Recap: October 18, 1995

Gwyneth’s Apartment

Steffi and Tony bring Gwyneth home and she’s a little salty about having been “grilled” by Tony and Charles after finding out about Jeremy’s death. “First I have a crazed wife killer following me around, telling me he is my long-lost father, and then I find out that he just might have killed my closest friend. Do you understand?” Tony tells her that Neal isn’t the only suspect, which doesn’t deescalate this conversation at all since he’s referring to Trisha.

Tony defends himself as doing the dirty job that someone has to do, but Gwyneth just wants him to go away now. Instead, he picks up a picture of Trisha off the mantle and tells her there are still outstanding questions, including why she never showed up at Jeremy’s place.

Rodeo Bar

Buck gives Charles the gears about not having caught the serial killer yet until finally Charles says, “Buck, if you don’t want my business, why don’t you just come out and say it?”

Now, I’m not one to be on Buck’s side about… anything pretty much ever, but Buck has told Charles that he’s not welcome at Rodeo. It happened the first time Charles showed up there after Buck was released from jail.

Lorraine overhears the exchange and asks Buck “what the hell is wrong with [him]?” and then tells him that he should show some respect for a person who puts their life on the line every day. Buck slinks off and Charles wonders what she’s doing at Rodeo. She says she’s there to see him.

Ally shows up to talk to Jocelyn.

Shamrock Hotel – Jacob’s Room

Jacob is on the phone with Tess, asking her about the building and the kinds of businesses she can rent to. He doesn’t want to give himself away, so he’s sort of vague about what he’s asking, and when there’s a knock at the door he hangs up.

Angie is there, looking upset, and asks him to hold her.

Gwyneth’s Apartment

“I wasn’t aware my comings and goings were such a point of fascination,” Gwyneth says, snatching the photo out of Tony’s hands. Steffi steps in and tells Tony to leave Gwyneth alone, but he says that he can’t because they need to find the killer. Gwyneth reminds Tony that she explained that she was on her way to Jeremy’s, but then had to stop and run some errands. She accuses Tony of suspecting her of having killed Jeremy and starts to get upset about how much Jeremy meant to her. Tony clarifies that he’s not accusing her, he’s just wondering if she might have seen someone, or she might have felt like someone was watching her and maybe she got away so they went after Jeremy instead.

This upsets her more. “You’re telling me that Jeremy was killed in my place?” Steffi tells Tony that this is terrible. Gwyneth becomes momentarily transfixed by the picture of Trisha, which Tony catches. “That’s a very attractive lady,” he says. “That’s your daughter, right?” She confirms as much and he asks if she’s seen her lately.

Rodeo Bar

Buck sees Ally with Jocelyn and decides to insert himself into the conversation, referring to Jocelyn as an “undesirable.” Ally tells Buck that they’re fine and Jocelyn asks why Buck is giving her a hard time. “Since you asked, today would have been Stacey’s birthday,” he says, sarcastically excusing himself for his less than cheerful attitude.

Ally tells Jocelyn that Buck is having a hard time right now and Jocelyn switches gears to talking about the “injustice” of Ally’s own situation.

Lorraine tells Charles that someone at the station told her where to find him and he wonders why she wants to see him, since she told him last time that she didn’t want to be around him. She explains that she’s just come from an AA meeting and thinks she was trying to take the easy way out before. She notices how exhausted he is and he tells her that he’s being pulled in so many directions, he feels like he’s about to break.

Shamrock Hotel – Jacob’s Room

Angie talks to Jacob about Jeremy’s death and tries to comprehend why he’s been taken. “Maybe death doesn’t necessarily mean that everything’s over,” he offers, adding, “It wasn’t the end for Jesse.”

Shamrock Hotel – Jacob’s Room

Jacob brings out his box of mementos and tells Angie about the day he was leaving Corinth, when he had a strange encounter with the ghost of Jesse Hubbard.

Rodeo Bar

Ally gets indignant and stands up to leave, telling Jocelyn that if she wants to give someone a guilt trip, she should go and talk to Danny. “What about you?” Jocelyn wonders. “It would seem to me that if you were raped-” Ally cuts her off there, warning her not to try to manipulate her.

Lorraine gives Charles a book of photos from throughout Bree’s life. He’s very touched, but becomes upset and has a bit of a breakdown, wondering if what’s going on in Corinth is because he’s bad at his job. She tells him to stop being so hard on himself and start taking care of himself. He agrees that he should go home, but worries about Angie seeing him in such a state. She offers to take him to her place.

Gwyneth’s Apartment

Gwyneth has had enough of Tony’s questions and tells him to leave Trisha out of it. She denies having seen her, except for the day in the park, and Steffi tries to get Tony to back off. He tells Gwyneth that they’re going to find Trisha and when Gwyneth goes to answer the ringing phone, Tony tells Steffi that she is the one who needs to back off.

The call is for Tony, who pleads with Steffi to “cut [him] some slack” and then goes to take the call. Steffi apologizes to Gwyneth for how Tony is acting and Gwyneth tells her that she doesn’t want to cause a rift between Steffi and Tony. Steffi tells her that she wants to stay with her, but Gwyneth insists that she’s fine.

“Guess who we just took into custody?” Tony says. Gwyneth looks worried, thinking he’s referring to Trisha.

Rodeo Bar

Jocelyn gets Ally to sit back down and tries to guilt Ally by making her think about how difficult things are for women who have actually been raped and have to try to prove it. “When we get a false accusation, when someone cries rape and they really have some kind of agenda, do you have any idea what kind of a setback that is for thousands and thousands of women?”

This dialogue rings slightly hollow when you consider that the show literally showed a blue print for how to fabricate evidence.

Ally denies that she’s making a false accusation and Jocelyn decides that they’re done, but tells Ally that she knows she wants to do the right thing before leaving. Once she’s gone, Buck comes over to check on Ally and tell her not to let Jocelyn get to her.

Shamrock Hotel – Jacob’s Room

Angie struggles to understand what Jacob is telling her and he swears that it really did happen, he talked to Jesse.

She tells him that she feels like a ghost of herself lately. She says that she believes what he’s telling her, but she’s not sure why he’s telling her. He explains that he’s thinking that part of a person remains intact after death and goes on. He tells her that he wants to love her the way that he knows Jesse loved her, but she doesn’t think she can love him yet because she doesn’t have a clean slate.

Hawkins Apartment

Charles is passed out on Lorraine’s couch. She watches him sleep and touches his face.

Gwyneth’s Apartment

Tony clarifies that Neal has been brought in and notices how relieved Gwyneth is that he said they caught Neal and not someone else. She says that she’s just glad he’s been caught and then brings up his claim about being her father and thinking that’s ridiculous. Tony disagrees and pulls the baby bracelet out of his pocket to show her. Despite being evidence, it’s not in a bag or anything.

Gwyneth is stunned and when she goes to answer another call, Tony defends his behavior to Steffi and tells her that capturing Neal is only half the battle. Steffi wonders why he thinks Gwyneth would lie about seeing Trisha, given that she’s afraid for her life, but Tony thinks the answer to that question is easy. He offers to take Steffi to get some dinner, but she wants to stay with Gwyneth. He asks if she’s mad at him and she says that she’s not.

After he leaves, Gwyneth tells Steffi that she’s going to screen her calls for the rest of the night because people keep calling about Jeremy. Steffi notices that Gwyneth isn’t wearing the locket and recalls that Gwyneth had said she would only take it off when Trisha came back. “She’s here, isn’t she?”

Episode Cast:

  • Buck Huston – Philip Brown
  • Charles Harrison – Geoffrey C. Ewing
  • Steffi Brewster – Amelia Heinle
  • Jocelyn Brown – Lisa LoCicero
  • Angie Hubbard – Debbi Morgan
  • Tony Soleito – George Palermo
  • Gwyneth Alden – Christine Tudor
  • Jacob Foster – Darnell Williams
  • Ally Bowman – Laura Wright
  • Lorraine Hawkins – Maggie Rush

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