Recap: November 7, 1995


Kate and Neal have come to see Ally and Tyler off to Paris.

Jocelyn is also seeing Danny off to New York. He wonders if she’s going to stay in Corinth and “pick up the pieces of Alex Masters’ shattered marriage.”

Alex is also there, buying a one way ticket to Tampa.

Police Station – Interrogation Room/Bullpen

Richard has brought a camera crew to do an interview with Tony. Bree accidentally interrupts, wanting to leave a note for Charles. Spotting Charles walking in, Tony points him out to her.

Hubbard House – Master Bedroom

Angie talks to her mother on the phone, saying that the divorce was Charles’ idea and that she loves Jacob. “I’m going to New York with him.”

Rodeo Bar

Jacob is helping to pack up Rodeo and thinks about seeing Angie coming out of Charles’ hotel room with him. He and Buck talk about their new venture, but Buck picks up that Jacob isn’t in a good mood and asks what’s up. Jacob admits that his situation with Angie has changed.

Rodeo Bar/Payphone

Jacob gets touchy as Buck tries to get him to talk about what’s wrong and finally tells him that he thinks Angie is back together with Charles. Buck wonders what he’s going to do, but Jacob doesn’t think he can do much of anything.

Tess calls from New York and he realizes that something has gone wrong.

Police Station – Interrogation Room/Bullpen

Tony, looking like a deer in the headlights, is questioned by Richard about how he feels now that the serial killer case is wrapped up. Tony credits Ally with getting the police to the agency, but explains that the killer was already dead by the time they got there.

Bree gives the note to Charles, saying that she wanted to put her feelings down in writing. He tells her that if he reads it, he’ll have to write her a response, and asks her to just tell him what she wrote.


Ally runs into Danny. “My day is now complete,” he snarks, wondering if this is another set up. She’s surprised to hear that he’s going to New York and he tells her that he’s going to be working for Tess. “I hope New York’s big enough for the both of us,” he offers.

Alex picks up his ticket and runs into Jocelyn. She wonders if he’s there to see Ally off and he says that he’s also there to get a ticket to Florida.

Rodeo Bar/Payphone

Buck hands the phone to Jacob so that Tess can tell him that he and Buck need to get to New York that day. When asked what’s wrong, she says, “Everything,” then gives him a laundry list of all the things that are wrong with the building. While they’re talking, she spots a celebrity standing on the corner and asks him to guess who it is. “The Lord?” he wonders. She doesn’t tell him who it is, but says that New York is “absolute heaven.”

After he hangs up the phone, Angie walks into the bar.


Ally and Kate have their goodbye before she and Tyler get on the plane. Kate asks for reassurance that the people to whom she’s rented her house know that it might not be permanent and Ally gently tells her that she thinks she’s going to like living in New York.

Across the room, Jocelyn tells Alex that she’s sure he and Ava will work things out. He wonders about her plans and she tells him that she’s been offered a job in New York. “Everybody seems to be going to New York,” he remarks, congratulating her and wishing her luck.

Police Station – Interrogation Room/Bullpen

Richard quizzes Tony about the circumstances of Gwyneth’s death and Tony sticks to the official story.

Outside, Charles tells Bree that he wants to hear everything she wants to tell him. She tells him about how she used to imagine having a father, describing the kind of man he was and how his occupation was always shifting depending on where she was in her life.

Rodeo Bar

Angie tells Jacob that she needs to tell him something, but instead of letting her say it, Jacob decides to do the equivalent of saying, “You can’t fire me, I quit.” He tells her that she belongs in Corinth and he’s decided that he’s leaving Corinth and her.

Police Station – Interrogation Room/Bullpen

Richard tells Tony not to give up his day job after his performance on camera. He then asks if Steffi has decided whether she’s going to go to New York and Tony offers that he thinks she’s going to go. “I guess you’ll be following her to New York,” he says, but Tony says he can’t take off yet. Richard thinks Steffi must be disappointed about that and lowkey taunts Tony about the fact that he is going to New York and maybe will make a move on Steffi. Tony warns him not to and Richard assures him that Steffi isn’t his type before leaving. “The show airs tomorrow night, so make sure you catch the bit about when you try to cover up what really happened to Gwyn Alden.”

Across the room, Charles remarks that he must be a disappointment after the fantasy dad that Bree spent her life imagining, but she tells him that, “Everything I ever made up, everything that I ever wanted in a father turned out to be you.” He gives her a hug and she tells him that she wants him to have the letter regardless and takes a pen, scratching out Charles’ name and writing “To Dad” instead. He’s touched, it’s sweet.

This is a wrap on Bree, and although I liked her final scenes with Frankie yesterday and Charles today, I can’t help but think it’s weird how reduced her relationships have become ever since she found out about Charles being her father. During the beginning of the stalker story, she and Steffi were close friends and I’m pretty sure they haven’t exchanged a line of dialogue since July. It’s like they don’t even know each other anymore. There’s other things going on, obviously, but amidst all these goodbyes, it might have been nice to see Bree and Steffi have a final exchange.


Kate and Ally finish their goodbye in a very touching scene where Kate asks Ally to take care of herself and Ally assures her that she’s grown tough enough to handle life. Things end in a way that feels very much like Rowand and Wright saying goodbye, the one calling the other “granddaughter,” the other returning by calling her “grandmother.”

Meanwhile, Jocelyn catches up with Alex to give him a going away present: a bag of jellybeans. “I don’t need these to remember you,” he says.

Jocelyn makes her way back to Danny, wondering if he still wants her to come to New York with him, telling him that she’ll be following him there after tying up some loose ends.

Rodeo Bar

Jacob tells Angie that this is “one of those now or never things” and “the moment has passed.” She’s shocked and he asks her not to make this any harder than it already is. He tells her that what they had was beautiful, but it’s over.

She stumbles out of the bar, crying, and then he starts throwing things around.

Episode Cast:

  • Buck Huston – Philip Brown
  • Charles Harrison – Geoffrey C. Ewing
  • Bree Hawkins – Meta Golding
  • Tess Wilder – Catherine Hickland
  • Danny Roberts – T.W. King
  • Jocelyn Brown – Lisa LoCicero
  • Alex Masters – Randolph Mantooth
  • Angie Hubbard – Debbi Morgan
  • Richard Wilkins – Corey Page
  • Tony Soleito – George Palermo
  • Kate Slavinsky – Nada Rowand
  • Jacob Foster – Darnell Williams
  • Ally Bowman – Laura Wright
  • Neal Warren – Larry Haines

2 thoughts on “Recap: November 7, 1995

    1. True – I wonder if Tess even bothered to tell her that she lost her job. At least Bree was included in the agency’s “memorial” montage, which is more than Casey and Jeremy got.


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