Recap & Episode Counts: October, 1995

Head Writer: James Harmon Brown & Barbara Esensten / Executive Producer: Jean Dadario Burke

Jeremy discovers the hidden room in the Alden mansion where the killer has been plotting and promptly finds himself locked inside. After escaping, he returns to his studio, having learned that Alex is on his way over. But Alex and Tony are delayed when they stop at Kate’s house to look for Neal and by the time they arrive at Jeremy’s house, it’s too late. Moments after writing a note about what he’s discovered, Jeremy is murdered when the killer tips a vat of quick drying plaster onto him, turning him into a statue.

Before the police arrive, Gwyneth finds Trisha standing outside the studio and, worried that the police will take her into custody, Gwyneth takes her to the Alden estate and hides her in the carriage house. While Alex, Tony, and Charles investigate the scene of Jeremy’s death and are struck by the difference between his murder and the others, Gwyneth questions Trisha, who expresses frustration at her inability to remember the past and reveals that she’s been back in Corinth since July and that she’s been experiencing blackouts.

Leaving Trisha behind in the carriage house so that she can make some plans for what to do next to keep her hidden, Gwyneth is approached by Neal, who is desperate to explain to her that he’s her father. Disbelieving him, Gwyneth scares him off by screaming for the guards and later returns to the police station, where she’s told that Jeremy is the killer’s latest victim. Gwyneth is devastated, as is Ava when Alex breaks the news to her. Taking her anger out on him and blaming him for not being able to protect the people she loves, Ava is more determined than ever to leave Corinth and tells him that she’s going whether he comes with her or not. After Jeremy’s funeral, she makes good on her word, taking the kids and leaving for Tampa.

After being questioned by Tony and Charles, Gwyneth is allowed to go home, but Steffi and Tony accompany her. Tony continues to question her about Trisha, prompting Steffi to tell him to back off. However, after Tony leaves to go back to the police station because Neal has been caught and taken into custody, Steffi notices that Gwyneth is no longer wearing the locket and wonders if it’s because she’s seen Trisha. Gwyneth escapes back to the estate, but Steffi follows her and finds Gwyneth with Trisha in the gatehouse. Gwyneth pleads her case to Steffi, trying to convince her that Trisha couldn’t be the killer, and though Steffi remains unconvinced, she decides not to tell Tony what she’s seen.

Tony is busy questioning Neal, who confesses to being the killer. When met with disbelief, Neal claims that he wanted to get even with the Aldens for keeping him from his family and refuses to budge from his story. When he reveals that he knows details about Jeremy’s death that haven’t been made public yet, the police decide to charge him despite their misgivings, but when Trisha shows up at the gathering after Jeremy’s funeral, they want to question her, thinking that she may be involved in the murders with Neal. Determined to keep the police from arresting Trisha, Gwyneth causes a distraction when Jeremy’s twin brother, Gilbert, is brought from prison to pay his respects, allowing Trisha to disappear.

When Gwyneth visits Neal in jail, she confidentially tells him that she knows that he’s lying and he tells her that it’s his gift to her to take the fall, but asks her promise that what’s been going on will now be over. Gwyneth relaxes slightly with Trisha safely away and Neal sitting in jail, but then learns from Steffi that Tess was her stalker and that her motive was to drum up publicity for the agency.

At the same time, having cleaned up the note that Jeremy was holding when he was covered in plaster, Alex and Tony return to the Alden mansion and find the killer’s lair. Investigating, they find a hair and speculate that it will match the hair found at the scene of Curtis’ death. When Richard, who has been following them, makes his presence known, they place him under arrest in order to keep him from revealing what’s been found before they can catch the killer. Still thinking the killer could be Trisha, the police are shocked when the lab report comes back and shows that the hair is from a wig. Realizing that Gwyneth is the killer, they try to track her down and Tony panics because he hasn’t been able to reach Steffi, who has gone to the agency to talk to Tess about coming to work for her again. When Steffi finds Tess, she’s about to be killed by Gwyneth, who is wearing the wig and acting as “Trisha”, and who confesses all to Steffi, explaining that she killed her loved ones in order to release them from their pain and that she’s going to kill Tess because of what Tess did to Steffi. Having come to look for Steffi, Ally overhears the interaction with Gwyneth and calls the police to tell them what’s going on.

When Tess comes to, she attacks Gwyneth with a stapler, breaking her hands. Unable to live with all that she’s done, Gwyneth begs Steffi to inject her with the poison that she was going to use to kill Tess. Steffi reluctantly agrees, injecting Gwyneth just before the police arrive. When questioned about what happened, Tess and Ally try to protect Steffi by insisting that Gwyneth killed herself. Although the police have their doubts, they decide to let the matter rest. Back at the police station, Neal is released from custody and Kate breaks the news to him that his daughter is dead.


Angie is feeling guilty about her tryst with Jacob, especially after Charles comes clean to her about his own feelings for Lorraine, not wanting there to be any secrets between them. Although she works herself up to telling Charles the truth, she’s unable to as a result of Charles being called to the scene of Jeremy’s murder. Meanwhile, Tess excitedly reports to Jacob that she’s secured the building in SoHo and needs to find tenants to fill the space so that she can make a profit. When she asks him to come to New York and open a club on the ground floor, he’s tempted, but wants Angie to come with him and open a medical clinic in the building.

While Angie’s romantic life is in turmoil, Frankie is trying to repair his own by working things out with Bree. She admits to him that she’s still coming to terms with the fact that Charles is her father and asks him to be patient while she works out her feelings. Wanting to be with her even if it means carrying on their relationship long-distance, Frankie agrees, but just as he and Bree reach a new understanding, he spots Angie and Jacob talking and looking very tender with each other.

Upset after learning about Jeremy’s death, Angie turns to Jacob and admits to him that she’s struggling with her sense of self as their affair is something she never thought she would do, and later goes to Pine Valley to visit Jesse’s grave and talk out her feelings about her situation with Charles and Jacob. Meanwhile, a stressed out and exhausted Charles runs into Lorraine at Rodeo Bar and when he tells her that he doesn’t want Angie to see him in the state that he’s in, she takes him back to her apartment, where he quickly falls asleep. When Bree comes home and finds Charles there, she’s upset and worried that Lorraine is setting herself up for more heartbreak, though Lorraine insists that she knows what she’s doing.

After acknowledging to Lorraine that they have unfinished business, Charles returns home, where Angie finally confesses her affair to him and tells him that their marriage was a mistake because she’s always had feelings for Jacob. Charles is furious and storms out, finding Jacob at the bistro and punching him, only for Jacob to tell him that it’s his own fault because he knew all along that Angie had feelings for him.


Ally’s guilt continues to eat away at her as Danny sits in jail, arrested after rescuing Tyler from the cave. Feeling like she’s emotionally out of control, she tells Steffi that she’s decided to send Tyler to Paris to spend some time with Cooper, which Steffi thinks is a bad idea because she’s convinced that Cooper doesn’t care about any of the people he left behind.

Despite her feelings of guilt, Ally sticks to her story when confronted by Jocelyn, who accuses her of having fabricated her allegation of rape and tells her that false accusations make it more difficult for real victims to get justice. Nevertheless, after thinking things over, Ally decides to come clean and goes to the police station to confess to having lied. Despite Jocelyn’s warnings that Ally could find herself charged, she goes forward with her confession. Alex refuses to believe it at first and thinks Ally has been manipulated by Jocelyn, but comes around in time to work with Jocelyn and Danny to come up with a way for the charges to be dropped against Danny without new charges being laid against Ally.

Once Danny is out of jail, Ally confesses what she did to the people close to her, including Buck, who reacts badly, and Steffi, who is less judgmental. While Danny decides to pick up and move back to New York, Ally herself is making similar plans, invited by Tess to relocate with the agency.


After finding out about Jacob’s plan to go to New York and open a club in Tess’ building, Buck decides to pull up stakes and join Jacob as his partner.

Episodes Counted: 13 (1 day preempted, 8 days of repeats)

01. George Palermo (Tony Soleito) – 13
02. Geoffrey C. Ewing (Charles Harrison) – 12
**. Randolph Mantooth (Alex Masters) – 12
04. Debbi Morgan (Angie Hubbard) – 11
05. Christine Tudor (Gwyneth Alden) – 10
**. Laura Wright (Ally Bowman) – 10
07. Amelia Heinle (Steffi Brewster) – 9
08. Corey Page (Richard Wilkins) – 8
**. Darnell Williams (Jacob Foster) – 8
10. Catherine Hickland (Tess Wilder) – 7
11. Larry Haines (Neal Warren) – 6
**. Kitty Lunn (Jill Rosenstein) – 6
13. Nancy Addison Altman (Deborah Brewster) – 4
**. Noelle Beck (Trisha Alden) – 4
**. Philip Brown (Buck Huston) – 4
**. T.W. King (Danny Roberts) – 4
**. Lisa LoCicero (Jocelyn Brown) – 4
**. Nada Rowand (Kate Slavinsky) – 4
**. Craig Zakarian (Officer Higgins) – 4
20. Alimi Ballard (Frankie Hubbard) – 3
**. Lisa Peluso (Ava Rescott Masters) – 3
**. Maggie Rush (Lorraine Hawkins) – 3
23. Meta Golding (Bree Hawkins) – 2
**. Jean LeClerc (Jeremy Hunter – 1; Jeremy and Gilbert – 1) – 2
**. Simon Prebble (Lenox) – 2
**. Unknown (Officer Rodriguez) – 2
27. Liz Ross (Karen) – 1
**. Unknown (Tim Dennis) – 1
**. Unknown (Tom Black) – 1
**. Unknown (Sheryl) – 1

Contract Arrivals: Lisa LoCicero (formerly recurring – she may have been promoted in August or September, but I don’t have any cast credits from those months to confirm it)

Contract Departures: Jean LeClerc (Jeremy Hunter), Lisa Peluso (Ava Rescott Masters), Christine Tudor (Gwyneth Alden)

01. Police Station – Interrogation Room – 8
02. Police Station – 7
03. The Agency – Tess’ Office – 4
04. The Agency – Reception – 3
**. Jeremy’s House – Front Porch – 3
**. Rodeo Bar – 3
**. Shamrock Hotel – Jacob’s Room – 3
08. The Agency – Hallway – 2
**. The Agency – Vestibule – 2
**. Alden Mansion – Carriage House – 2
**. Alden Mansion – Gatehouse – 2
**. Le Bistro – 2
**. Gwyneth’s Apartment – 2
**. Hawkins Apartment – 2
**. Hubbard House – Master Bedroom – 2
**. Jeremy’s House – Studio – 2
**. Killer’s Lair – 2
**. Payphone – 2
**. Police Station – Cells – 2
**. Rescott House – Front Porch – 2
**. Rescott House – Living Room – 2
22. The Agency – Boardroom – 1
**. The Agency – Ladies Room – 1
**. The Agency – Observation Room – 1
**. Alden Mansion – Foyer – 1
**. Alden Mansion – Carriage House exterior – 1
**. Alden Mansion – Gatehouse exterior – 1
**. Alden Mansion -Grounds – 1
**. Alden Mansion – Poolside – 1
**. Bowman House – Living Room – 1
**. Burnell’s – Ava’s Office – 1
**. Danny’s Apartment – 1
**. Hospital – Angie’s Office – 1
**. Hospital – Hallway – 1
**. Hubbard House – Frankie’s Room – 1
**. Hubbard House – Living Room – 1
**. Jeremy’s House – Living Room/Foyer – 1
**. Park – 1
**. Pine Valley Cemetery – 1

Days Depicted: 3 (September 29-October 19; October 20; October 23-31)

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