Recap: July 13, 1995

Alden Mansion – Terrace

Clay, Cabot, and Isabelle wait for Curtis and worry over how he’s coping with being out of the institution. Steffi shows up and tells them that she has “a little unfinished business with the Alden family.”

Police Station

Alex asks Charles about how it feels to be in charge, but Charles isn’t sure yet because it’s still so new. Alex thinks it would be funny for Charles to flex his authority with Higgins, so Charles has Higgins go and fetch them both some coffee. “It feels good to be king,” Charles jokes.

Alex wonders who’s going to be his partner now. As he looks around, Tony walks in and tells Alex that he wants to talk about Steffi’s stalker.

Donovan House – Living Room

Stacey is helping the kids get packed to head off to camp. When Buck comes by, Heather asks if he’s going to move back in. Stacey chases the kids upstairs so that she can talk to Buck. He asks if she thinks he should move back in.

Killer’s Lair

Meanwhile, in black and white and to the tune of some clicking, we watch some powder get mixed up from the killer’s POV.

I’m not going to lie. It’s weird to fade out on this ominous scene and fade in on the peppy, brightly colored Loving Theme.

Alden Mansion – Terrace

Steffi returns Cooper’s engagement ring to Isabelle, saying she didn’t have a chance to return it to him during his brief visit. Isabelle says it’s not necessary, but Steffi knows that it’s a family heirloom and doesn’t feel right about keeping it. Cabot invites her to stay for breakfast and Isabelle tells her that she’s still part of the family as far as they’re concerned. She declines breakfast, but tells Clay that she needs to speak to him about something before she goes.

Police Station

Tony tells Alex and Charles that he thinks he has a lead and wants to look at their evidence to make sure. Charles isn’t inclined to let some rando civilian into the evidence room and suggests that he just tell them what he knows, but Tony doesn’t want to hand the investigation over. Alex tells Charles that Tony is Steffi’s bodyguard and might know something they don’t. Tony says that he’s hoping they can pool their information and Alex tells Charles that Tony went through the police academy.

Charles is still disinclined to bring Tony in and let him play cop, but Tony continues to argue that he could help catch the stalker. Alex backs him up and Charles decides to let Alex take Tony through the evidence that they have.

Donovan House – Living Room

Buck and Stacey make out and talk about how in love they are. He tells her that he thinks he should move back in, if only to protect her from Curtis. She jokes that maybe they shouldn’t move in together until they’re married and he asks if that’s a proposal. He offers to elope with her, but she tells him that they “have some catching up to do” first. He agrees and tells her that they’ll get started that night.

Killer’s Lair

The powder is poured into a case containing a powder puff while a piano version of “Itsy Bitsy Spider” plays in the background.

Donovan House – Living Room

Buck and Stacey make out and talk about their plans for the evening. She teases him about what she’s going to do to get ready for their bang night and then what she’s going to do to him.

JJ and Heather return and say they’re ready to go and ask if she is. “I’m ready,” Stacey says.

Police Station

Alex and Tony look through the evidence and Tony is less than impressed. Alex tells Tony about the fiber they found, but says it’s not back from lab testing yet. He calls to check up on it while Tony looks through the case file.

After getting off the phone, Alex goes to talk to Charles, who is still unsure about giving Tony access to things. He also wonders why, if Tony graduated at the top of his class in the police academy, he’s working as a bodyguard. “That’s a good question,” Alex admits. “He seems to know what he’s doing.”

Alden Mansion – Terrace

Cabot and Isabelle go inside so that Clay and Steffi can talk. She tells him that she wants him to call off the AE security because it feels like too much. She makes a comment about Tony’s attentions being too much already and Clay remarks that he thought she was interested in him. She denies it and he backs off, offering to help her however he can. She says he’s already helped by not saying “I told you so” about Cooper. “I have always thought that you deserved better than Cooper,” he says.

Alden Mansion – Terrace

Steffi doesn’t want Clay getting too familiar and tells him that she doesn’t need someone to take care of her. She remarks that she needs some time and space to think about things and he offers, again, to lend her the house in the Bahamas. “Sounds like a good idea,” she says and he offers to arrange it. However, she remembers that Tess has booked her for a bunch of jobs and thinks she can’t go, but he tells her that Tess isn’t going to stand in her way.

Steffi leaves and Clay gets on the phone, making arrangements for Steffi to go to the Bahamas – and for him to go with her.

Police Station

Tony looks at the fortune cookie message and compares it to his check. “My God, it is Tess,” he says to himself.

Alex comes back and asks Tony if he’s figured things out. Tony keeps his suspicion close to the vest.

Donovan House – Living Room/Front Step

Stacey, Buck, and the kids talk about how Buck is going to take the kids to camp instead of Stacey. Stacey hugs the kids and tells them that she loves them and then sends them out the door and stands on the front step, waving to them. And it’s very sad because, you know…

Killer’s Lair

The killer slips a note reading “Sweet dreams my love” into a package with the powder then puts it all into a box addressed to Stacey. Click. Click. Click.

Episode Cast:

  • Cabot Alden – Wesley Addy
  • Buck Huston – Philip Brown
  • Isabelle Alden – Augusta Dabney
  • Charles Harrison – Geoffrey C. Ewing
  • Steffi Brewster – Amelia Heinle
  • Alex Masters – Randolph Mantooth
  • Tony Soleito – George Palermo
  • Clay Alden – Dennis Parlato
  • Stacey Donovan Forbes – Lauren-Marie Taylor
  • Heather Forbes – Hallee Hirsh
  • JJ Forbes – Geoffrey Wigdor
  • Higgins – Craig Zakarian

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