Recap: July 20, 1995

Rodeo Bar

Danny walks in and Tony invites him to a game of pool. Ally walks in and Danny gets annoyed, wondering if she’s about to accuse him of something.

Le Bistro

Gwyneth, Ava, Angie, and Frankie try to make plans for the memorial and Ava wonders if Angie would like to speak at the service. Angie is a million miles away and wonders why the police are taking so long with Buck. Neal refreshes everyone’s coffee and offers help with the catering for the service, if needed.

Curtis walks in and Gwyneth asks how things went. He reports that the police didn’t have many questions for him because they were busy talking to Buck. Angie glares at Curtis and when she states that some of the decisions for the service should be made by Buck, Curtis decides to get sarcastic.

It is very much not the time and Angie explodes at him.

Police Station

Jacob questions Tessa about the man she was with, suggesting that she run her alibi past him before the police start digging into it. Tess walks off, passing Jocelyn, to whom a cop returns the original of Stacey’s will. Jacob overhears and decides that the thing to do is to grab the will out of Jocelyn’s hand so that he can take a look at it. “Looks like Buck’s gonna be a rich man,” Jacob remarks.

Police Station – Interrogation Room

Buck tells Alex and Charles that he didn’t know he was a beneficiary, but they find that hard to believe. “You think I killed her, don’t you?” he asks.

Police Station – Interrogation Room

Alex tells Buck that they can’t just ignore evidence, but Buck doesn’t like being a suspect and gets indignant. “I don’t anything about anything,” Buck states. Charles brings up the on/off nature of the relationship with Stacey and asks why, if they were on again, no one knew about it. “Because we decided to do it that way. Keep everyone out until we worked things out.”

Alex plays the message Stacey left for Angie for Buck to hear.

Police Station

Jacob gets on Jocelyn for running over and pointing the finger at Buck and tells her that the will doesn’t prove anything. “I guess a small fortune like this wouldn’t interest someone like Buck Huston, who was so desperate for money that he had to go to a loan shark,” she returns. Jacob tells her that was a long time ago and Buck has changed. “I really believe that what [Stacey and Buck] had was real,” he says. “He wouldn’t be the first man that’s killed the woman he loves,” she says.

Le Bistro

Curtis says that Angie isn’t the only one who loved Stacey and she tells him not to speak about love and Stacey. Curtis decides to keep on being sarcastic and gloat about Buck being the prime suspect and Angie asks what the hell is wrong with him.

Gwyneth takes Curtis aside, but not before Angie yells that Curtis “made Stacey miserable with [his] sick attention.” Across the room, Gwyneth tells Curtis to stop and think about how this all looks. “I don’t care how it looks,” he says, “Stacey is gone! And given time, she and I would have found a way to each other and Buck knew that.” Hearing this, Angie charges over and tells Curtis that he belongs back in Dunellen if he really believes that. Angie theorizes that Curtis wants people to think Buck is guilty to deflect blame from himself.

Curtis says that he would never have hurt Stacey and that, deep down, Angie knows that there’s a good chance that Buck did.

Rodeo Bar

Ally asks how Tony is doing and he remarks that with Steffi away on vacation, things are going great because no one is around to abuse him. She makes a snide comment about Danny and then walks over to the bar.

“Broad’s crazy about me,” Danny tells Tony. Tony tells him that he should speak more respectfully about a woman with class and doubts that Ally has any interest in him. Danny thinks Ally is sitting at the bar plotting against him, but Tony doesn’t think Ally spends much time thinking about him.

Over at the bar, Ally drinks alone and thinks about a passage she read in Casey’s journal. She breaks the glass in her hand.

Rodeo Bar

Danny, Tony, and the bartender all notice what’s happened. Tony wants to take her to the hospital and Danny helps wrap up her hand.

Tess walks in and asks Tony for a minute of his time. She starts giving him a sob story, which he sees right through and calls her on, and she finally gets to the point and tells him that she needs a favor. “Actually, I need an alibi – not that I did anything wrong.” He wonders what people think she did, but then decides that he doesn’t even want to hear it and tries to shut her down. “I’m in big trouble,” she tells him. He returns that he’s “glad to hear it” and walks away.

Back at the bar, Danny finishes wrapping up Ally’s hand and tells her that she’s been “sending [him] messages with [her] eyes.” She wonders what he thinks she’s saying and if he thinks she wants him. “Why don’t you tell me the answer to that one,” he suggests.

Police Station

Meanwhile, Jocelyn is being given new paperwork regarding Danny’s restraining order and assures the cop that Danny will stay away from Ally. Jacob asks the cop how long Buck is going to be here, then asks Jocelyn if they can just hold him as long as they want. “It’s the police, they can do whatever they want,” she said, which I’m pretty sure is something no criminal lawyer has ever said ever. Unless they charge him, Buck can literally just get up and walk out at any time.

Jocelyn suggests that Jacob get Buck a lawyer and he wonders if she has anyone in mind. “I bet you just happen to be available.” Kind of think it might be a conflict of interest for her to bring evidence to the police and then act as the suspect’s lawyer, but it doesn’t matter since Jocelyn doesn’t entertain this and instead walks out.

Police Station – Interrogation Room

Buck is sweating as he listens to Stacey’s message about the body powder and Alex decides to go “bad cop” on him about it. “Not once does she mention a reconciliation, but what she seems to be saying is that you’re lying.”

Rodeo Bar

Danny’s still working on Ally’s hand and asks if it feels okay, then asks why she seems to be everywhere he is. She doesn’t really answer him and sort of flirts with him and he goes back to the pool table to continue his game with Tony.

Tess continues to badger Tony for his help, but he just wants her to get lost. He decides to leave instead and Danny asks Tess about his test shots. She gets an idea and decides to offer him a job – contingent on him doing her a favor.

Le Bistro – Interior & Exterior

Angie tells Curtis that she’s tired and doesn’t want to play games with him. “I didn’t mean to get you upset,” he says, “but the truth is the truth.” Gwyneth asks Curtis to take her home and the two of them leave.

Outside, Gwyneth asks Curtis about why he had wanted to check himself back into Dunellen and what it had to do with Stacey. He wonders why that makes a difference now and asks if she thinks he killed her. “Let’s go home, okay?” she says.

She walks away and Curtis pulls out Buck’s bank card, looking at it before following her.

Police Station – Interrogation Room

Buck tells Alex and Charles about the date he and Stacey were supposed to have, but denies sending her the powder. He tells them that Curtis is the one who’s been sending Stacey gifts and suggests they talk to him.

A cop walks in and tells Charles that Frankie is on the phone. Charles decides to call it a day and leaves while Alex tells Buck to stay in town while they continue their investigation. Buck plays the recording of Stacey again, but Jacob walks in and stops it, saying that’s not good for him. Jacob tells him that they need to get to work on clearing his name.

Episode Cast:

  • Frankie Hubbard – Alimi Ballard
  • Buck Huston – Philip Brown
  • Charles Harrison – Geoffrey C. Ewing
  • Tess Wilder – Catherine Hickland
  • Danny Roberts – T.W. King
  • Alex Masters – Randolph Mantooth
  • Curtis Alden – Christopher Marcantel
  • Angie Hubbard – Debbi Morgan
  • Tony Soleito – George Palermo
  • Ava Rescott Masters – Lisa Peluso
  • Gwyneth Alden – Christine Tudor
  • Jacob Foster – Darnell Williams
  • Ally Bowman – Laura Wright
  • Neal Warren – Larry Haines
  • Jocelyn Brown – Lisa LoCicero

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