Recap: March 27, 1992

The Tides – Front Porch/Living Room

Trucker and Stacey bring some boxes out onto the porch, hoping to lure the mystery person to take the contents. He encourages her to go home, but she wants to stay and catch the person. He doesn’t put up a fight and they head inside and turn off the lights. “And now we wait…” she says.

Pins – Bar

Maggie helps Clay get ready for the wedding and asks if he’s “excited.” He reminds her that it’s not a real wedding, but she implies that she thinks there’s something real between him and Dinah Lee.


Hannah helps Dinah Lee get ready, telling her that she looks like she “stepped out of a fairytale.” She adds that she can’t wait to see the look on “Trucker’s” face when he sees her and Dinah Lee admits that she’s nervous. “My sister’s getting married! I don’t believe it, Dinah Lee.” “Neither do I,” Dinah Lee says.

Rescott House – Living Room

Kate helps Louie get ready for the wedding, but grumbles that she doesn’t know why he’s helping with this, warning that it can’t be a “harmless” deception if Clay is involved in it. “He’s just making a young girl’s dreams come true,” Louie defends. Kate worries about what will happen when Hannah finds out what happened, but he thinks it will all be fine.

They start talking about Carly and worry about her being on her own in New York. He tells her to try calling her again.

New York Apartment

But Carly is already on the phone, ordering a case of booze for immediate delivery. When told that it’ll take a half hour for it to arrive, she tells the person on the other line that she’ll be timing them.

When she hears Jackie coming into the room, Carly hides the bottle she’s been working through in the couch cushions. Jackie tells her that she’s not looking well and asks how she’s feeling. Carly says she didn’t sleep well and Jackie encourages her to call her family, but Carly gets snappy with her, saying that she’ll “call them when I want to.”

Jackie tells her that she’s got to go to Houston for work and suggests that Carly might come with her, but she refuses, saying she has things to do. Those things do not include going to Flynn’s memorial service, nor do they include seeing her family, and she gets angry when Jackie brings up talking to them again. She insists that all she needs is to be alone, then pulls back on her tone slightly and apologizes to Jackie, who gives her the number where she’ll be staying and tells her to take care of herself.


Dinah Lee and Hannah look at themselves in the mirror and Hannah brings up how they used to do the same thing when they were kids. Hannah says that “Trucker” told her all about the honeymoon he has planned for him and Dinah Lee and Dinah Lee says she “can’t wait,” but she isn’t very enthusiastic about it and Hannah wonders what’s wrong. Dinah Lee says it’s because Hannah is about to leave and she’s been so busy with planning the wedding that they didn’t really get to spend any time together. “Then I guess I’ll have to stay in Corinth,” Hannah jokes.

Dinah Lee is apologetic about how distracted she’s been, but Hannah understands because Dinah Lee has so much going on. “I just wish sometimes that I didn’t have the distractions,” Dinah Lee admits. She ventures to say that if suddenly all the luxury were to go away, things would still be okay because they would still have each other. “But, Dinah Lee, it’s not going to go away. You’ve accomplished it and I’m so proud of you,” Hannah replies.

Hannah heads upstairs to finish getting ready. Dinah Lee remains downstairs, looking guilty and sad.

The Tides – Living Room

Trucker wonders how late Stacey can stay before Jack starts to miss her, but she doesn’t think it’s possible for Jack to miss her given how much he’s been working. He asks how she’s feeling and she insists that she’s “okay” and is hopeful that once Jack has resolved the Clay issue at AE, things will settle down.

Stacey wonders if Trucker has heard from Trisha and asks how he is doing. He’s upset, obviously, and wants to see his son. “This isn’t right.” Stacey is sympathetic and thinks Trisha must be very “confused” to stay away this long. He tells her that he doesn’t want to talk about Trisha.

New York Apartment/Rescott House – Living Room

Kate finally gets through to Carly, who tells her that she doesn’t feel like talking to anyone. Kate encourages her to come home, but Carly refuses, so Kate offers to come there, but Carly tells her not to. When Kate insists, Carly says that she’s about to go out of town to attend Flynn’s memorial service in Chicago. Kate offers to go with her, but Carly says that she’s going with some friends and will have to leave first thing in the morning. She rushes Kate off the phone and goes over to the couch, where she cradles Flynn’s jacket in her arms.

Pins – Bar

Maggie notices how nervous Clay is and teases him about it. “You have real feelings for Dinah Lee,” she tells him. He denies it, but she doesn’t believe him.

Some friends of Louie’s walk in and Louie introduces them to Clay, explaining that he filled them in on what’s going on. Among Louie’s friends is the Mayor and the Chief of Police.

Giff shows up and Clay wonders why he’s there. “I came for Dinah Lee,” he says. “Loyalty is a wonderful thing,” Clay replies. Giff tells Clay that Dinah Lee is vulnerable and warns him not to hurt her. “You should have been born in the age of chivalry,” Clay tells him, then starts needling him about Gwyneth. Noticing that they’re in a swiftly escalating argument, Louie comes over to break it up, reminding them that things are about to get started.

Giff stalks off and Louie asks Clay if things are okay. “I know how much you care for Dinah Lee,” Louie tells him, but wonders what’s going to happen after the ceremony. “You going to put [Dinah Lee] on a train out of town?” Clay shrugs and admits that he doesn’t know. “I guess we’ll just take things one thing at a time.”

New York Apartment

Carly receives her alcohol delivery and gives the deliveryman a hard time about how long it took. He wonders if she’s having a party and how one might get an invitation. “You don’t,” she says, showing him the door.

She ignores the ringing phone so that she can start opening the box. Kate leaves a message on the machine, pleading with Carly to pick up if she’s there. “Everybody stop worrying about me,” Carly says, picking up Flynn’s jacket and a bottle and heading out the door.

The Tides – Living Room

Stacey tells Trucker that she’s sure Trisha will come back and they’ll work things out, but he darkly says “We’ll see.”

They hear someone approaching and go to the window. Someone is on the porch and he heads to the door to catch them. When he opens it, he discovers a woman dressed all in black on the porch, looking at the bait he and Stacey left.

Pins – Bar

Arthur announces the arrival of Dinah Lee and Hannah. “Look at her…” Clay says to Maggie. Dinah Lee and Clay step aside together and he tells her how good she looks. He assures her that they’re going to pull this off and tells her to relax. “Everything is under control.”

Across the room, Arthur tells Hannah that her impending departure is making him sad. “I’ll be back,” she assures him.

Louie walks over to Clay and Dinah Lee and asks if they’re ready to start. Dinah Lee reminds him to call Clay “Trucker” and they agree to get things started. Louie gets everyone’s attention and tells everyone to take their places.

As everyone is getting ready, Gwyneth, walks in.

Episode Cast:

  • Louie Slavinsky – Bernard Barrow
  • Dinah Lee Mayberry – Jessica Collins
  • Giff Bowman – Richard Cox
  • Hannah Mayberry – Rebecca Gayheart
  • Clay Alden – Larkin Malloy
  • Carly Rescott – Colleen Quinn
  • Kate Slavinsky – Nada Rowand
  • Stacey Donovan Forbes – Lauren-Marie Taylor
  • Gwyneth Alden – Christine Tudor
  • Trucker McKenzie – Robert Tyler
  • Arthur Davis – Keith Grumet
  • Jackie – Hazel J. Medina
  • Maggie – Constance Schulman

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