Recap: July 17, 1995

Donovan House – Master Bedroom/Rodeo Bar

Buck walks into Stacey’s bedroom with flowers and smiles, thinking he’s found Stacey asleep. When he comes closer, he realizes that something is wrong and starts screaming her name. He picks up the phone and dials.

At Rodeo, Jacob accuses Angie of lying to herself if she thinks she doesn’t have feelings for him. She denies it and points out that she married Charles, but he thinks that she’s the one who’s having a problem.

A bartender runs over and tells Angie that Buck is on the phone for her. Buck explains to Angie that an ambulance is on the way, but Stacey’s body is cold. She tells him that she’ll meet him at the hospital. Jacob follows her when she runs out.

The Loft

Tess walks in and finds Tony waiting for her. He tells her that he’s been looking all over for her and asks her where she was. When she’s evasive, he asks, “Who’s life were you threatening this time?”

Alden Mansion – Terrace

Gwyneth comes to talk to Cabot and Isabelle, who are concerned about Curtis, who didn’t show up for his plans with them. Gwyneth agrees that it’s not like Curtis to just not show up. Curtis walks in, wondering why they’re concerned and says that he was busy “taking care of business.”

Alden Mansion – Terrace

Gwyneth tells Curtis that everyone was worried about him and he’s apologetic, but explains that he went back to Dunellen and did some thinking. “I was thinking about checking back into the hospital,” he admits. Gwyneth wonders why he would want to do that and he tells her that he’s realized he had things all wrong with Stacey and it made him wonder if he’s not seeing things clearly. He caps his story off by telling them that he’s realized that he’s not crazy, everyone else is.

The Loft

Tony tells Tess not to give him “the innocent act” and comes right out and accuses her of being Steffi’s stalker. She plays dumb, but he tells her that he knows the check was written on the same computer as the fortune cookie messages and demands to know why she’s been doing this. She tells him to calm down and says that she was just trying to get publicity for the agency. That’s not good enough for him and he points out how terrified Steffi has been, but she continues to justify herself by saying that she was worried about losing her business.

“I’ve been through a lot since I left New York,” Tess proclaims, listing off some of the things that she’s been through, but of course skipping over all of the things that she’s done. Tony isn’t sympathetic and tells her that she’s sold her soul. “You’re bad news – worse than that, you’re nothing,” he says. She asks who he is to judge “considering where you come from.”

Hospital – Emergency

Angie meets the paramedics as Stacey is brought in. When Buck follows, Angie asks him if Stacey has been complaining of chest pains lately. He says not that he knows of and wonders what’s happened to Stacey. “You tell me,” she says. He tells her that he found Stacey unconscious when he got to her house. She wonders if Stacey could have been drinking or if she was on any medication, but Buck doesn’t know.

Angie asks Jacob to keep Buck occupied because he’s demanding to go with her while she examines Stacey. Instead, Jacob advocates for Buck to go and be in the way so Angie just walks off to go do her job.

The Loft

Tony tells Tess that he would never do something like what she did and she keeps alluding to his family and their business. “My family might not be lily white,” he admits, “but at least they don’t hurt their friends.” He further points out that he isn’t his family and tells her that she’s going to pay for hurting Steffi.

Alden Mansion – Terrace

Gwyneth takes Curtis aside and tells him not to joke around. “Last year, whenever somebody would get angry with me or blame me for something, I would automatically assume it was me, that I was a nutcase,” he says. The irony of this is that this is meant to prove that Curtis is delusional – after all, he did crash a plane and shoot his mother last year – but for most of 1994 Curtis was treated so unfairly by the show and the other characters that what he’s saying is actually quite true (right up until the point of him messing with the plane).

Curtis tells Gwyneth that he’s just been trying to repay Stacey for helping him so much while he was in Dunellen. Gwyneth asks what he’s done to do that and he mentions the blown up picture and “maybe another gift.” He insists that Stacey “initiated” a relationship with him, but she points out that he and Stacey have been friends for a long time and she was just trying to maintain that. “Maybe I made a mistake,” he admits. “Maybe I shouldn’t have told her how I felt about her. That’s the one thing that keeps you in Dunellen: don’t rush into anything, don’t just dive in, take your time. You know, some people just aren’t comfortable with honesty and directness.”

Hospital – Emergency Cubicle

Stacey is flatlining and Angie uses the defibrillator to try to bring her back, to no avail. The other doctor tells Angie that it’s over, but Angie just keeps on trying to revive her friend.

Hospital – Waiting Room

Jacob tries to get Buck to sit down because he’s pacing around like a caged animal. “It doesn’t make any sense,” Buck says, telling Jacob about how Stacey was fine earlier in the day. “I thought she was asleep. I kissed her, she was cold…”

Jacob tries to convince him that Stacey’s going to be okay, but Buck knows how she felt when he held her and that it would take a miracle to bring her back. Jacob tells him thar miracles do happen, but Buck doubts that one is coming his way. Jacob urges him not to give up.

Angie walks in and shakes her head, telling Buck that she’s sorry.

Alden Mansion – Terrace

Curtis thinks everyone needs to lighten up and tells Gwyneth, Cabot, and Isabelle that he feels better than he has in a long time. “I’ve made a decision,” he says, “from now on I’m going to face my problems head on. I’m going to deal with them and I’m going to eliminate them one by one.”

The Loft

Tess tells Tony to wait and asks if he’s going to turn her in. He implies that he is and she threatens to share some gossip about his family around town. Gossiping about mobsters? Seems like a smart idea.

She swears that the stalker business is done and he agrees to let it go “for now,” but says that if anything else happens to Steffi, he’s turning her in. She suggests that they have a drink to renew their friendship, but he’s not feeling very friendly with her. “I can’t wait to see what you do for an encore,” he remarks.

Hospital – Emergency Cubicle/Waiting Room

A nurse walks in and wonders why Angie’s getting the body dressed. “Buck needs to say goodbye to the woman he loves,” she says. “I just want her to look pretty.”

In the waiting room, Jacob sits with Buck, who stares into space. He thinks about Stacey and about the kids in a montage set to “Your Love Amazes Me” by John Berry.

Angie returns and tells Buck that he can see Stacey now. He walks out and she says, “She looked so pretty…”

Jacob walks over to try to comfort her, but she tells him not to. Buck goes into the cubicle to see Stacey. “This won’t work, Stacey. Without you… there’s nothing…”

Episode Cast:

  • Cabot Alden – Wesley Addy
  • Buck Huston – Philip Brown
  • Isabelle Alden – Augusta Dabney
  • Tess Wilder – Catherine Hickland
  • Curtis Alden – Christopher Marcantel
  • Angie Hubbard – Debbi Morgan
  • Tony Soleito – George Palermo
  • Stacey Donovan Forbes – Lauren-Marie Taylor
  • Gwyneth Alden – Christine Tudor
  • Jacob Foster – Darnell Williams
  • Lenox – Simon Prebble

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