Recap: October 23, 1995

Police Station

Danny is upset that Jocelyn can’t get him out on bail, despite that being a predictable consequence of going on the run in the first place. He wants to know how her conversation with Ally went, but she’s not optimistic that she swayed her to tell the truth.

However, moments later, an officer steps in to announce that Ally is there to talk to them.

Rescott House – Living Room

Kate is upset about Neal’s situation and blames Ava for snooping through his room, but Ava thinks Kate is just finding a reason to be upset with her so that she doesn’t have to deal with her feelings about the fact that Ava is leaving.

Kate tells Ava that it’s not too late to change her mind, but Ava tells her that her mind is made up to leave Corinth. “What you’re doing is absolutely wrong,” Kate pleads. Ava doesn’t want to fight with her about this, but Alex walks in and suggests they go just one more round.

Police Station – Cells

Tony brings Gwyneth down to talk to Neal while lecturing her about how they’re going to find Trisha regardless of her interference.

Neal is shocked that Gwyneth has come to see him and she tells him that she needs to know how he could kill all those people.

Hubbard House – Living Room

Charles returns home, having been working all night at the station. He tells Angie that it looks like she was up all night as well and thinks she’s upset about the service for Jeremy, but she corrects him that she needs them to talk. She tells him that she made “a terrible mistake.”

Police Station – Interrogation Room

Ally asks Jocelyn if they can talk and Danny has some angry words about that before he’s removed from the room. Jocelyn apologizes for Danny, but Ally says she doesn’t blame him for being upset and says that she’s made a decision.

Rescott House – Living Room

Ava accuses Kate of having called Alex to come over before she could leave, which I guess means that Ava was planning to slip out of town without letting the kids say goodbye to their dad.

Kate is unrepentant and leaves the room so that Alex and Ava can speak in private. She admits that she was going to leave without telling him, saying that she thought it would be best to avoid another scene. “You are my heart and soul,” he says, telling her that they can salvage their relationship. “All we do lately is fight,” she says, arguing that the kids could have a life free of fear and all kinds of crazy things happening around them.

I will remind you that they are moving to Florida.

She offers, again, to let him come with them but he says that he can’t leave Corinth right now. “I have to go,” she says, “Now.”

Police Station – Cells

Tony would like to hear Neal’s answer to Gwyneth’s question, but she asks for some privacy. Tony unhappily agrees and Gwyneth is let into the cell with a warning not to “do anything weird.”

Once they’re alone, Gwyneth tells Neal that she wants to understand. He tells her that “something snapped” in him, but she whispers that he doesn’t have to keep up the ruse with her because they both know he isn’t the killer.

Hubbard House – Living Room

Charles asks for an explanation and Angie tells him that their marriage was a mistake. He’s taken aback and thinks she’s upset about him being caught up in the serial killer case and finding out that Bree is his daughter, but she tells him that this isn’t about that. “You don’t love me?” he wonders. She says that she does, but also has feelings for someone else.

“God help me, even as I was taking our vows, I was thinking about another man,” she confesses. She wonders if he’s known all along about her feelings for Jacob, which is kind of an odd question given that they took that brief break in their relationship before they got married so that she could sort out her feelings. It seems a little like blaming the wounded party for her to tell him that she thinks he’s known all along, as if he’s brought this on himself.

Hubbard House – Living Room

Charles starts excusing the fact that Angie has feelings for Jacob because of his resemblance to Jesse, but she tells him that her feelings for Jacob aren’t connected to Jesse and they aren’t going to go away, adding, “I’m not sure that I want it to.”

He asks if she and Jacob have been “seeing” each other and she confirms as much. He’s understandably upset and gets more so when she tries to comfort him, telling her not to put her hands on him. He asks if the affair has gotten physical and she tacitly admits that it has by responding that she’s sorry.

Rescott House – Living Room

Alex and Ava are still in the midst of their own break up. “Do you love me?” he demands. She tells him that she loves him with all her heart, but needs to leave Corinth because she’s filled with dread and needs to do something about it. “This is all I can think of to do,” she says. “It’s just too much for me to bear.”

He suggests that she and the kids go to Florida and when things are settled and back to normal in Corinth they can come back, but she tells him that “nothing is ever going to be normal again. Normal is Jeremy, alive, at the studio with a smile on his face, putting up with my nonsense and not passing judgment on me. Normal is Stacey frustrating everyone around her who isn’t as perfect she is. Normal is Cabot and Isabelle at their charity balls, the center of attention, being the heart and soul of this town, Alex. Normal is the day at Burnell’s when the biggest crime is shoplifting.”

She tells him that they life they once shared “is over.”

Police Station – Interrogation Room

Ally tells Jocelyn that she can’t go through with this because of the real victims who might be negatively impacted by her false accusation.

Police Station – Cells

Neal tells Gwyneth that he wanted to protect her and Trisha. “You hardly know us,” she says, stunned. “And you hardly know Trisha,” he says, “at least the way she is now, but you still love her with all your heart, don’t you?”

Nevertheless, Gwyneth thinks confessing to murder is a bit much. “Consider this a father’s gift to a daughter he loves.”

Police Station – Cells

Gwyneth tells Neal that they can make up for lost time and he asks her to promise that “this is all over.” She tells him that she’s “sent Trisha away; it’s over,” adding that everyone has been telling her to take some time off, so she will and put all of this behind her. “Maybe I’ll get some help… try and sort it all out… and when that’s all done, we’ll try again.”

He tells her that if she could get past all that’s happened, he would be “a very happy man.”

She goes to the bars and asks to be let out, sharing a last look with Neal before she goes.

Police Station – Interrogation Room

Ally asks Jocelyn to take down her statement, saying that she’ll waive all rights to a lawyer. Jocelyn tells her that she could go to jail for this and Ally says she doesn’t care.

Jocelyn decides to go and find Alex.

Rescott House – Living Room/Front Porch

Alex calls Ava “stubborn,” which she thinks is the pot calling the kettle black. There’s a flashback to Alex’s return to Corinth, when he came down through Ava’s skylight, which is followed by another flashback to a happier time.

She laughs, then cries, and then kisses him goodbye. She tells him that she’ll have Kate brings the kids to say goodbye to him and then rushes to the door. She pauses outside and then goes on her way while Alex watches sadly from the window.

Peluso played the hell out of all of that, but this ending still feels all kinds of wrong. Ava has always been a scrappy fighter, so to have her just give up on everything feels like a betrayal of her character, especially when the reasoning is so specious and it involves her leaving Kate behind, which is something she would never do.

It also kind of sucks for Alex as a character because he’s going to go on to The City in circumstances where it makes no sense for him to be there since he doesn’t have a job to go to in New York and being there means being over a thousand miles away from his family.

Hubbard House – Living Room

Angie tells Charles that she never meant for this to happen. “No one ever does,” he says angrily. He wonders if it’s over between her and Jacob and she tells him “No.” He tells her that she’s “a real piece of work,” pointing out that the hypocrisy of her giving him a hard time about spending time with Lorraine – “time that was incidentally spent with my pants on” – while she was going around with Jacob. He calls her a “cheater” and says she could be called worse and asks what she plans now. “Am I supposed to watch you and Jacob ride off into the sunset?”

She tells him that she doesn’t know what she’s going to do, but he’s unsympathetic. “Poor, poor baby,” he says sarcastically. “If you think that I’m just going to roll over to make this easy for you, I’m not. I’m not.” He grabs his jacket and she asks where he’s going. “Anywhere but here,” he tells her, walking out.

Episode Cast:

  • Charles Harrison – Geoffrey C. Ewing
  • Danny Roberts – T.W. King
  • Jocelyn Brown – Lisa LoCicero
  • Alex Masters – Randolph Mantooth
  • Angie Hubbard – Debbi Morgan
  • Tony Soleito – George Palermo
  • Ava Rescott Masters – Lisa Peluso
  • Kate Slavinsky – Nada Rowand
  • Gwyneth Alden – Christine Tudor
  • Ally Bowman – Laura Wright
  • Neal Warren – Larry Haines

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