Recap: October 24, 1995

Le Bistro

Deborah happily tells Jacob that they’re going to be working together again soon, now that she’s on her way to becoming a super model. Tess walks in and hands Deborah an envelope of her photos and as Deborah looks them over, Jacob and Tess talk about the move to New York. The move is news to Deborah, who tells her that she can’t relocate, which Tess doesn’t particularly care about because she has no intention of working with Deborah anyway.

Charles walks in and punches Jacob.

Police Station

Richard wants to know what Tony thought of his story about Neal, which Tony classifies as “a legitimate piece of journalism.” Richard thinks Tony is hiding something.

Gwyneth’s Apartment

Steffi comes to see Gwyneth, who picks up on the fact that Steffi thinks Trisha might still be there, hiding out. “Why’d you do it, Gwyn?” Steffi wonders. “Why did you help Trisha escape?”

Police Station – Interrogation Room

Alex comes to join Jocelyn and Ally, followed by Danny. Ally tells Alex that she needs to tell the truth about what happened between her and Danny.

Police Station – Interrogation Room

Alex worries that Jocelyn has manipulated Ally and tells her that they can talk in private, but she tearfully tells Alex that she understands the risks and needs to do this. Ally confesses to Alex that she lied about Danny raping her. “I did it to get even for what he did to Casey.”

Alex turns on Jocelyn, blaming her for this, but Ally says it’s the truth and hands Alex a piece of paper, explaining that it’s from her diary and lays out her plan. Jocelyn tells Ally that she’s doing the right thing and Ally apologizes to Danny, who doesn’t accept it. “No matter what you did to me or Casey, I had no right to do this to you,” Ally says. “I guess we’re even now,” Danny offers, but Jocelyn tells them that it’s not that simple because what Ally did was a crime and now the D.A. is going to want to charge her.

Le Bistro

Jacob is stunned and Tess helps him to his feet while Deborah yells at Charles. Tess and Deborah then yell at each other, but Jacob is pretty chill, all things considered, and tells Charles that he’s not going to fight him, offering to talk instead.

They step aside – with Deborah warning Charles that if he punches Jacob again, she’s going to call the fire department, since she can’t call the police since Charles is the police – and Jacob guesses that Angie filled Charles in.

Police Station

Richard wants to know what Tony has to say about Trisha’s disappearance and Tony tells him that, since Trisha isn’t a suspect anymore, she’s free to go wherever she wants.

They’re interrupted by Jill, who tells Tony that the report from the lab about the hair that Tony took from Trisha’s jacket is “inconclusive.” She wonders if there are any leads on where Trisha went and Tony admits that there are none.

Across the room, having eavesdropped on this, Richard gets on his cell phone and reports to someone that despite Neal officially being the killer, the police are still looking for Trisha, so he’s going to hang out and see what else he can find out.

Gwyneth’s Apartment

Steffi tells Gwyneth that she’s worried she could be in danger, but Gwyneth says that Trisha isn’t the killer and is now out of town. Steffi wonders why, if Gwyneth is so sure that Neal is the killer, she sent Trisha out of town. Gwyneth says Trisha is “fragile” right now and wouldn’t be able to stand up to questioning. “Why should she have to keep paying for the terrible things that have happened in her life?”

 “I know you love her,” Steffi says, “but what about everybody else?” Gwyneth isn’t sure what she means. “Should they have to pay?”

Gwyneth’s Apartment

Steffi wonders if Gwyneth is willing to let Neal go to prison for a crime he didn’t commit, telling her that the police are convinced that he’s covering for someone that he loves. “You have that baby and then you come back to me and then maybe you will understand Neal Warren or me. There is nothing in the world I wouldn’t do for my children… for my child.” She apologizes for getting upset and then states that she does have another child because Steffi is like a daughter to her.

Steffi continues to press her to be honest and Gwyneth tells her to stop worrying, saying it’s not good for the baby. Steffi wishes people would stop using her pregnancy as an excuse to pull their punches with her, saying that Gwyneth, Deborah and Tony all do it and letting slip that Tony kept the fact that Tess was the stalker a secret from her. Gwyneth is shocked to learn this piece of news.

Le Bistro

Deborah thinks that Tess is moving the whole agency to New York just to spite her, which Tess finds hilarious. “You really do think the whole world revolves around you, it’s amazing.”

Across the room, Jacob tells Charles that no one wanted to hurt him, but what happened between him and Angie was “inevitable.” Charles thinks Angie is confused and Jacob took advantage of that. “You’re not loving her, man, you’re destroying her life,” Charles says. “You knew how she felt about me, but you roped her into that marriage anyway,” Jacob returns, telling Charles that he’s to blame for this situation.

I can’t believe that they’re making Charles responsible for the fact that Angie wasn’t honest about her own feelings. It’s not just a shitty thing to do to Charles, it’s infantilizing to Angie.

“If you really loved her, man, you would’ve let her go,” Jacob argues. Charles argues that Angie wanted to get married, but Jacob thinks Angie just wanted to “do the right thing,” adding that Charles didn’t care about that just as long as he won.

Police Station – Interrogation Room

“So this is how you want to repay Ally, huh? She does the right thing and you want to put her behind bars,” Alex says, but Jocelyn points out that this isn’t her call. “When she perjured herself, she committed a felony.”

Jocelyn has an idea, which she writes down on a piece of paper and hands to Alex. It’s a case citation where a woman accused a man of rape, but later recanted because she was too drunk to know what she was doing. “I wasn’t drinking,” Ally says, but Jocelyn disagrees, saying that she thinks Ally was “drinking very heavily that night.” Alex agrees and so does Danny. “She was drunk as a skunk,” he says.

So, to be clear, the story now is that Ally was so drunk that she didn’t know what she was doing, which makes it, you know, rape since that means she wasn’t capable of consent. Everything about this storyline was so stupid and offensive.

Police Station – Interrogation Room/Bullpen

Alex tells Ally that she’s off the hook. Charles walks in and interrupts, telling Alex they need to talk. Before Alex leaves, he offers his thanks to Jocelyn, who smugly accepts.

Ally thanks Danny, who shrugs it off, and Alex tells Ally that they’re going to talk later.

Once he’s gone, Danny wants to know if he can sue Ally civilly and Jocelyn admits that he could. “That’s what I want,” he says, “But I won’t. I just wanted to know my rights and I thought [Ally] should know them, too.”

Meanwhile, Alex wonders what’s going on with Charles, noticing that he’s hurt his hand. Charles says he “hurt it taking out some trash” and inviting Alex to go out for drinks after work. They then turn to Tony and Jill, who explains that the paper Jeremy was holding has been cleaned up as well as it can be. Tony points out that it appears to be a page from Gwyneth’s psychological profile and Alex notices Jeremy’s handwritten notes on it. “It’s in their house,” Alex reads.

Alex guesses that Jeremy meant the Alden mansion and Charles sends Alex and Tony to go and check it out. “It’s about time we got a break on this case,” Tony says. Richard, having overheard this, follows after them.

Le Bistro

Deborah complains about her pictures to Tess, who doesn’t care. Tess takes some ice and heads over to Jacob, suggesting that next time he decides to have an affair, he do it with someone who isn’t married to the chief of police. She asks for the details, but he tells her to mind her own business. She invites him to come to New York again, saying that he should get out of Corinth for his own sake and Angie’s, since he’s bound to bring her nothing but trouble by hanging around.

Gwyneth’s Apartment

Gwyneth can’t believe that Tess terrorized Steffi for the sake of publicity and wonders why Steffi didn’t have her arrested. “What that woman did to you was horrible; she belongs behind bars.” Steffi admits that she doesn’t “know how to deal with people in that way – and she’s so smart and she’s so slick,” adding that if she had tried to pursue justice, she somehow would have ended up the loser.

“I know,” Gwyneth says. “The same thing happened with Stacey and with Curtis.” Steffi says she doesn’t want to talk about it any more and gets back to worrying about Gwyneth. “I sent Trisha away,” Gwyneth reminds her. “But how do you know she’s gone? And what makes you think she won’t come back?” Steffi reminds Gwyneth of the list that Trisha made and wonders what would keep her from crossing Gwyneth’s name off as well.

Episode Cast:

  • Deborah Brewster – Nancy Addison Altman
  • Charles Harrison – Geoffrey C. Ewing
  • Steffi Brewster – Amelia Heinle
  • Tess Wilder – Catherine Hickland
  • Danny Roberts – T.W. King
  • Jocelyn Brown – Lisa LoCicero
  • Alex Masters – Randolph Mantooth
  • Richard Wilkins – Corey Page
  • Tony Soleito – George Palermo
  • Gwyneth Alden – Christine Tudor
  • Jacob Foster – Darnell Williams
  • Ally Bowman – Laura Wright
  • Jill Rosenstein – Kitty Lunn

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