Recap: March 9, 1992

Trucker’s Shop

Hannah remarks that it’s weird that she’s meeting another guy named “Trucker” and Arthur puts in that “Trucker” is a popular name around Corinth, which is news to Trucker. Arthur tries to change the subject, but Trucker wants to know who else he knows with his name.

Radio Station – Studio/New York Apartment

Paul is on the phone with Michael, who reveals that Carly is out on a date with Flynn. “What is Flynn doing there?” Paul wonders. Michael fills him in on running into Flynn.

The Tides – Upstairs Hallway/Living Room

While Stacey works on taking apart the wall one tiny patch of drywall at a time, someone breaks into The Tides. Stacey hears the door slam and calls Trucker’s name, wondering if he’s come back.

Trucker’s Shop

Hannah starts to explain to Trucker that her sister’s fiancé shares his name, but Arthur starts wheezing as though he’s having an asthma attack and Trucker asks if he needs his inhaler. Arthur motions for Trucker to step aside with him and then drops the pretense and tells Trucker that he needs a favor, telling him that he needs him to leave. “To procure my present standing and position with the aforementioned female, I took the liberty of employing a fabrication of employment.” Trucker asks him to repeat that and Arthur says, “I lied about my job to get the date.” Trucker wonders why he would do that and Arthur tells him to look at how Hannah is dressed, suggesting that she’s a rich girl he’s trying to impress. “I told her that you were a millionaire and that I was your executive assistant.”

Trucker thinks that this is adorable and Arthur adds that he (Trucker) doesn’t exactly fit the description he gave Hannah of the millionaire Trucker he works for, so he asks him to pretend to be a different Trucker and then make his exit. Trucker agrees, but worries about the fact that the last time Arthur had a date with a girl, he almost died because he stopped being able to breathe. Arthur assures him that he’ll be fine and says that Hannah is “different” and doesn’t make him nervous. Trucker says he’ll go and tells Arthur not to do anything he wouldn’t do. Arthur asks him to be more specific and Trucker tells him, “Never mind.”

Trucker grabs the sledgehammer and heads out and Hannah remarks to Arthur that she can’t believe there’s more than one “Trucker” in Corinth. Arthur agrees that it’s remarkable, but tells her that nicknames abound in Corinth. When she asks for an example, he tells her that he knows three different guys nicknamed “Cabbie.” She tells him that Dinah Lee nicknamed her “Kitten” when they were kids.

He decides that they should head back to the penthouse, but she doesn’t want to. “Trucker and my sister, they need to spend some time alone.” He asks what she wants to do instead and she asks him to take her for a ride on a motorcycle.

The Tides – Living Room/Front Porch

Stacey comes downstairs and finds the door open and no one around. She steps out onto the front porch and meekly calls Trucker’s name.

Radio Station – Studio

Andy reminds Paul that it’s been quite a while since the last episode of “Weird City” and that the absence has been having a negative affect on the station. Paul doesn’t see what the big deal is and as they’re talking, Ava walks in and tells Paul that she’s there to take him to dinner. He tells her that he can’t because he’s still working, so Ava goes over his head and asks Andy if Paul can leave. Andy says that Paul is done for the day, then tells Ava that he was supposed to do a Weird City episode, then backed out after getting a call. “I just don’t feel like doing Weird City,” Paul says.

Andy leaves and Ava asks Paul who called him. “A fan called and said that he was sick of Weird City,” Paul claims, then says that he agreed with him. Ava points out that the story of Weird City is the story of their relationship and wonders if that means that he’s sick of their relationship. He assures her that he’s not, but wonders if they aren’t beyond the fantasy of Weird City. “I am tired of digging up all my emotional garbage for them to hear,” he says. “I am tired of always trying to think things through.” He says he no longer needs Weird City.

She thinks that this means that their relationship is back on track. He tells her that he loves her and isn’t going to let her leave him and she replies that she’s not going to let him let her leave.

New York – Restaurant

Flynn and Carly have dinner and she remarks that it sounds like New York has been good to him. “I miss you,” she says. He tries to steer the conversation in another direction and she wonders if he regrets asking her out. “Not yet,” he says.

She tells him that she’s settled the matter of her feelings for Paul and points to the fact that she’s moved to New York as proof. He points out that she had no choice but to move to New York because of Michael’s treatment, but she claims that she could have commuted back and forth between Corinth and DC for Michael to get treatment. “I’m going to make a life here,” she says, adding, “I don’t want Paul; I want you. Do you still want me?”

The Tides – Upstairs Hallway

Trucker returns and finds Stacey still working on the wall. She tells him about the door slamming downstairs and that she thinks someone might have been there. He adopts a very serious voice and tells her that on his way back, he heard on the radio that two guys escaped from Statesville and are on the loose. “What?!” she says, then realizing that he’s joking, she smacks him.

Trucker points out what she’s done to the wall and calls it “unbelievable” and she admits that she may have gotten “a little carried away.” She thinks that Trucker can fix it after they uncover the room. She takes the crowbar to the wall again and clears enough away to see that there’s a brick wall behind the plaster. As he’s telling her that the brick wall is a supporting wall and that she should give up the quest, the camera switches to the other side of the wall, revealing the cobwebbed staircase.

Radio Station – Studio/New York Apartment

Andy tells Paul he should head home since it’s getting late. Paul agrees, but then hesitates. He picks up the phone and calls Michael on the pretense of wanting to say “goodnight,” but really to find out if Carly is back yet. Michael tells him that she’s still out and Paul is upset that he’s home alone, but Michael says that he’s with a sitter. Michael offers to let Carly know that he called, but Paul tells him not to.

New York – Restaurant

Carly asks Flynn if he still loves her and he reluctantly and in a roundabout way admits that he does. They end up kissing and he tells her that he thinks they’d better go back to his place.

Trucker’s Shop

Arthur and Hannah are each on a motorcycle and they’re pretending to race, complete with sound effects. She asks him to take her for a real ride, but he says that they can’t because she’s not dressed for it. He then confesses that he doesn’t actually ride motorcycles; he only fixes them. He chalks it all up to a “childhood Freudian thing” after taking a fall off a bicycle when he was a kid. “I guess you must think I’m a total wimp.” They go back and forth about which one of them is more lame and when she says that she didn’t even have her first kiss with a guy until last year, he responds, “I’ve never kissed a guy, period.”

They laugh and she confides to him that, contrary to what Dinah Lee believes, she intends to stay in Corinth.

The Tides – Hidden Staircase/Upstairs Hallway/Living Room

As Trucker and Stacey are breaking through the wall and finding the staircase, someone is coming up the stairs in the living room.

Episode Cast:

  • Paul Slavinsky – Joseph Breen
  • Hannah Mayberry – Rebecca Gayheart
  • Michael – Alexander Kniffin
  • Ava Rescott – Lisa Peluso
  • Flynn Riley – Keith Pruitt
  • Carly Rescott – Colleen Quinn
  • Stacey Donovan Forbes – Lauren-Marie Taylor
  • Trucker McKenzie – Robert Tyler
  • Arthur Davis – Keith Grumet
  • Andy Martel – Noble Lee Lester

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