Recap: March 17, 1992

The Tides – Living Room

Stacey brings the kids over to visit Trucker. JJ asks if Trisha is back yet, but Trucker tells him that she’s not, and Stacey reveals that she brought over some green cupcakes to celebrate St Patrick’s Day.

There’s a knock at the door and when Trucker answers it, Isabelle is on the front porch. She asks if they can talk, but he tells her that it isn’t a good time. She tells him that she wants to apologize to him.


Hannah is looking through some magazines for wedding ideas and Dinah Lee tells her that she doesn’t need to do that, but Hannah wants the wedding to live up to Dinah Lee’s dreams from when they were kids.

Dinah Lee heads out onto the balcony and Hannah follows, wondering if something is the matter.

Corinth Towers – Lobby

Clay argues with the manager, saying that he definitely has the funds to pay the bill. “Then why don’t you pay it?” the manager wonders. Clay claims that it’s an issue with the bank and as they continue to argue, Gwyneth steps into the lobby and overhears. She walks over and starts teasing Clay about being broke and wants to know what’s going on.

AE – Dining Room

Jack, Shana, Larry, and Jeanne are having another meeting. Shana states that she’s “sold” on the product and Jeanne and Larry wonder why more of the AE staff isn’t present for the meeting and are told that Jack and Shana are keeping things tightly under wraps. They start going over some things and Larry shuts down the idea that the advertising campaign could use real women who have used Take Off, saying that before and after pictures won’t work. Shana points out that that’s how he pitched the idea to them, but he claims that’s different.

Larry argues that they should use models – “like Shana” – but Jack wants to use the before and after photos. Jeanne changes the subject and they start playing around with taglines based on the Take Off name. When it’s suggested that they order lunch, Larry tells them to hold on because he’s arranged for them all to have diet shakes for lunch.


Dinah Lee denies that she’s upset and Hannah tells her that she knows what’s going on and tells her that it’s natural to have cold feet, especially since she and “Trucker” are rushing to get things done. She starts talking about how great “Trucker” is and how much he obviously cares for Dinah Lee and she agrees that he’s “a generous man.” She starts talking about how he’s always there for her and how much he makes her laugh, even though he also drives her crazy. “If I were you, I wouldn’t wait,” Hannah says.

Hannah starts showing her the things she’s put together and Dinah Lee balks at the cost. Hannah ignores that and asks for a list of all Dinah Lee’s friends so that she can invite them. Dinah Lee tells her that there isn’t time for them to put everything together, but Hannah points out that the hotel has a party coordinator on staff that can help them. Dinah Lee says she just wants “a quiet wedding,” but Hannah wants her to “do it in style” since she has the money to spend.

Corinth Towers – Lobby

Clay tries to get rid of Gwyneth, but she’s enjoying needling him too much. She asks if he’s broke, but he denies it and tells her that he’s not going to discuss it with her. She keeps at him and surmises that he’s keeping a woman at the hotel and going into debt to do so and he tells her that it’s “business,” claiming that he’s courting an out of town business associate.

She wonders why he’s acting as though he’s got a body hidden in the basement and he tells her that he’s got a lot at stake with what he’s doing. She wishes him luck and walks away. Once she’s gone, Clay returns to the manager to continue “negotiating” the bill and starts throwing his weight around, threatening to use his “connections” to get the man fired. The manager tells him that he’s out of line and Clay dares him to call his bluff.

After Clay gets on the elevator, Gwyneth returns to the lobby, wondering to herself what he’s up to.

AE – Dining Room

Jack takes a drink of the diet shake and makes a face, but declares it “great.” Shana thinks they’re so good, it’s unbelievable that they’re actually good for you.

As they continue lunch, Larry gives Shana a lesson in using chopsticks and Jeanne gets annoyed at how touchy Larry is being with another woman. Jack gets a call and tells everyone that he needs to step out. Jeanne decides that she also needs to make a call and they leave Shana and Larry alone. He tells her that he finds her attractive and asks her out on a date.

The Tides – Living Room

Isabelle asks Trucker if Stacey filled him in on the secret room and says, “Cabot used to bring his girlfriends here after we were married, when I was pregnant. When I discovered the room, I had it all sealed off.” She goes on that when she kicked him out of The Tides, it wasn’t because of him, it was because of the emotions the place stirs up in her and because she sees her own situation in Trisha’s. “I overreacted. I’m sorry.”

Trucker tells her that he’ll move out, but she says that’s not necessary. He says that he was only there because of Trisha and if she’s not coming back, he’s going to go somewhere that he can feel good about instead.

Isabelle leaves and Stacey pleads with Trucker not to move out. She tries to convince him that Trisha will think he gave up if she comes back and he’s gone, but he’s in the anger stage and suggests that “a good scare is just what she needs.”

Heather comes running down the stairs and over to Trucker, who picks her up and gives her a hug.

The Tides – Living Room

Trucker reads a story to Heather as Stacey comes back to tell them that lunch is ready. Trucker tells Stacey that she doesn’t need to keep feeding him and jokes that she’s going to make him fat.

JJ comes running down the stairs with a letter in his hand, wanting to show off what he’s found. Stacey sees that he’s covered in dust and realizes that he went into the attic room. He shows her the letter, which Stacey sees is an old love letter.


Clay returns and tells Dinah Lee that they need to hurry up with the wedding. She has second thoughts (or is it fifth thoughts at this point?) and he tells her, again, that they’ve got this under control. “We need a plan,” she says. He agrees and says they’ll work that out.

Hannah comes downstairs and wonders if Dinah Lee wants to go look at dresses, but she says that she needs to get to a meeting. Hannah asks if she can come, saying she wants to see where Dinah Lee works, and when Dinah Lee says she can’t, Hannah accepts that and tells her that the wedding consultant will be coming at 2. They tell her that won’t be a good time and start to leave and Hannah suggests that she might go for a walk. Dinah Lee tells her not to and to instead stay and practice at the piano.

Clay and Dinah Lee leave and she worries about leaving Hannah alone. He tells her that Arthur will make sure she doesn’t leave, but Dinah Lee doubts Arthur’s ability to handle that.

Corinth Towers – Lobby

Gwyneth asks a bellboy what room Clay is registered to, claiming she has some paperwork for him. The bellboy tells her that he’s in the “North penthouse” and offers to take the package himself, but she says she’d rather drop it off herself and gets into the elevator.

Episode Cast:

  • Jack Forbes – Christopher Cass
  • Dinah Lee Mayberry – Jessica Collins
  • Hannah Mayberry – Rebecca Gayheart
  • Isabelle Alden – Celeste Holm
  • Shana Vochek – Susan Keith
  • Clay Alden – Larkin Malloy
  • Larry Lamonte – John Schneider
  • Stacey Donovan Forbes – Lauren-Marie Taylor
  • Trucker McKenzie – Robert Tyler
  • Gwyneth Alden – Christine Tudor
  • Jeanne Lille – Marguerite Elizabeth MacIntyre
  • Mr. Van Hattum – Richard Maynard
  • JJ Forbes – Noah Segan

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