Recap: November 8, 1995

Donovan House – Living Room

Angie drops in on Buck, who is packing up the Donovan house. They talk about how strange it is to be there when Stacey isn’t around anymore and he asks about what happened between her and Jacob.

Hawkins Apartment

Lorraine leaves a message for Charles, apologizing for everything that happened the day before. When her bell goes, she puts down the phone, but accidentally doesn’t hang it up. Jacob is at the door.

Pins – Bar

Tony comes looking for Neal, who is now working there. Kate points Tony to where Neal is and Tony tells him they have “unfinished business.”

Across the room, Charles and Alex talk about how quiet things are since the murders were solved – well, Charles talks about it, Alex is a thousand miles away. Alex says that he’s quitting the force and leaving Corinth. For some reason, Charles looks surprised by this even though it should have occurred to him that Alex might want to follow Ava and the kids.

Pins – Bar

Alex confirms to Charles that he’s going to Tampa, but admits that he and Ava haven’t “worked things out” yet. He adds that he has no intention of groveling to Ava, but Charles thinks he’d better. He also thinks that maybe if they reconcile, they can all come back to Corinth, but Alex doesn’t think that’s in the cards, nor does he want to apply to join the Tampa police. “No more cops for me,” he says, “being a cop has ruined my life.”

Charles asks what Alex is thinking of doing with himself in Florida and Alex suggests that he’ll sell pools. Charles opines that being a cop is “in his blood,” which makes it sound like Alex has always been in law enforcement, which isn’t true. He was a spy, which I guess could be considered in the realm of law enforcement, but for almost the entirety of the character’s first run on the show, he was a businessman. He only became a cop once the writers started struggling with what to do with him and how to keep him connected/involved with the rest of the canvas.

Alex tells Charles that he cares more about having a wife and a family, which is kind of hilarious when you consider that he ends up on The City, which means that after failing to reconcile with Ava he chose to move 1,100 miles from his kids for no reason.

“Seems like everybody’s leaving,” Charles remarks, revealing that Angie’s on her way out of town, too.

Hawkins Apartment

Jacob tells Lorraine that he wanted to say goodbye before he left for New York. He asks if she’ll come see his new club and she tells him that she’ll miss him. She offers that she should make amends before he goes, saying that he’s helped her a lot at a time when she needed a friend, but that Charles has “always been the man for [her].” He reluctantly tells her that Charles and Angie are back together.

Pins – Bar

Alex is surprised that Charles and Angie are going to divorce, but Charles doesn’t much care to elaborate. Charles is hopeful, however, because he and Bree have started to connect and form a relationship and Alex wonders how Lorraine factors in. Charles doesn’t think he’s ready to start something new.

Tony clarifies to Neal that he’s not there to talk about the investigation, but to apologize and offer his sympathy about Gwyneth. Neal tells Tony that, in a way, he might have been responsible for the murders.

Donovan House – Living Room

Angie mentions that she heard that Rodeo has been sold to the Alden Foundation – which seems a little odd. The Foundation bought the bar, but not the Alden mansion and estate, which is probably the most prime piece of real estate in Corinth even factoring in that two people were murdered there?

They talk about his new club with Jacob and he tells her that she threw Jacob “for quite a loop.” She returns that he’s the one who threw her for a loop. “I never expected him to say that it was over between us.” Buck tells her that Jacob thinks she’s back together with Charles, which is news to Angie.

Donovan House – Living Room

Angie asks Buck why Jacob thinks she and Charles are back together and he tells her about Jacob seeing them at the hotel. “Charles asked me for a divorce,” she says. “We were saying goodbye.” Buck thinks she’d better find Jacob and talk to him about all this.

Hawkins Apartment

Jacob tells Lorraine that she needs to move on, but she says she can’t do that. Her heart is set on being with Charles. “For twenty years I have tried to pretend it’s not true; I’m fooling myself. I love that man. I love that man so much it’s killing me, Jacob.” He tells her that Charles and Angie are together and are staying that way and she says it doesn’t matter because she’s going to love Charles until the day she dies.

Pins – Bar

Alex and Charles talk to Frankie, who’s about to head off to New York. Alex decides to give him and Charles a minute alone and Frankie tells Charles that Angie told him about the divorce. “Things don’t always go like you want them to,” Charles says. Frankie says they can talk if Charles wants and offers to give him back the pocket watch.

Tony tells Neal that he’s not responsible for Gwyneth’s actions, but Neal thinks he could have stopped her by telling her who he was before everything went sideways. “Maybe she wouldn’t have felt so alone when Trisha sent her that letter.”

After finishing with Neal, Tony tells Alex that they’d better head over to the station and start tackling all the paperwork that’s waiting for them. Alex tells him that he’s leaving.

Charles tells Frankie to keep the watch because Frankie will always be family to him, which is sweet, but… maybe the family heirloom should go to Bree?

Charles wonders if Frankie will visit from time to time and says that maybe they can do a few rounds at the gym. Frankie jokes that Charles is a little old, so he’s not sure if he’ll be able to keep up, and Charles playfully swats at him.

Donovan House – Living Room

Buck reiterates that Angie needs to go talk to Jacob, but says he’s not sure where she should look. She gives him a hug and wishes him luck in New York. He asks her to promise that no matter what happens, she’ll come to the club whenever she visits Frankie.

Once she’s gone, Buck looks around the living room and picks up a perfume bottle, remembering Stacey. “I’ll never forget you, Stacey. No one ever will.”

Hawkins Apartment

Lorraine tells Jacob that she’ll figure this out for herself and he tells her to take it easy. After he’s gone, she realizes that the phone wasn’t hung up properly and hangs it up.

Pins – Bar/Hawkins Apartment

Kate jokes with Neal about all the things he could keep busy with around the house and he tells her that he likes it at Pins because it’s more peaceful than at the bistro. He tells her about Deborah’s plans to franchise.

Tony bitches at Alex about how he told Steffi he couldn’t go because he couldn’t just abandon Alex to wrap things up and now Steffi thinks they’re over. Alex tells him that he’ll find a way to work it out.

Tony heads out and Alex goes back to Charles, asking how things went with Frankie. Charles notices the jellybeans Alex is eating and Alex says it’s a new bad habit he’s picked up. Alex tells Charles that he’s been a good friend and they shake hands then hug.

Then Alex just walks out and doesn’t have any kind of final exchange with Kate.

Charles goes over to the jukebox and puts on “When a Man Loves a Woman.” Meanwhile, Lorraine is curled up on her couch and starts to cry.

Episode Cast:

  • Frankie Hubbard – Alimi Ballard
  • Buck Huston – Philip Brown
  • Charles Harrison – Geoffrey C. Ewing
  • Alex Masters – Randolph Mantooth
  • Angie Hubbard – Debbi Morgan
  • Tony Soleito – George Palermo
  • Kate Slavinsky – Nada Rowand
  • Jacob Foster – Darnell Williams
  • Neal Warren – Larry Haines
  • Lorraine Hawkins – Maggie Rush

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