Recap & Episode Counts: March, 1992

Head Writer: Addie Walsh / Executive Producer: Fran Sears


Dinah Lee is in a panic when she learns that her little sister, Hannah, has taken it upon herself to come to Corinth for a visit to see for herself how fabulous Dinah Lee’s life really is. Meeting her in the diner, Dinah Lee starts to work her way up to admitting that her letters were full of lies and that she’s not actually a wealthy and successful socialite with a boyfriend named Trucker, but is surprised by the sudden arrival of Arthur dressed as a chauffeur. Knowing that Dinah Lee doesn’t want to let Hannah down, Clay has come up with a scheme to make Dinah Lee’s life look as wonderful as her letters claimed by renting the penthouse at the Corinth Towers, enlisting Arthur to help, and deciding to play the role of Trucker McKenzie himself.

Hannah is suitably impressed when they arrive at the penthouse and even more so when “Trucker” arranges for a piano to be delivered so that she can practice during her visit. Becoming quickly enchanted with Dinah Lee’s life in Corinth – and pleased to be reunited with her sister – Hannah wants to stay in town and is confused that Dinah Lee seems to want to be rid of her, but comes to understand that Dinah Lee just wants some time alone with “Trucker” as they start their life together. Knowing that they plan to get married soon, Hannah declares that she’ll stay just long enough to see them get married, leaving Dinah Lee and Clay to try to pull a wedding together so that they can send Hannah away before she discovers the truth.

The ruse is nearly exposed immediately when Hannah, wanting to give Dinah Lee and “Trucker” some time alone, leaves the penthouse with Arthur, who takes her to the motorcycle shop. When the real Trucker shows up, Hannah is confused and Arthur tries to cover by claiming that “Trucker” is a popular nickname in Corinth – which is news to Trucker himself. A second encounter leaves Trucker wondering why Arthur has been absent from the shop and Arthur admits that he’s been moonlighting at another job, but promises that it will be over soon, and Trucker agrees to go along with it because he thinks it’s all in the name of helping Arthur make a good impression on Hannah, on whom he quickly develops a crush.

The next threat to the success of the plan is Gwyneth, who discovers that Clay is renting the penthouse and, more importantly, that he’s about to be kicked out because he’s not able to pay the bill. When she investigates further, she meets Hannah and learns that she’s Dinah Lee’s sister and believes that Dinah Lee is engaged to Trucker (Clay). Pretending to be the Corinth Towers’ wedding coordinator, Gwyneth gets the details on the white lies Dinah Lee has told her sister and believes that she’s now got Clay where she wants him. Under threat of not only exposing the truth to Hannah, but also revealing to Trisha what Clay has been doing in Trucker’s name, Gwyneth gets Clay to agree to get Dinah Lee out of Corinth for good.

Determined to send Hannah out of town on a high note, Clay and Dinah Lee pull together a wedding at Pins, enlisting Louie to act as the minister. Despite Gwyneth crashing the ceremony and causing a scene, “Trucker” and Dinah Lee are pronounced man and wife and afterwards Maggie, who has come to believe that Clay’s feelings for Dinah Lee are genuine, invites Hannah to stay with her so that the newlyweds can have some privacy on their wedding night. Returning to the penthouse, Clay and Dinah Lee are relieved to have pulled their plan off, but also caught off guard as they quietly realize how much they’ve come to mean to each other.


After successfully scamming her way into Giff’s class by paying another student to produce some artwork for her, Ally is in a bad spot once she’s in class and is expected to produce work of the same quality. Although Giff quickly figures out what she’s done, she comes up with a cover story and sticks to it and he decides to let her stay on in the class, which only serves to embolden her further as she continues pursuing a romantic relationship with him. Aware that Ally has a crush on Giff, Kate thinks that it has more to do with her volatile relationship with Bonnie – whose new boyfriend is an artist – than it does about Giff himself.

Indeed, after Bonnie reveals that she’s engaged and pregnant, Ally turns to Giff for comfort and attention and when he tries to rebuff her, she lies that she’s pregnant. Although uncomfortable with being her confidante, when she tells him that she feels like he’s the only person she can talk to, he tries to help her, but is confused when she refuses his offer to take her to see a doctor, even after she admits that she hasn’t actually taken a pregnancy test. He encourages her to share her news with her family so that they can support her, but she resists that suggestion for obvious reasons. Meanwhile, at a loss for how to repair her relationship with Ally, Bonnie learns from Ava that Ally is nursing a cursh on her professor and decides to speak to him herself in case he might be able to give her some insight on what’s going on with Ally. Mistakenly believing that Bonnie has come to him because Ally has told her about her supposed pregnancy, Giff lets the cat out of the bag, leaving Bonnie shocked.

When Bonnie asks Ally about the pregnancy, the discussion unravels into another argument and when Bonnie pleads with Ally to tell her how she can repair their relationship, Ally replies that she can do so by breaking up with her boyfriend. Bonnie refuses to do so and as they continue arguning, Bonnie suddenly doubles over in pain. At the hospital later, she learns that she’s miscarried her baby and Ally is guilt stricken, believing that she’s caused it to happen. Bonnie absolves her of responsibility, but the experience has given Ally some much needed clarity that finally allows her to meet her mother half way in repairing their relationship. Although she declines Bonnie’s offer to come and live with her, Ally commits to doing her part to improve their relationship going forward.

With her conflict with her mother now resolved, Ally finds that her crush on Giff has now resolved as well. Having been previously encouraged by Sam Maxwell – who is in a frat with mutual friend Buddy – to rush the Alpha Delphi sorority, Ally takes Tess along with her to visit the sorority’s house. However, the sorority’s President, Staige Prince, is quick to tell her that it’s too late for her to rush. Hoping to get around the rules, Ally drops Isabelle Alden’s name, implying that her family is wealthy like the Aldens and very connected. Intrigued, Staige speaks to her sorority sisters and they decide to make an exception for Ally.


Although she’s ostensibly won the battle for Paul now that Carly has bowed out and moved to New York with Michael, Ava is feeling like the loser as she becomes increasingly aware that Paul’s mind – and perhaps his heart – is elsewhere. Jealous of the amount of time Paul spends on the phone with Carly and Michael as he tries to remain an active part of his son’s life despite the physical distance between them, Ava is relieved when she learns that Carly has reunited with ex-boyfriend Flynn in New York. However, Paul reacts badly when he learns that Flynn is back in Carly’s life and though he tries to claim that he’s concerned about her attention being divided, it’s clear that the real problem is that he’s jealous.

For her part, Carly is feeling so desperate to find an escape from her feelings for Paul that just shortly after reuniting with Flynn, she tells him that she wants them to get married. He accepts her proposal and they happily share their news with Michael, who is thrilled for them. Ava is similarly pleased when she finds out, though Kate has her doubts that Carly is marrying Flynn for the right reasons, and Paul is so furious about the development that he gets on a train to New York to try to forbid Carly from going through with it. Carly sends Paul home, insisting that she wants to marry Flynn and that her previous declaration of love for Paul arose from the stress of Michael’s illness.

Carly tries to make herself happy with Flynn, but Paul’s brief visit has unsettled things between them. When they go out to dinner and Carly becomes distracted by another patron who is in a wheelchair, Flynn becomes furious, realizing that she’s been using him and that he’s right back in the same untenable position he was in when he decided to leave Corinth. He storms out with Carly close behind him, their argument continuing in the street outside the restaurant, and he demands that she admit the truth. After she replies that she can’t help loving Paul, Flynn steps into the street, not noticing the car coming towards him, which hits him. Carly rushes to his side, but he dies before the ambulance can arrive.

Guilt stricken by what’s happened to Flynn, Carly consoles herself with alcohol and sends Michael back to Corinth in the company of her roommate, Jackie, so that he won’t see her self-destruct. Alone in New York, Carly drowns herself in alcohol, while back in Corinth her loved ones worry about the state she’s in and Ava and Paul decide to head to New York and then bring Carly back to Corinth.


With Trisha gone and Isabelle having kicked him out of The Tides, Trucker decides to move back into the cabin, but Stacey talks him into holding his ground and staying on at The Tides in case Trisha comes back, but also so that Stacey can continue her investigation into the mystery of the hidden room. With the help of an architect, Trucker and Stacey locate the probable location of the hidden room and begin taking down the wall, finally discovering a hidden staircase and then an attic room that was sealed off in the 1940s.

While Trucker and Stacey are exploring the secret room, a mystery person has let themselves into The Tides and checks up on their progress. When Stacey brings Isabelle to see the room, she learns that the place used to be the lovenest where Cabot would bring his mistresses and feels guilty about uncovering such a painful part of Isabelle’s past, but after JJ uncovers a cache of love letters hidden in the room, Stacey can’t help herself from continuing to investigate. Returning to the room, Stacey falls asleep while reading the love letters and the mystery person returns and begins boarding up the wall, unaware that Stacey is upstairs. When Stacey realizes what’s happening, the mystery person flees, and Stacey is rescued when Trucker returns and finds her stuck in the wall.

Stacey is rattled by her brush with death, but undeterred from continuing to dig into the mystery as she’s convinced that if someone would go to such great lengths to bury the past, there must be more to hide than just a long ago affair. Trucker agrees to work with her to get to the truth and they set a trap, reasoning that the mystery woman will return to finish what she started. When they catch the mystery woman returning, she pulls a gun on them and flees. Although Trucker takes off in pursuit, he’s unable to catch her, but he and Stacey reconfirm their determination to find out what’s really going on.


Keenly aware that Isabelle is making moves to try to maneuver Clay back into Alden Enterprises – and oust him as CEO – Jack believes that he’s found a “can’t miss” acquisition in the form of a diet drink called Take Off. Keeping it under wraps so that Isabelle won’t be able to sabotage it, Jack takes no one except for Shana into his confidence, though she’s less than sold on the product when they meet with Larry Lamont and Jeanne Lille, the creators. Already stressed from his battle of wills with Isabelle, Jack is annoyed by Shana’s attitude, but she makes a swift turn around as she begins spending more time with Larry, with whom she begins a relationship.

Shana quickly begins to fall for Larry, opening up to him about her relationship with Jim and how the loss of him and their son continues to affect her, and Jack feels confident that the Take Off acquisition will be such a great success that it will stave off any attempt to at a coup. However, Jack and Shana’s secretive behavior has not gone unnoticed and Isabelle tries to capitalize on Gwyneth realizing that she’s being frozen out of the inner circle to try to sway her to the other side. But while Gwyneth is taken aback when she suddenly finds herself cast out, she remains firm that she does not trust Clay and does not support his return to the company and expresses confidence in Jack’s leadership. What neither she nor Jack and Shana know is that Jack’s new deal is a scam and that Larry and Jeanne, who are a couple, are planning to flee after closing the deal and cashing the check.

Episodes Counted: 22

01. Rebecca Gayheart (Hannah Mayberry) – 15
02. Jessica Collins (Dinah Lee Mayberry) – 14
**. Lauren-Marie Taylor (Stacey Donovan Forbes) – 14
04. Larkin Malloy (Clay Alden) – 13
**. Colleen Quinn (Carly Rescott) – 13
06. Laura Wright (Ally Rescott) – 12
07. Richard Cox (Giff Bowman) – 11
**. Christine Tudor (Gwyneth Alden) – 11
**. Robert Tyler (Trucker McKenzie) – 11
10. Keith Grumet (Arthur Davis) – 10
11. Bernard Barrow (Louie Slavinsky) – 9
**. Joseph Breen (Paul Slavinsky) – 9
**. Keith Pruitt (Flynn Riley) – 9
**. Nada Rowand (Kate Slavinsky) – 9
15. Alexander Kniffin (Michael) – 8
**. Lisby Larson (Bonnie Rescott) – 8
**. John Schneider (Larry Lamont) – 8
18. Christopher Cass (Jack Forbes) – 7
**. Celeste Holm (Isabelle Alden) – 7
**. Susan Keith (Shana Vochek) – 7
**. Lisa Peluso (Ava Rescott) – 7
**. Constance Schulman (Maggie) – 7
23. Marguerite Elizabeth MacIntyre (Jeanne Lille) – 6
24. Daisey Fuentes (Tess) – 5
25. Hazel J. Medina (Jackie) – 4
26. Christopher Kirk Allen (Buddy) – 3
**. Richard Maynard (Mr. Van Hattum) – 3
**. Michael Dean McCarty (Sam) – 3
29. Julie Bowen (Steffi) – 2
**. Noah Segan (JJ Forbes) – 2
31. Daniel Ahern (Josh) – 1
**. Eden Atwood (Staige Prince) – 1
**. Noelle Beck (Trisha Alden McKenzie) – 1
**. Susan Blommaert (Shelley Holstein) – 1
**. William Hickey (Mr. Shafer) – 1
**. Cherry Jones (Frankie) – 1
**. Joe Leffert (Alan Stein) – 1
**. Noble Lee Lester (Andy Martel) – 1
**. Kip Niven (John Neal) – 1
**. Erik Stefan (Jeff) – 1
**. Sam Stoneburner (Soames) – 1
**. Unknown (Monica) – 1
**. Unknown (Whitney) – 1
**. Unknown (Gail) – 1

Contract Arrivals: John Schneider (Larry Lamont), Eden Atwood (Staige Prince)

Contract Departures: Keith Pruitt (Flynn Riley)

01. Penthouse – 10
02. New York Apartment – 8
**. Pins – Bar – 8
**. The Tides – Living Room – 8
05. AU – Giff’s Studio – 7
**. Rescott House – Living Room – 7
07. The Tides – Attic Room – 6
**. The Tides – Upstairs Hallway – 6
09. Penthouse – Exterior – 4
**. The Tides – Front Porch – 4
**. Trucker’s Shop – 4
12. AE – Hallway – 3
**. Pins – Equipment Room – 3
**. Slavinksy House – Living Room – 3
**. The Tides – Hidden Staircase – 3
16. AE – Dining Room – 2
**. AE – Gwyneth’s Office – 2
**. AE – Shana’s Office – 2
**. AU – Hallway – 2
**. Corinth Towers – Larry’s Room – 2
**. Corinth Towers – Lobby – 2
**. Pins – Alley – 2
**. Rescott House – Ally’s Room – 2
24. AE – CEO’s Office – 1
**. AE – Elevator – 1
**. Alden Mansion – Gatehouse – 1
**. Alden Mansion – Jack & Stacey’s Bedroom –1
**. Alden Mansion – Library – 1
**. Alpha Delphi House – 1
**. Burnell’s – Checkers – 1
**. Corinth Towers – Coffee Shop – 1
**. Diner – 1
**. Flynn’s Apartment (New York) – 1
**. Gwyneth’s Apartment – 1
**. Hospital Room – 1
**. Hotel Room – 1
**. New York Bar – 1
**. New York Diner – 1
**. New York Restaurant – 1
**. Penthouse – Kitchen – 1
**. Pins – Apartment – 1
**. Radio Station – Studio –1
**. Rescott House – Front Porch – 1
**. Rescott House – Kitchen – 1
**. Shana’s Apartment – Bedroom – 1
**. Slavinsky House – Bedroom – 1
**. Slavinsky House – Kitchen – 1

Days Depicted: 5 (February 25-March 4; March 5-10; March 11-16; March 17-23; March 24-31)

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