Character Profile: Carly Rescott

Name: Carly Rescott, aka Loren

Portrayer: Colleen Quinn (September, 1990 – April 30, 1992; August 3 – 4, 1992; March 28, 1994)

Parents: Charley Rescott & Kate Sowolsky
Siblings: John Rescott, Louise Rescott, Sheree Rescott, Ava Rescott, and 3 others
Children: Michael Slavinsky
Marriages: Clay Alden (married and annulled in 1991); Paul Slavinsky, married in 1992)


1990: Carly returns to Corinth after a decade long absence, bringing deep, dark secrets with her. The first is that when she left Corinth, she was carrying Paul Slavinsky’s baby, whom she later gave up for adoption, and the second is that she had started a new life as “Loren” and gotten involved with the mob, necessitating that she fake her alter ego’s death. When she returns, she learns that Ava has taken up with Paul, completely unaware of Carly’s own past with him, and she tries to seduce him back and interfere in his relationship with Ava. After Paul breaks up with Ava in an effort to protect her as he works to take down his mob colleagues, Carly finds Ava and Alex in a compromising position and tells Egypt, hoping that she’ll tell Paul and that his separation from Ava will become permanent as a result.

1991: In order to keep Ava at bay, Paul pretends to have gotten involved with Carly, who is determined to make things between them real, but chasing after Paul leads to Carly coming face to face with her former lover, mob kingpin General Ramirez, when he visits Corinth. Although she denies being Loren, Ava unwittingly confirms her identity to Ramirez, who orders Paul to bring her to him and when Carly lies that she and Paul are engaged, Paul goes along with it because Ramirez’s belief that she’s marrying into the organization and will therefore keep quiet about what she already knows is what’s keeping him from killing her. However, Ramirez’s willingness to let Carly live is short-lived and he and A.Z. soon decide that she needs to be killed after all, but Carly is saved when she and Paul reveal to A.Z. that Ramirez is responsible for his son’s death, causing A.Z. to turn on his partner just before Alex and the police, having been tipped off by Paul, come in to bust them.

With the danger now passed, Paul ends his ruse with Carly in order to reconcile with Ava, though she’s reluctant to get back together once she learns that Carly and Paul conceived a child together when they were teenagers and that Carly had an abortion. With Paul determined to be with Ava, and Carly having started to get involved with Clay, Carly gives Ava her blessing to reconcile with Paul, however, things start to sour with Clay when he decides to remarry Gwyneth in order to fulfill the terms of Cabot’s will and collect the inheritance. Feeling down about the state of her life, Carly gets drunk and visits Beldon Pond, where she’s found passed out by Clay, who rushes her to the hospital and ends up leaving Gwyneth at the altar in the process.

Deciding that he loves Carly, Clay gives up on the idea of remarrying Gwyneth, but Carly remains aware that he still wants to get the Alden inheritance. When he learns that he’s the biological father of Tommy, the baby boy recently adopted by Trisha and Trucker, he decides to pursue custody and bolsters his case by claiming that he and Carly are engaged. Carly agrees to go along with it and the two are married, but the marriage is short-lived after Carly realizes how duplicitous and cutthroat Clay has been in his efforts to get the Alden money. She not only files for divorce, but gives Shana the evidence she’s found of Clay’s misdeeds, leading to his downfall.

In the meantime, Ava has discovered that Carly did not have an abortion after all, but gave her child up for adoption. Worried that she could lose Paul if he discovers that he and Carly have a living child together, Ava tries to secure the relationship by marrying him, but things are thrown into turmoil when Paul is paralyzed in an explosion while doing what was meant to be one last job for the mob. When Paul later discovers that the accident has made him sterile, Ava is even more convinced that she’ll lose him if he finds out about his son with Carly, whom Carly has begun to search for, and renews her efforts to get him down the aisle.

Although still in love with Paul, Carly begins dating his physical therapist, Flynn, and when she locates her son, Michael, she and Ava make a deal to tell Paul about Michael’s existence after Ava and Paul’s wedding. However, when Michael goes missing on the day of the wedding, Carly asks Paul for his help searching for the boy and reveals the truth to him.

1992: Michael quickly bonds with Paul, but is more standoffish with Carly, causing tensions between the three of them as Carly wants Michael to see her as his primary parent. Realizing that he’s the odd man out in the situation, Flynn breaks up with Carly and leaves town, and Carly and Paul are brought closer when Michael is hospitalized and diagnosed with a heart condition. But with Michael needing treatment from a specialist, Carly moves him to New York, where she encounters Flynn and they become involved again.

After Flynn is hit by a car and dies, Carly falls into a depression and turns to alcohol, leading Paul to become concerned about her ability to care for Michael, but also to begin questioning his feelings for her. Realizing that Paul, Carly, and Michael need to be together as a family, Ava lets Paul go so that he and Carly can reconcile. A few months later, Carly briefly returns to town and reveals that she and Paul have gotten married.

1994: When Ava falls into a coma after being shot, Carly and their sister, Sheree, make a brief return to Corinth in order to provide moral support to Kate.

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