Recap: November 3, 1995

Hawkins Apartment

Charles brings Lorraine home, with her still trying to get him to leave her alone so that she can wallow in embarrassment without an audience. He refuses to leave. “Everything I ever wanted, everything I’m most afraid of – it’s happening,” she says.

The Agency – Tess’ Office

Tess continues to pack up. A mover comes in with a box and when she asks what’s in it, he tells her it’s “junk.” “Every piece of this junk is a memory,” she corrects him. “There’s a lot of love in here.”

Rescott House – Kitchen

Neal comes downstairs with a suitcase and tells Kate that he’s leaving. She tells him that he’s “not going anywhere.”

Le Bistro

Ally reassures Steffi that she did what she had to where Gwyneth is concerned and asks her to reconsider coming to New York. Steffi says she can’t because of Tony, who has just walked in and sits down with Richard on the other side of the room.

Over at the counter, Deborah is arguing with the customer who keeps stiffing her on the bill again. When the guy says that he doesn’t have the money, Deborah tries to get Tony to arrest him. Tony is, of course, a bit busy with Richard, who wants to know whether or not Steffi killed Gwyneth.

Le Bistro

Deborah laments that no one cares about what she’s complaining about, finally drawing Tony over to deal with it. Steffi decides that she should lend a hand and walks over to the counter, where the man is offering Deborah a lotto ticket in lieu of payment. Tony decides to pay the bill and suggests that Deborah accept the ticket “as a tip.” Steffi tells Deborah that they should all be thankful that after the trauma they’ve endured, they’re alive and well.

Richard decides to mosey over to Ally in his search for answers. “You’ll feel better if you talk about it,” he assures her.

Rescott House – Kitchen

Kate sympathizes with Neal for what he’s been through and asks him to stay. “Truth is, I could use some company myself right now,” she admits. “This is going to be a pretty empty nest.” She wants to get something to show him, asking him to wait while she retrieves it.

Hawkins Apartment

Charles tells Lorraine that there’s nothing to be afraid of, but she begs to differ. “You see a pitiful lush,” she accuses. He denies it and she talks to him about how difficult it was, trying to get over him, and how she drowned herself in alcohol and men. “I want you to know the truth about my life,” she says. “I met Jacob and he was very nice to me and I did stop drinking and I started to think that I would have some sort of a life. And then you came back in and then all those feelings came back in that I had been numbing with the booze. They’re back, Charles, and I don’t know what to do with them.”

Hawkins Apartment

Charles tells Lorraine that he didn’t mean to complicate her life and she tells him that she doesn’t blame him for any of it. She’s apologetic about having made a pass at him and tells him that she’s “never been this close to hating myself.” He tells her that he doesn’t hate her.

The Agency – Tess’ Office

Tess goes through the box, remembering some good times at the agency, including Cabot disguised as a pineapple during a commercial shoot, Buck shooting the soda commercial, and the night Stacey unleashed a skunk in the office.

For those keeping score: Clay, Curtis, Cabot, Isabelle, Jeremy, and Gwyneth all died and none of them got any kind of remembrance montage (Stacey got a montage, but it was limited to her relationship with Buck, because of course it was). Ava left and didn’t get any kind of remembrance montage. But here we are, memorializing the frigging agency, which only came into existence last year and will be transitioning to The City.

To add salt to the wound, Tess finishes the scene by pronouncing: “When we get to the city, that’s when the fun begins.”

Le Bistro

Ally gets up and walks away from Richard.

Meanwhile, Tony tells Steffi that he’s glad she’s more optimistic than she was the last time they talked, then tells Deborah that he wants to do things properly with Steffi. Thinking that he’s asking for her blessing to marry Steffi, Deborah tells him that she answer is “yes” and then runs around to the other side of the counter to give him a hug.

Rescott House – Kitchen

Kate comes back with a large photo album, telling Neal that she treasures the memories, both good and bad, because “together they make a life.” She shows him the blank pages, saying they’re the best part of the book because they’re for new memories. “As long as we’re here on God’s green earth, I believe that we have to live life to its fullest. So, won’t you stay in Corinth and be a friend who helps me fill some of these blank pages?”

The Agency – Tess’ Office/Reception

Tess hangs out in her now empty office, taking a moment before walking out for the last time. She pauses in the reception area and thinks about more memories of the agency: Frankie and Bree dancing to “Cover Girl,” Tess doing a shoot with Danny, Steffi doing a photo shoot.

Kind of weird, given the totality of circumstances, that she doesn’t bother to remember Jeremy, her former business partner who is now dead, or Casey, who was so integral to the whole agency scene and is also now dead.

Hawkins Apartment

Lorraine asks Charles to go and he agrees so long as she agrees to get some rest. He pulls her close and gives her a kiss, but then pulls away. She guesses that it’s because of Angie, but he tells her that it’s because of her. “If anything happens between us, I want to make sure that you know exactly what you’re doing. Even more than I know what I’m doing,” he says. He adds that he’ll always care about her then tells her that he needs to go and take of something, but will be in touch.

Le Bistro

Steffi comes out from around the counter to pry Deborah off of Tony, grumbling that “There’s going to be another murder here.” She clarifies that Tony isn’t proposing and he adds that he’s in love with Steffi and wants to spend more time with her. Deborah relates that she’s liked Tony from the moment she saw him and then twirls away to go deal with a customer.

Ally comes over to tell Steffi and Tony that Richard is asking questions about Gwyneth’s death and Steffi tells her that she doesn’t have to speak in code because Tony knows. Ally is stunned and tells her that she took “a big chance.” Steffi thinks Tony is a chance worth taking.

Tony goes to deal with Richard, warning him that Alex is going to come after him if he thinks he’s after Ally. Richard asks about Gwyneth’s death again and Tony tells him to let it go.

After Richard leaves, Steffi tells Tony that Ally has been trying to convince her to move to New York with her. Tony thinks it’s a good idea and offers to keep an eye on Deborah for her. Meanwhile, Deborah looks through the paper and starts screaming before falling off her chair in excitement.

Episode Cast:

  • Deborah Brewster – Nancy Addison Altman
  • Charles Harrison – Geoffrey C. Ewing
  • Tess Wilder – Catherine Hickland
  • Richard Wilkins – Corey Page
  • Tony Soleito – George Palermo
  • Kate Slavinsky – Nada Rowand
  • Ally Bowman – Laura Wright
  • Neal Warren – Larry Haines
  • Lorraine Hawkins – Maggie Rush

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