Recap: November 1, 1995

Rodeo Bar

Alex and Charles come to deliver the news about the killer to Buck.

The Agency – Reception

Tess bitches at the movers who are packing up the agency and actually claps her hands at them to indicate that they need to move faster. Lady, that is an excellent way to end up with all your stuff broken.

Lorraine comes looking for Jacob and Tess sends her down the hall. Jocelyn also arrives and is surprised that the move is already happening. Tess tells her that after the events of the previous night, she “wouldn’t spend a couple of seconds more in this town.”

The Agency – Boardroom

Lorraine walks in and remarks about how difficult Jacob is to track down. When he asks what he can do for her, she tells him that she thinks they can do something for each other.

Corinth Towers – Steffi’s Room

Tony comes to check up on Steffi, who says that she’s okay. He tells her that it’s all over now, but she says that it’s not.

Corinth Towers – Steffi’s Room

Steffi admits that she can’t stop thinking about Gwyneth and Tony tells her that she just needs to give it some time. “When I was going through a hard time in my life – this isn’t a very nice thing to say – but she was what a real mother should be. And for her to kill her own kids and her family, it just…”

She says that she had no idea how much pain Gwyneth was in and feels guilty about not having seen it. He points out that the police worked with her every day and didn’t see it, either. He asks if she slept at all the night before and she admits that she didn’t. “I’ll see you through this,” he tells her. “I killed her, Tony. I killed Gwyn,” she says, crying.

Rodeo Bar

Buck is in disbelief about Gwyneth being the killer. “It wasn’t really Gwyn doing all that killing. It was… I don’t know who it was, but it wasn’t really Gwyn,” Alex says, then tells Buck that Gwyneth is dead.

“I can’t hate her,” Buck says. “I just… I feel nothing. Like there’s nothing left.” He decides to go and call Rose to fill her in and let her know that it’s all over.

Alex and Charles talk about how they can’t even be happy that it’s all over, given how it ended. Alex thinks Charles should go home and get some sleep, but Charles says he’s got some things he needs to take care of and reveals that he and Angie are having problems. Alex confides that Ava left him and left town with the kids.

The Agency – Reception

Tess fills Jocelyn in on what happened and then tells her that she still has some spaces available for rent in New York if Jocelyn is interested. Jocelyn’s not sure she can afford it, nor is she sure she wants to move back to New York. “I’m beginning to kind of like it here,” she says.

The Agency – Boardroom

Jacob asks Lorraine if she’s been drinking, which she denies. She tells him that she’s missed him and gives him a kiss, which he works to extract himself from. She wants to know what’s been going on and why he let her rely on him emotionally when he was carrying on with Angie. He denies having an affair with Angie, but she’s not accepting that and tells him that she knows Angie is in love with him and thinks he’s in love with her, too.

Rodeo Bar

Charles wonders what Alex is going to do. He admits that he’s not sure, other than that he should go to Florida and see the kids.

Buck comes back and tells them that he’s going to go to Florida to visit JJ and Heather before heading off to New York. They’re surprised he’s leaving and he tells them that he’s going to open a club with Jacob in the building Tess has leased. Alex wishes him luck.

After Buck leaves, Alex thinks it’s good news that Jacob is heading to New York, thinking it means that Charles and Angie can work things out. Charles doesn’t see it that way.

The Agency – Boardroom

Lorraine blames herself for not seeing that Jacob was hung up on Angie the whole time and thinks he was using her. “It wasn’t like that,” he says, “If it was, I didn’t realize it and if it came off that way, I apologize.” She admits that she was trying to do the same thing anyway, since she was hung up on Charles.

Lorraine decides to go find Charles and he warns her not to, saying it will only complicate things more. “From where I stand, things could not get any worse,” she says.

Corinth Towers – Steffi’s Room

Tony holds Steffi, who tells him that she tried to stop Gwyneth, but she just couldn’t live with the things she had done. “I just… I pulled her to me and I did it and when it was over, before she died, she told me, ‘Thank you.’” She adds that she acted out of love for Gwyneth and would do it again if she had to. “You do what you have to do,” she says and he tells her that he knows what he has to do.

The Agency – Reception

Lorraine uses the phone to try to track down Charles and settles for leaving a message for him at the station. “You tell him it’s an emergency,” she says.

Rodeo Bar

Charles gets a call, relaying Lorraine’s message, and tells Alex he needs to head out. As he’s leaving, Jocelyn arrives and tells Alex that she heard he had a rough night. He tells her that he’s having “a rough life.” He gets an idea and asks her to come somewhere with him.

The Agency – Boardroom

Jacob gets testy with Tess because he’s mad about how things went with Lorraine. He apologizes and tells her that he’s “fed up with everything.” She tells him this is a good day because it’s the day they “leave the village of the damned” and then asks if he’s happy about leaving town and starting over. He says he’s not, but it’s not going to stop him from leaving.

Corinth Towers – Steffi’s Room

Misunderstanding what Tony is saying, Steffi asks what kind of sentence he thinks she’ll get. He tells her that he’s not going to report it, but she thinks he has to. “You said Gwyn wanted to kill herself, so it’s a suicide.” He tells her that he’s in love with her.

Episode Cast:

  • Buck Huston – Philip Brown
  • Charles Harrison – Geoffrey C. Ewing
  • Steffi Brewster – Amelia Heinle
  • Tess Wilder – Catherine Hickland
  • Jocelyn Brown – Lisa LoCicero
  • Alex Masters – Randolph Mantooth
  • Tony Soleito – George Palermo
  • Jacob Foster – Darnell Williams
  • Lorraine Hawkins – Maggie Rush

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