
I came to Loving late in the game, well after both it and its spinoff, The City, had been cancelled. I discovered it through episodes posted on Youtube and then acquired some episodes from soap DVD sellers/traders and in the process fell in love with Corinth and the people in it.  I also discovered a general dearth of information about the show online.  While it’s easy to find information about the major ABC soaps, General Hospital, All My Children, and One Life to Live, information about Loving is harder to come by.  That’s why I decided to start this blog, to gather information about the show and its characters in one place so that it can be easily accessible to others who are looking for it.

Except for the years of the show that I’ve been able to watch for myself, much of the information here is culled from recaps and articles that I’ve been able to find.  If any information is incorrect or missing a piece, please feel free to correct me.

And if you have, or if you know of, any episodes for sale from the ‘80s or ‘90/91, please let me know.  I’m always looking to expand my personal library to add more Loving.

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