Recap: July 18, 1995

Penthouse – Master Bedroom

Alex and Ava are in bed. He wakes up with a hankering, so he decides to wake her up to take care of it. “I really missed you,” he says. She tells him that’s nice and seems determined to go back to sleep. “I really missed you,” he says. She tells him “it’s the middle of the night.” He persists, she decides to go along with it.

Rodeo Bar

Buck returns with Jacob in tow. Jacob asks what he needs and Buck starts trashing the place. Jacob sits there calmly, letting him get it out of his system.

Hospital – Emergency/Waiting Room

Charles thinks Angie should come home, but she tells him that she wants to wait for the results of Stacey’s blood test. He wonders why, since Stacey is thought to have died of a heart attack, but she tells him that she wants to make sure because this doesn’t make any sense. “You told me after Deborah Brewster’s heart attack that women are as prone as men are to failure.”

Angie is paged and goes to a phone to call the lab. She tells Charles that there was a toxic substance in Stacey’s blood.

Penthouse – Master Bedroom

Alex and Ava are post-coital in some strategically tangled sheets and talk about their relationship and how powerful their sexual attraction is. They decide to go another round.

Hospital – Waiting Room

Charles and Angie talk about the possibility that Stacey was poisoned and she tells him that since there were no traces of the toxin in her lungs or stomach, it couldn’t have been something she ingested. She expositions that they haven’t identified the toxin yet and she reasons that it could have been something Stacey accidentally came into contact with, but Charles goes straight into investigation mode and wants samples sent over to the police lab. “Stacey may have been murdered,” he states.

Rodeo Bar

Buck laments all the lies he told to Stacey over the course of their relationship and how he’ll never build their dream house and how he screwed things up over just the plans for that house. “I’m responsible for screwing up her life over this stupid house! Now Stacey’s gone. Beautiful, sweet Stacey. The only woman I ever loved in my whole life.”

Penthouse – Master Bedroom

Ava is having a midnight snack and she and Alex talk about how long she was gone. He wants her to travel less and she tells him that she actually has to go back to Florida. “I thought you said the deal was done,” he says, but she tells him there are still some details to work out. He wonders why that can’t be done over the phone, but she insists that she has to attend to it in person because of the amount of money at stake.

He’s unhappy and she asks him to give her a break while she tries to find success in her career. “What’s wrong with that?” she wonders. “Because you’ll never really enjoy what you already have with the people that love you.”

It’s like we’ve gone back in time to last fall.

“It’ll be different this time,” she promises, but he doubts that. “What are you saying? Would you rather be with another woman?” She tells him that he’d be bored with a housewife, but he thinks that sounds pretty good. She slips her hand under the sheets and grabs him by the dick. “What do you really think?” she wonders. “I think I love you,” he says.

Hospital – Emergency Cubicle/Penthouse – Master Bedroom

Angie tells Charles that there’s nothing in the report to suggest an abnormality in Stacey’s heart. He wants to take her home, but she wants to wait for the report. “I don’t want to leave her,” she admits. Charles tells her that there’s nothing more to be done, which she knows, “but it’s so cold down there and she’s all alone… She was too young to die, Charles, it’s not fair. I’m going to miss her so much.”

Angie thinks she should have been able to save her somehow. Charles continues trying to talk her into coming home, but Angie refuses. She leaves to return some paperwork to the desk and Charles picks up the phone.

In the penthouse, Alex picks up the ringing phone despite Ava’s protests. Charles tells him that he needs him to come into work, explaining that Stacey is dead. Alex is shocked and tells Ava what’s happened.

Rodeo Bar

Buck worries about telling JJ and Heather about Stacey’s death and decides to go to the camp right away. Jacob tells him to wait a minute because Angie has already called Rose, who is coming to get the kids. “I should be there anyway,” Buck says, “they need somebody.”

Buck starts crying and Jacob gives him a hug.

Hubbard House – Living Room

Charles and Angie come home. She checks the messages on the answering machine and hears the message that Stacey left for her, which includes the details about the body powder.

I will say this for Stacey, she is much better at leaving a mysterious final phone message than Trisha was. Here’s Stacey, laying out enough details to put Charles on the case, whereas Trisha just left a message for Curtis saying she needed to talk to him about something important without giving him any indication about what it was or a heads up that she thought he was in danger from Buck.

“She must have made that call just before she died,” Angie says, then notices Charles taking the tape. He tells her that it’s evidence and points out that this means that at 9:17 she was still alive. He asks when Buck called 9-1-1, but Angie doesn’t know and wants Charles to stop saying that Stacey could have been murdered because it’s too awful for her to contemplate.

Rodeo Bar

“Should’ve been me, not her,” Buck says. “It’s only her body that’s gone,” Jacob says, “I really believe that the people we have loved and lost, they’re always there in spirit.”

Donovan House – Master Bedroom

Alex walks in and begins looking around. He finds some powder on the floor and then spots the powder puff. He then picks up the powder puff and puts it to his nose to smell it even though he’s been informed that Stacey died of a toxin. You want to die, Alex? Jesus Christ.

Alex puts the powder puff down and picks up the box it came in. He reads the message and then finds a piece of a picture inside the box.

The phone rings. Alex picks it up, but the caller hangs up.

Killer’s Lair

The killer hangs up the phone and then picks up a picture and tears it up while “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” is sung in the background.

Episode Cast:

  • Buck Huston – Philip Brown
  • Charles Harrison – Geoffrey C. Ewing
  • Alex Masters – Randolph Mantooth
  • Angie Hubbard – Debbi Morgan
  • Ava Rescott Masters – Lisa Peluso
  • Jacob Foster – Darnell Williams

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