Recap: October 17, 1995

Le Bistro

Steffi asks Ally what it was like seeing Danny in jail. “It didn’t make me feel any better, if that’s what you mean,” Ally admits. She goes on to express some mixed feelings, given that Danny wouldn’t be in jail right now if he hadn’t saved Tyler. “Ally, he wouldn’t be in jail if he hadn’t raped you.”

Ally doesn’t engage with that and instead says that she feels like Tyler got into trouble because she was being irresponsible. Steffi doesn’t think she should blame herself, but Ally tells her that she’s not being a good mother and has been thinking about sending Tyler to live with Cooper.

Burnell’s – Ava’s Office

Ava is on the phone, making plans for Jeremy to come to Tampa, when Alex arrives to deliver the news of Jeremy’s death. Ava ends her call and can tell that something is wrong before Alex says anything. “Not another one?” she asks. “Who?” “Jeremy.”

Police Station

Charles, Tony, and Dr. Rosenstein talk about Jeremy’s death. Charles picks up the phone to call Angie, not wanting her to hear about this from someone else, but gets the machine.

Jeremy’s House – Front Porch

Meanwhile, Angie walks up to Jeremy’s house, which is crawling with police, as well as Richard, who has been trying to get the scoop. She asks him what happened and he tells her that Jeremy has been murdered.

Alden Mansion – Carriage House Interior & Exterior

Gwyneth tells a just off screen Trisha that she’ll be back and then walks out and locks the door. When she gets outside, she runs into Neal.

Alden Mansion – Carriage House Exterior

Gwyneth wants to know why Neal is there and he tells her that they need to talk. She refuses his request to go into the carriage house and tells him to just say whatever it is that he wants to tell her. “I’m your father,” he says.

Le Bistro

Steffi doesn’t like the idea of Ally sending Tyler to Paris and tells Ally that the accident wasn’t her fault. Ally disagrees, explaining that she was preoccupied with finding the diary she lost and wasn’t watching him.

Meanwhile, Deborah gives a customer a hard time because he can’t pay for his meal. Steffi hears the argument and tries to get Deborah to back off, but Deborah points out that the man has stiffed her on the bill three times this week alone. The guy offers Deborah everything in his pockets, which includes a lottery ticket. After the man leaves, Deborah laments her lot in life, pointing out that her restaurant has no customers and she has no employees. “I’m lucky I have a roof over my head.”

Steffi tells her that she brought over her modeling proofs, which immediately lightens Deborah’s mood. As Deborah goes to take a look at her pictures, Steffi returns to Ally and asks if she’s been contributing to Casey’s journal.

Burnell’s – Ava’s Office

Ava tells Alex that Jeremy was going to go to Florida with her and she was going to surprise him with a gallery that she had built for him at the new Burnell’s location. It’s news to Alex that she wanted Jeremy to go to Florida with her and she explains that she had a special connection with Jeremy. “I could talk to him about things – other people would just laugh about Harry, you know?” She adds that, other than Kate, she couldn’t go to anyone else for advice. “How could this have happened?” she wonders. “How could you have let this happen?” She starts hitting him, telling him that he swore they’d be safe and they’re not.

Police Station

Charles, Tony, and Jill talk about the fact that there was no photo fragment at the crime scene and Jill expositions about the process by which they’ll be able to get the plaster off of whatever Jeremy was holding. “We did find two dark hairs in the studio,” Jill says and then confirms that they’re being tested against the hair found at the scene of Curtis’ death.

Charles asks if Gwyneth has been located yet and Tony admits that she hasn’t. Jill worries that it’s not safe for Gwyneth to be out somewhere with no one knowing where she is. “For us or for her?” Tony wonders.

Tony wants to bring Lenox in for questioning and, though Charles doubts he could be the killer, he tacitly agrees to let Tony do so. As Charles is saying that he doesn’t want the press to find out about Jeremy, Richard walks in, followed by Angie. Tony goes to deal with Richard.

Police Station

Tony tries to convince Richard that Jeremy’s death was accidental, but Richard keeps at him for information. He reminds him about their deal and demands answers.

Police Station – Interrogation Room

Charles takes Angie into the interrogation room so that they can talk, but first Officer Rodriguez tells him that “the guy from the serial killer task force in Pine Valley called, he wants to know when you’re going to get back to him.”

Other than the Satin Slayer, which is years away, did All My Children do any other serial killer storylines? Why would Pine Valley have a whole task force dedicated to serial killings? It’s not Salem.

Charles gets rid of Rodriguez so that he can talk to Angie and is apologetic about how she found out about Jeremy’s death. “I understand,” she says. She asks about the APB on Gwyneth and he reveals that they haven’t been able to find her. “So she doesn’t know?” Charles admits that he’s not sure and tells her that right now he’s just worried about her.

They’re interrupted by another cop, who tells Charles that forensics wants to bring in a specialist. Charles agrees and sends the man away.

Police Station

Richard threatens to go on the air that night with a story about Gwyneth lying to protect Trisha unless Tony starts playing ball with him. He reveals that he has Gwyneth on tape, confessing to keeping quiet about the photo in order to protect Trisha, and, backed into a corner, Tony angrily gives him the truth about what happened to Jeremy. Richard is dissatisfied with that answer – I think because he thinks Tony, whose tone is very sarcastic, is lying to him – and tells Tony that he’ll have to do better than that.

Burnell’s – Ava’s Office

Ava continues to take her grief out on Alex. “We should have left this town months ago!” She collapses on the couch, sobbing, and he asks if she’s going to be okay. “No, Alex, I am not okay, and I would say that things are decidedly out of control.” He tells her that he’s done his best, but she thinks he’s done his best for everyone except her and the kids. “I’m tired of waiting,” she says. He doesn’t understand what she means, so she explains that she is taking the kids (one of whom is not even hers) and leaving town whether Alex comes with her or not.

He tries to walk things back a little, suggesting that she go to Florida for a visit, but she refuses. “Not for a little while. It’s for good,” she says. “I’m not coming back.” He accepts that and tells her that as soon as he’s made an arrest, he’ll join her, but she tells him that’s not going to happen.

Alden Mansion – Poolside

Neal follows Gwyneth, explaining the situation to her, but she refuses to believe it, calling it “preposterous.” She tells him that he’s crazy and this is all a fabrication, but he tells her that he wants to help her because he knows how she’s suffered. She threatens to call the guards unless he leaves and he tells her, “I was there! I saw!”

She starts calling for help and he runs off.

Le Bistro

Ally admits to having made some entries into the journal and Steffi says that it makes sense that she would want to find it then. She tries to absolve Ally of any wrongdoing, but Ally’s guilt is eating her up. Steffi starts going in on Cooper, saying that if Tyler goes to live with him he’ll “have to make an appointment to get tucked in every night.” Ally disagrees, saying that Cooper will make time for his son and reveals that she’s spoken to him about it already.

Le Bistro

Ally tries to explain things to Steffi, who thinks that she’s making a big deal out of an accident. “It will give me some time to deal with some things,” Ally says. “Things like what I did to Danny.” Steffi doesn’t understand what she means and Ally starts trying to confess to Steffi, but Tony walks in and tells them that Jeremy has died.

Burnell’s – Ava’s Office

Ava tells Alex that even if he catches the killer, there will then be the matter of the trial and he’ll be committed to staying in Corinth until that’s all over – that’s if he doesn’t get killed himself first. “I just can’t live that way anymore,” she says tearfully. He tells her that he loves her, but he can’t just “cut and run.” “We both have to do what we have to do,” she says.

Police Station – Interrogation Room/Bullpen

Angie reveals that she had gone to Jeremy’s house because she “needed to talk to a friend” and starts crying about his death. “First Stacey and now Jeremy,” she says. “It makes you realize how little…” “How little time we have?” he wonders. She tells him that they need to talk about their marriage, but she can’t finish the thought before Higgins walks in and reports that the Mayor is on the phone. Charles apologetically tells Angie that he needs to take the call and Angie walks out.

As Angie making her way to the door, Gwyneth walks in. Angie expresses her sympathy about what’s happened, but Gwyneth doesn’t know what’s happened to Jeremy yet. Gwyneth walks into the station and everyone stares at her. As she wonders why, Charles tells her that he has some news and takes her into the interrogation room.

The camera stays in the bullpen, capturing the reaction of the people milling around as Gwyneth screams from the other room.

Episode Cast:

  • Deborah Brewster – Nancy Addison Altman
  • Charles Harrison – Geoffrey C. Ewing
  • Steffi Brewster – Amelia Heinle
  • Alex Masters – Randolph Mantooth
  • Angie Hubbard – Debbi Morgan
  • Richard Wilkins – Corey Page
  • Tony Soleito – George Palermo
  • Ava Rescott Masters – Lisa Peluso
  • Gwyneth Alden – Christine Tudor
  • Ally Bowman – Laura Wright
  • Neal Warren – Larry Haines
  • Jill Rosenstein – Kitty Lunn
  • Officer Higgins – Craig Zakarian
  • Officer Rodriguez – Unknown

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