Recap: November 2, 1995


Alex and Jocelyn take a walk and she wonders if he’s going to tell her what’s going on. He brings up the movie they got kicked out of a while ago and asks if she knows how it ends.

Hospital – Hallway/Pediatric Rec Room

Angie finds Jacob playing with the kids in the rec room.

Hawkins Apartment – Interior & Exterior

A panicked Charles pounds on Lorraine’s door, asking if she’s okay. When she finally opens it, she tells him that he’s hard to get hold of.

Hawkins Apartment

Lorraine tells Charles that she’s fine and apologizes for saying it was an emergency. He’s confused and she tells him that she’s made breakfast for him and says that she read about the resolution to the serial killings in the paper. She asks if he’s mad and he tells her that he was worried about her when he heard that it was an emergency.

She kisses him and he gently pushes her away. She gets embarrassed and starts apologizing. “I thought that because of Angie and Jacob…” He asks what she knows about that.

Hospital – Pediatric Rec Room

Jacob leads the kids in making a lot of noise while singing “Old MacDonald” and afterwards explains that they’re having a “farewell concert.” One of the kids chimes in that Jacob is moving to New York and opening a nightclub.

Jacob goes over to Angie, who asks when he’s leaving. He tells her that it depends on her and that he would be willing to stick around for her. He asks her to come with him and she responds by saying that she’s still married. “It wouldn’t be right,” she says. “I don’t want you to wait for me.” He tells her that he’s going to wait regardless.


Jocelyn describes the end of the movie to Alex, saying it’s her favorite movie of all time and she’s seen it many times. He tells her that he actually knows how the movie ends and knows that she changed it in her description, wondering why. She tells him that she thought he needed to hear a story that ended happily.

She mentions having heard about him and Ava and offers her sympathy. “I guess it was just one fight too many for me and Ava,” he says, uncertain that they’ll be able to work it out. She asks what they’re doing and he plays dumb. “You going to make me spell it out for you?” she asks.

Hawkins Apartment

Lorraine asks Charles to leave, but he wants to know what Jacob told her. She’s mortified by her behavior and insists that he needs to leave, saying she can’t talk about this right now. Since he won’t go, she leaves.

Hospital – Pediatric Rec Room

Angie reiterates that she doesn’t want Jacob to wait for her. He tells her that he’s not trying to pressure her, but he’s not just going to walk away. She returns that she needs to do right by Charles. “You can’t build happiness on somebody else’s pain.”


Jocelyn tells Alex that she wants to know where he’s at and then asks if he’s spoken to Ava. He says that he’s only talked to the kids. “So you guys haven’t really decided anything,” she says. He flirts with her and she tells him, “I think you know how I feel about you. But I can’t…” He says he’s not asking her to do anything. “Not yet.” She tells him that’s disappointing.


Jocelyn tells Alex that she thinks “there’s definitely something here” between them. “I like being with you,” she says, then adds that when she went through her own divorce, she did a lot of things that weren’t very smart. She decides she should go before they do something they’ll regret.

Hospital – Pediatric Rec Room

Jacob tells Angie that he wants to take her into his arms and take her away. She tells him that he’s not making this easier and says that she has to resolve her situation with Charles before she can do anything else.


Lorraine gets drunk and the bartender gives her a hard time. Charles spots her through the window and comes in. She asks him to leave her alone, but he says that they need to talk and that he wants to help her. She cries, telling him that she wants to be alone, and he tells her that he just wants to get her home. When she doesn’t budge, he picks her up and carries her out.

Episode Cast:

  • Charles Harrison – Geoffrey C. Ewing
  • Jocelyn Brown – Lisa LoCicero
  • Alex Masters – Randolph Mantooth
  • Angie Hubbard – Debbi Morgan
  • Jacob Foster – Darnell Williams
  • Lorraine Hawkins – Maggie Rush

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