Recap: June 19, 1995

The Agency – Boardroom

Steffi has just been surprised by a snake in a box she just opened. Tony leaps in to put himself between Steffi and the snake, Bree runs out looking like she’s going to throw up, and the photographer is just annoyed and asks Tess whether they’re going to finish the shoot because he has a plane to catch. Meanwhile, the tabloid reporter tells her photographer to get a picture of the snake. Tess tells the reporter not to report on what just happened and then tells Tony to get the snake back into the box. He tells her that he doesn’t “do” snakes, but when pressed, wrangles it back into the box.

“God, what can you do to me next?” Steffi wonders.

On cue, Deborah’s back from the Bahamas.

Galaxy Gym – Weight Room

Charles works out some anxiety on a speed bag until being interrupted by Frankie, who says he wants to talk to him about Jacob and Angie.

Hospital – Angie’s Office

Jeremy tells Angie about what he uncovered while he was in Pine Valley, revealing that Jacob’s been lying to her and that she was part of Jacob’s plans to get revenge on Charles. “He came here because of you.”

The Agency – Boardroom

Steffi is filling Deborah in on the incidents and asks her not to freak out. Freak out is exactly what Deborah is going to do, however, and she wonders if Cooper has come back from Paris to support her through all this. “Cooper doesn’t really know about it,” Steffi admits.

Tony comes over to introduce himself and Steffi reveals that he’s her bodyguard and refers to him as “a refugee from Hooked on Phonics” because of his constant efforts to work his “word of the day” into conversation. Deborah thinks that’s great – and thinks it’s even more great when Tony asks if she’s Steffi’s sister. Steffi scoffs, but Deborah is won over.

Galaxy Gym – Weight Room

Frankie tells Charles about going to see Jacob and tries to explain how going to see him reminding him of being at his father’s deathbed. Charles is very over the Jesse/Jacob aspect of all this and asks Frankie what his point is. “I realized that it doesn’t matter who Jacob looks like. He is not my father. I knew that before, but… after my father died, I used to pray that it didn’t happen, that it was a bad dream or some kind of mistake, that he was alive somewhere and that he would come back for us,” Frankie says, going on that he believed that when he was a kid and now realizes that he was still holding onto it when Charles came into his and Angie’s lives, which is why he sometimes had a rough time accepting the relationship because he didn’t want anyone to replace his father. “I can see now that you are you. Jacob is Jacob, and my father is my father. It’s not about trying to take anyone else’s place; it’s about just being who you are.”

Charles tells Frankie that things will be okay, but that makes Frankie upset. He accuses Charles of treating him like a kid who needs to be reassured. “We’ve got to work together,” Frankie says, “Otherwise I think you could lose [Angie].”

Hospital – Angie’s Office

Angie tells Jeremy that Jacob didn’t know about her until after he came to Corinth, but Jeremy tells her that she’s wrong. He explains that he went to Pine Valley to bring some paintings to Phoebe Wallingford for a charity event and ran into Joe Martin, who saw Jeremy’s sketch of Jacob and recognized the man. “Jacob was in his office three months ago,” Jeremy says. She denies that that can be possible. “He said to Joe he was a writer, that he was writing a book on his family’s history, that he had heard of his resemblance to a guy named Jesse Hubbard, that maybe the two of them could be related, he was asking a lot of questions about Jesse, about you, and about Frankie.”

Angie wonders why Joe didn’t give her a heads up. “Because of the resemblance he thought it was possible that the two guys could be related,” Jeremy replies, going on that Joe didn’t want to tell her and dredge up painful memories. Angie becomes angry, believing that Jacob has deceived her once again and made a fool of her.

The Agency – Reception

Tony follows Steffi to reception, with her asking him to stop following her. He tells her that he’s been thinking about it and thinks there’s something “phony” about the stalker business, explaining that there doesn’t seem to be any kind of pattern to how the stalker is going about things. “Is there anybody here who might be out to get you?” he asks, casting a glance at a passing Bree and suggesting that she might be jealous of Steffi’s career.

Steffi doesn’t think Bree would do that and points out that Bree was with her when the dress was shredded in Steffi’s closet. Tony thinks that just means that Bree had access.

The Agency – Boardroom

Deborah thanks Tess for hiring Tony to protect Steffi, but thinks that Steffi shouldn’t be working at all if someone is coming after her. “Work is the best thing for her right now,” Tess defends, but Deborah thinks that Tess is just doing what’s best for herself and that Steffi wouldn’t even be in this situation if not for her. Deborah threatens to come after Tess if Steffi is hurt because of her.

Rather than feeling chastised, Tess just laughs.

Galaxy Gym – Weight Room

Frankie tells Charles that he knows they’ve had some conflict and apologizes for giving him a hard time, explaining that it felt like his dad was being taken away from him because of his mom becoming involved with Charles. “You love my mother and I know she loves you and I think you two guys should be together,” Frankie says, urging Charles not to let Jacob move in on Angie.

Charles asks if Angie said something to Frankie to make him think this. “She’s pretending that nothing’s there, but any fool can see there’s a whole lot going on.”

Hospital – Angie’s Office

Jeremy tells Angie that it’s not her fault for being taken in, but she disagrees. “I kept forgiving him, wanting him to be telling me the truth,” she says. “When he used me and Charles and Frankie, that’s one thing. The way he used Jesse? There aren’t words to describe…”

Jeremy fells bad for saying anything, realizing that she cares for Jacob, but she denies having any feelings for the man. “I don’t give a damn if he lives or dies,” she declares. “You can lie to me as much as you want, but please don’t lie to yourself,” Jeremy returns.

The Agency – Reception

Tony and Steffi talk about the possibility of Bree being the stalker, with her still not believing that it could be true. He asks her about Cooper and she reveals that he doesn’t know what’s going on. “What the hell kind of relationship is that?” he wonders, speculating that she hasn’t told him because she’s worried that if she did, he wouldn’t care. She gets mad and tells him to go away, calling him “revolting.” He tells her that she’s “sad.”

The Agency – Boardroom

Tess is on the phone with the tabloid reporter, trying to talk her out of running a story about Steffi and threatening to sue her for “libel” and “invasion of privacy.” Judging by her reaction, Tess doesn’t get the response she was hoping for and ends the call by declaring, “We’ll just see about that, won’t we?”

She hangs up the phone and then smiles to herself. “That ought to get her going.”

Galaxy Gym – Weight Room

Charles tells Frankie that he wants to marry Angie, but he loves her enough to let her go to see if she comes back to him. Frankie thinks this is a dumb decision and tells Charles that he told Jacob that he wants Angie to choose Charles.

The two hug it out.

Hospital – Angie’s Office

Angie laments not listening to Charles’ warnings about Jacob, calling herself “gullible.” Jeremy suggests that Jacob may have started things out as a scheme, but could really care for her, but she doesn’t think that’s the case. “Jacob was out to get Charles and he was using me to do it.” She tells him that he’s just saved her from making a huge mistake. Jeremy heads out and Angie gets on the phone, telling the person on the other end that she’s coming over to talk to Jacob.

Episode Cast:

  • Deborah Brewster – Nancy Addison Altman
  • Frankie Hubbard – Alimi Ballard
  • Charles Harrison – Geoffrey C. Ewing
  • Bree Hawkins – Meta Golding
  • Steffi Brewster – Amelia Heinle
  • Tess Wilder – Catherine Hickland
  • Jeremy Hunter – Jean LeClerc
  • Angie Hubbard – Debbi Morgan
  • Tony Soleito – George Palermo
  • Lucretia Jones – Jennifer Harmon

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