Recap: April 1, 1992

Corinth Towers – Larry’s Room/Hallway

Larry wakes Jeanne up, telling her that he’s ordered in breakfast for them. Meanwhile, out in the hall, Shana intercepts the waiter so that she can deliver it herself as a surprise for him.

AU – Hallway

Ally and Tess come down the hall and are confronted by four guys wearing masks. They proceed to pick Ally up and carry her away. She calls out to Tess for help, but Tess just laughs.

AE – CEO’s Office

Jack is looking for the Take Off contract when Stacey drops in and he tells her that it’s not a good time and whatever it is, she’ll have to wait. She proceeds anyway, telling him that he’s working too hard and it’s affecting their marriage. “Can we not do this right now?” he asks, but she points out that he’s never home, so when else would they do this?

He keeps looking for the contract while she’s talking and she gets frustrated because he’s not paying attention. “I’m doing this for you,” he says, “I’m doing this for my family.” She points out how little time he’s been spending with the kids lately and he tells her that it won’t always been this way. She expresses doubt that it needs to be this way now since Clay has been back for three months and hasn’t actually done a thing to him. Jack disagrees and thinks that there’s a propaganda campaign against him that Isabelle and Clay are behind.

“They have left me with very little choice,” Jack argues, but Stacey tells him that even if they have, he doesn’t have to play their game. He tells her to stop undermining him and suggests that if she’s not going to support him, she go ahead and “take another trip around the world.”

Corinth Towers – Hallway/Larry’s Room

Larry opens the door and is surprised to see Shana. She asks if she can come in and he tries to keep her out, telling her that he’ll get dressed and come out to talk to her, but she reminds him that she’s seen him without pants on and invites herself in. When she takes a look at what he’s ordered for breakfast, she wonders what’s up since she thought he only had the Take Off shakes in the morning. “You caught me,” he says sheepishly.

She tells him that she missed him and starts kissing him and he tells her that he missed her, too. She notices that she got some egg on her sleeve and starts to head for the bathroom, but he stops her, telling her that it’s a mess in there. He goes to the closet to get her a towel and finds Jeanne hiding in there. Since she’s there and not in the bathroom, he tells Shana to go ahead and use the bathroom after all.

Once Shana is out of the room, Jeanne opens the closet and starts giving Larry a hard time.

Slavinsky House – Living Room/Bar (New York)

Ava is packing and telling Paul how worried she is about Carly – but she’s also worried about what and how much to pack. He decides to head out for a bit before they go and just after he leaves, Ava gets a call from Carly, who is at a bar. Ava realizes that something is wrong and asks Carly where she is.

Alpha Delphi House

Ally is brought to the Alpha Delphis and Staige dismisses the henchmen, telling them it was a “job well done.” She then invites Ally and the other pledges to take a seat and one of them is super impressed that they’re about to have “a formal tea.”

Staige gives a speech about the sorority and what it stands for and then tells the pledges that they should ask any questions that come to mind as they mingle. Steffi congratulates Ally on surviving the initiation and asks if she has a big sister yet. “Mine was Staige,” she says. “I’m no dummy; that woman can open every door on campus.”

Steffi is called away for a phone call and Ally heads over to Staige and asks if she would be her big sister, but Staige says that she can’t because she’s too busy as head of the sorority. Ally makes her case anyway and Staige quickly gives in. When Ally says that she can’t wait to move into the house, Staige tells her that living in the house isn’t automatic. Staige then starts breaking down the costs of being in a sorority: “We have our pledge and badge fee, you’ve got your initiation fee, in the house there’s the building and parlor dues, member dues, national dues…”

This is starting to sound like an MLM.

Alpha Delphi House

Ally admits that she didn’t realize this endeavor would be so expensive and Staige is surprised, since the rush book has a breakdown of the fees. Ally reminds her that she missed orientation, claiming that it’s because she was working with her grandmother doing fundraising with Isabelle Alden. Staige gives her a mini orientation, telling her about all the parties she can expect to attend. “A different dress for each occasion won’t be a problem?” she wonders. Ally assures her that it will not and Staige goes on to tell her that being an Alpha Del will change her life – “of course it means spending less time with some of your other friends.” Ally is a little taken aback by the suggestion that she’ll have to drop Tess – though she may wish to consider that Tess just stood there laughing when four masked dudes came along and kidnapped her, so…

Bar (New York)/Slavinsky House – Living Room

Carly is confused when Ava asks if she’s still in Chicago and drunkenly tells her that she was just in a beautiful (or “bootifle” as she slurs it) church. She adds that she wants Ava and Paul to get married there and Ava asks for the address so that they’ll know where it is. “I made such a mess of things,” Carly confesses. Ava tells her that she wants to come and see her, but Carly tells her not to. “You were right, Ava, and so was Flynn,” Carly says. She describes the accident for Ava and says that she can’t stop thinking about it. Carly hangs up as Ava pleads with her to tell her where she is.

AE – CEO’s Office

Jack apologizes to Stacey, saying that he just feels like he’s getting it from all sides lately. She tells him that she’ll forgive him, but she’s not going to change her opinions just because he disagrees with them and says that he’s wrong about Isabelle. “I wish you could see her the way I see her. She’s not this vindictive witch you’re making her out to be.” He thinks she’s blinded by the idea of a Isabelle as a young housewife wounded by her husband’s infidelity (gee, I wonder why that might be triggering for Stacey) and argues that they need to deal with the Isabelle of today.

She warns him that if he keep this up, he’s going to end up all alone. “Has it really gotten that bad?” he asks. He promises to leave work early and take her out to dinner, but she tells him that their problems aren’t going to be fixed by one dinner.

AE – CEO’s Office

Jeanne arrives late for the meeting with Jack, Shana, and Larry, saying that she got caught in traffic. Larry brings up the check Jack is going to give them, but Jack tells them that the check is just an installment because they’re delaying letting the Board know about the acquisition. “We’re holding off for the product testing,” Shana says and Jack adds that as soon as the test is complete, they’ll bring Larry and Jeanne in to pitch to the Board.

Shana tells Larry that they have a lot of confidence in him. “Confidence is the name of the game,” he smarms. Jeanne reminds Larry that they have an appointment and they head out. Once they’re gone, Shana notices that Jack isn’t very happy and he tells her that if the Board doesn’t embrace Take Off, he’s going to get in trouble for misappropriation of funds for the installment monies. “We’re both betting our careers on this one,” she tells him.

She wonders if there’s something else the matter and he confides in her about tensions between him and Stacey. She thinks he should tell Stacey about his plans with Take Off, but he doesn’t want to because he thinks she would disapprove. “No one or nothing is going to take this project away from me,” he says.

Slavinsky House – Living Room

Paul returns and Ava fills him in on the call from Carly and the fact that she was drunk and didn’t actually go to Chicago. She tells him that if they hurry, they can catch the next train.

Bar (New York)

The bartender tells Carly that she’s being cut off, so she’d better enjoy her last drink. She downs it and walks out.

AU – Hallway

Ally catches up with Tess and tells her about getting into Alpha Del. She thinks that the sorority will be good for her because it will give her some roots, but Tess thinks being an Alpha Del is just going to make her a conformist. “You had a name – people could point and say, ‘Hey, there goes Ally Rescott.’ Now they’ll say, ‘Hey, there goes an Alpha Del.’”

Ally changes the subject, saying that it won’t even matter if she can’t raise the money she needs to join. Tess suggests she apply for legal aid, but Ally admits that she lied to Staige about her financial situation. “I had to Tess; there’s no way I’m going to let a chance like this go by.”

Episode Cast:

  • Staige Prince – Eden Atwood
  • Paul Slavinsky – Joseph Breen
  • Jack Forbes – Christopher Cass
  • Shana Vochek – Susan Keith
  • Ava Rescott – Lisa Peluso
  • Carly Rescott – Colleen Quinn
  • Larry Lamont – John Schneider
  • Stacey Donovan Forbes – Lauren-Marie Taylor
  • Trucker McKenzie – Robert Tyler
  • Ally Rescott – Laura Wright
  • Steffi – Julie Bowen
  • Tess – Daisey Fuentes
  • Jeanne Lille – Marguerite Elizabeth MacIntyre

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