nuptials.”

Episode Cast:

  • Louie Slavinsky – Bernard Barrow
  • Dinah Lee Mayberry – Jessica Collins
  • Hannah Mayberry – Rebecca Gayheart
  • Clay Alden – Larkin Malloy
  • Ava Rescott – Lisa Peluso
  • Flynn Riley – Keith Pruitt
  • Carly Rescott – Colleen Quinn
  • Kate Slavinsky – Nada Rowand
  • Gwyneth Alden – Christine Tudor
  • Ally Rescott – Laura Wright
  • Bonnie Rescott – Lisby Larson
  • Maggie – Constance Schulman

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