Recap: March 16, 1992

Corinth Towers – Lobby

Dinah Lee comes looking for Clay and finds him pleading his case to the manager. When Dinah Lee asks what’s going on, Clay tries to stop the manager from telling her, saying, “Not in front of the young lady.” The manager ignores this attempt at self-serving chivalry and tells Dinah Lee that the penthouse hasn’t been paid for. Clay once again tries to keep this between the dudes, suggesting they “have an agreement as gentlemen” that Clay will totally pay but just later. The manager agrees to give him one more day to pay the bill in full, but warns that if he doesn’t come through, he’s going to be kicked out.

Dinah Lee starts going in on Clay about not having the money to cover the expense of renting the penthouse and he tells her that he’s handling it. She reminds him that if they get kicked out, Hannah will find out the truth, but he assures her that he’ll handle Hannah as well.

New York Apartment

Michael happily tells Paul that Carly and Flynn are getting married, and Carly and Flynn note what a surprise it is to see Paul. Michael asks if Paul is going to sleep over, but he says that he’s just there to talk to Carly. Flynn wonders if Paul is going to congratulate them and Michael suggests that Paul could be the best man. “No, I don’t think so,” Paul says, then declares that there will not be a wedding.

AU – Giff’s Studio

Giff asks Ally if she’s sure that she’s pregnant and she lies that she is and says that she doesn’t know what to do. He wants her to call an anonymous hotline to talk through her problem, but she doesn’t want to do that, she just wants to talk to him and tells him that she’s too ashamed to tell anyone else. “Please don’t let me down,” she says.

New York Apartment

Flynn, Carly, and Paul start to argue and Michael is sent out of the room. Flynn gets angry at Carly for calling Paul and telling him about their engagement and she explains that she didn’t want him to find out in some other way. Flynn then turns to Paul and tells him that this isn’t his business, but Paul disagrees because this involves Michael. He starts berating Carly, telling her that her purpose in New York was to take care of Michael, not run around with Flynn.

Carly asks Flynn to take Michael out for a while and as they leave, Michael tells Paul that Flynn’s a good guy. Once Michael and Flynn are gone, Carly wonders where Paul gets the nerve to barge into her house and start barking orders. “I’m concerned with the welfare of my son,” he says, but she thinks his little display had nothing to do with Michael at all.

AU – Giff’s Studio

Giff asks Ally to tell him everything and when she admits that she hasn’t seen a doctor or taken a home pregnancy test, he wonders how she knows. She says that that’s why she needs his help and he points out that she should be going to the father for help. “He split,” she says. He tells her that she needs to start making some decisions and thinks they should start by taking her to the hospital to see a doctor. She declines and when he points out that she asked him for his help, she tells him that she just meant for the “emotional stuff.” He tells her that she can count on him, but has to be able to count on other people, too. Namely, her parents.

Corinth Towers – Lobby

Dinah Lee and Clay go over the outstanding bill and she can’t believe all that he’s been charging to the room and tells him that this has gone too far. She adds that she doesn’t understand how he got the reputation he did, because he isn’t at all like everyone says he is. She doesn’t want him to go into any more debt for her and says that she’s going to tell Hannah the truth.

He stops her from going upstairs and tells her that there’s another way: they get married so that Hannah leaves town. He clarifies that he’s talking about a fake wedding, not a real one, and that they can pull it together before they get kicked out. She wonders what the endgame to that is and if she’s going to have to pretend to be Mrs. Trucker McKenzie for the remainder of her life and he encourages her to use her imagination to get out of that one. She thinks this will all just blow up in their faces, but he tries to convince her that they can pull it off.

She wonders how, if she agrees to go along with the wedding plan, they’ll pull it together in one day and he says that it’s no big deal. He tells her that he knows they can make this work and asks her to trust him, pointing to their success at Pins as proof. She asks why he’s doing all of this and he tells her that it’s “the first unselfish thing” he’s done in years and he doesn’t want to see her disappointed because she’s “a nice young lady.” She doesn’t think she can keep juggling all the lies and tells him that she appreciates what he’s done, but can’t go on like this. He relents and tells her that they can go up and break the news to Hannah.

New York Apartment

Paul admits that his anger isn’t just about Michael, but doesn’t admit that it’s because of his feelings for Carly, instead claiming that he’s worried that Flynn is “pushing” her into marriage. Carly tells him that she’s the one who proposed and he reiterates that he thinks they’re rushing into this. She pleads her case and wonders why he felt he had to come all the way to New York to have the conversation in person, asking if he thought they were going to elope. He tells her that he felt he needed to stop her because he was worried she would make a mistake.

He asks if she thinks Flynn can really make her happy, pointing out that she said that she was in love with him just a week ago. She returns that he responded by saying that he was in love with Ava. Not having gotten what he wanted, Paul threatens to sue for custody of Michael if Carly goes through with marrying Flynn. “I’m not going to have him live in a house with two people who don’t love each other.” He tells her that if she can look him in the eye and tell him that she loves Flynn, then he’ll give her his blessing.

AU – Giff’s Studio

Ally tells Giff that she can’t talk to her parents and claims that she’ll tell them “later.” He keeps asking questions about her family and she starts to come apart under the scrutiny until he backs off a little, suggesting again that she call the hotline. She wonders why he won’t help her and tells him that the “pregnancy stuff” makes her “feel so betrayed.” He asks if she means that she feels betrayed by the father, but she clarifies that she feels betrayed “by everyone. I’ve never been so hurt in my life.”

He tells her that he’ll stand by her and she thanks him for being so understanding. He tells her that his son was born just after he graduated and when she tries to get more information, he shuts the conversation down and points out how late it is, sending her home.

AU – Giff’s Studio

Giff has returned to working on the portrait of Trisha, but suddenly stops and starts thinking about his son’s birth.

Rescott House – Living Room

Ally returns and Bonnie is waiting for her. Ally apologizes for running out earlier and says that she didn’t mean to hurt her. Bonnie says that she didn’t mean to hurt Ally, either, and asks where she’s been. Ally says she was out with her boyfriend, who “really understands” her and who she thinks is “the one.” She tells Bonnie that she doesn’t have to worry about her, but Bonnie says that she’ll always do so.

Ally tells Bonnie that things are fine and she can go back home, but Bonnie understands that things are not fine and that she hasn’t handled this well. “What do I have to do to get past it, to get through to you?” she wonders. Ally tells her that they have separate lives now and that she’s not a little girl anymore.

New York Apartment

Carly tells Paul that she intends to marry Flynn and, when pressed, says that she loves him. Paul wonders about her declaration of love to him and Carly says that she was wrong and confused because of Michael being so sick. She tells Paul he should leave and go back to Corinth and Ava. She wonders if he told Ava he was coming to New York and when he says that he didn’t, she suggests that he call her in case he’s back late. When he declines, she wonders if he wants to keep this visit a secret.

He tells her that all he wants is for her to be happy and she sees him to the door.


Clay and Dinah Lee return and Hannah is on the phone, ordering bridal magazines. He asks her to hang up and she wonders what’s going on. He starts to break the news, doing a long preamble on his way, but Dinah Lee can’t go through with it and tells Hannah that what Clay is trying to say is that the wedding is going to happen “as soon as possible.”

Episode Cast:

  • Paul Slavinsky – Joseph Breen
  • Dinah Lee Mayberry – Jessica Collins
  • Giff Bowman – Richard Cox
  • Hannah Mayberry – Rebecca Gayheart
  • Michael – Alexander Kniffin
  • Clay Alden – Larkin Malloy
  • Flynn Riley – Keith Pruitt
  • Carly Rescott – Colleen Quinn
  • Ally Rescott – Laura Wright
  • Bonnie Rescott – Lisby Larson
  • Mr. Van Hattum – Richard Maynard

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