Recap: June 16, 1995

The Agency – Boardroom

Steffi is in the midst of a photo shoot, but doesn’t like having Tony looming over her and tells Tess that he’s making her nervous. Tess dismissively tells her that she’ll get used to it and as Steffi and Tony are starting to argue, Bree is backed into the room by some aggressive reporters.

Tess feigns outrage that word of the stalker has reached the press. Before she can get too far into her performance, Buck walks in and Tony immediately gets in his face and tells him to get out. Buck tells him to back off and tries to get to Tess, but Tony gets in his way and repeats that he needs to get out.

Police Station – Interrogation Room

Ava comes by to have lunch with Alex and tries to get cute with him while he’s on the phone, complaining to someone about Danny being released on bail. When he hangs up the phone, he admits that he’s not in a very good mood and says that he can’t stop thinking about all the things he did wrong that led to Casey’s death. She tells him that it wasn’t his fault, but he’s unconvinced and declares that he’s going to make sure that everyone who played a part in Casey’s death will pay for it.

Bowman House – Living Room

Ally has a one-sided phone conversation with Cooper, assuring him that it’s okay that he’s not there. She rushes off the phone when the doorbell rings and when she answers the door, Danny is there with flowers. Because he’s holding the flowers in front of his face, she doesn’t realize that it’s him until she’s let him in her house.

Hospital – ICU Room

Angie comes to see Jacob, who wonders where she’s been. She reminds him that he’s not her only patient. “Just you’re favorite,” he returns.

The Agency – Boardroom

Things start to get physical between Buck and Tony and Tess tries to intervene. When Tess tells Tony that Buck is someone with whom she has “history” and adds that he’s the star of the Espirit commercial, Tony gets very sarcastic. “Oh, a model, huh? I shoulda guessed by your boyish figure.”

In all honesty, the characterization of Tony has been dialed up to about 10 from the word go, which has felt like a lot, but now that he’s here giving Buck a hard time and getting under his skin, I’m starting to come around to him.

Lucretia Jones, the tabloid reporter that Tess called, barges in to try to get a comment from Steffi, but Tony tells her that she needs to leave. Lucretia just ignores him and her photographer gets into it with Bree. Steffi asks Lucretia how she knows about any of this. “Like always, an anonymous call,” she says. “But I have a pretty good idea who made the call,” she adds, looking at Tess.

Police Station – Interrogation Room

Alex stares at his lunch, not eating it, and Ava asks if he’s still preoccupied with Danny’s situation. “That man is going to get exactly what he deserves,” she says, certain that a jury would never let Danny go free. Alex tells her about Jocelyn and how she’s going to defend Danny even though he heard her acknowledge on the phone to her mother that she believes he’s guilty. Out of nowhere, Ava asks if he thinks Jocelyn is “in the mob” and Alex laughs that off.

Ava wants them to get back to lunch, but he asks if they can cut it short. “I’m losing my touch,” she laments. She agrees to leave him alone if he promises to leave himself alone about his guilt. He says that he’s going to visit Ally and she says that, in that case, she’s coming with him.

Bowman House – Living Room

Ally picks up Tyler and asks Danny why he’s there. He tells her that he wanted to give his condolences, acknowledging that he knows she’s “kinda angry” with him. Are we sure this mofo was shot in the torso and not the head?

Ally unleashes on him about the fact that he’s standing there in her living room while Casey is dead and he defends himself by stating that Casey knew what he was getting into and his death wasn’t Danny’s fault. She tells him to get out and when he hesitates, she tells him that she’s going to call the police. He physically restrains her from doing that and tells her that he’ll leave once he’s done what he’s come to do. She tells him, again, to get out.

Hospital – ICU Room

Angie tells Jacob that she’d rather not have him for a patient, but for a healthy friend. He doesn’t like the idea of just being her friend, but she tells him that’s all she can offer him. He wonders if that might change “further down the line,” but she discourages him from thinking so.

He thanks her for saving his life and she tells him that, in a way, he gave her a chance to get some sort of closure about Jesse. “It was like… as if I’d saved Jesse.” He tells her that he understands, because when he pulled her and Frankie out of the car, it was like he had saved his wife and son, in a way. “We both relived the worst day of our lives, but we were able to make it right,” he says. She’s not sure if they made it “right,” per se, but she thinks that she’s made peace with the past at least.

She tells him that she’s in love with Charles and is going to marry him. “What about me?” he wonders, asking if she loves him, too.

The Agency – Boardroom

Steffi wants to know who Lucretia thinks called her and Tess tries to shut this line of questioning down for obvious reasons. Tess suggests that what Lucretia has heard isn’t true, but Lucretia points to Tony’s presence as a sort of proof that something is amiss. He denies being a bodyguard and claims that he’s Steffi’s husband, but Lucretia knows that Steff is engaged to Cooper.

Tess offers to let Lucretia stay and watch the shoot if she’ll stop asking questions and the photoshoot gets back underway.

At the back of the room, Tony continues to needle Buck and win my heart. “You ever meet that Fabio dude? Is that his real hair?”

Bowman House – Living Room/Front Porch

Danny tells Ally that he wants to give her some money to help her out, but she doesn’t want anything from him and says he can’t buy absolution. “I don’t want it,” she says of the money, “because I know how you got it and it makes me sick. And not all the money in the world is going to bring Casey back to me. So you take your pathetic self out of here.”

“What an attitude,” responds the man who wanted to set fire to the building that he knew she and Casey were hiding in.

Danny walks out, but Ally realizes that the flowers he brought are still there, so she picks them up and follows him out onto the porch to literally throw them at him.

Hospital – ICU Room

Angie admits to Jacob that she has feelings for him, but says that she’s “so confused [she’s] not sure of anything anymore.” She says that the one thing she’s sure of is that when she thought he was dying, saving him became “the most important thing in [her] life.”

He tells her that there’s something he needs to tell her and admits to coming to Corinth with “an agenda.” He starts to explain, but Angie is paged and tells him that she’ll have to come back to hear the rest.

The Agency – Boardroom

Buck tells Tess that he’s going to leave and she tries to convince him to stay and hang out. As he’s about to leave he warns Tess to have Tony “brush up on his manners before someone decides to give him a crash course.” Tony is not at all intimidated and offers to take him on, and since Tony is the writers’ shiny new toy, he gets to “win” the interaction and Buck just slinks off without another word.

Tess decides that Steffi needs to put on some shoes for the shoot and directs Bree to get a pair. Bree retrieves the shoe box and brings it over to Steffi and when Steffi opens it, she finds a snake inside and starts screaming.

Bowman House – Front Porch

Alex and Ava find Danny on the porch and Alex lunges at him and then pulls out his gun and puts it to Danny’s throat. “They’ve got rules about people like you, and most of them are unwritten,” Alex warns. He tells Danny that if he comes to Ally’s house again, he’s going to throw him back in jail.

Ally tells Alex to let Danny go so that he can get out of her face. “If you hurt Ally, I will find you and I will leave the rest up to your imagination,” Alex tells Danny, letting him go.

Ava and Alex ask if Danny hurt her and she assures them that she’s okay. Ava starts chastising Alex for going after Danny like that, reminding him that he could get into trouble.

Hospital – Angie’s Office

Angie finds Jeremy waiting in her office. He tells her that he’s just come back from Pine Valley and reveals that he has some “disturbing news” about Jacob, which he picked up while he was in PV. “He’s not what he seems.”

Episode Cast:

  • Buck Huston – Philip Brown
  • Bree Hawkins – Meta Golding
  • Steffi Brewster – Amelia Heinle
  • Tess Wilder – Catherine Hickland
  • Danny Roberts – T.W. King
  • Jeremy Hunter – Jean LeClerc
  • Alex Masters – Randolph Mantooth
  • Angie Hubbard – Debbi Morgan
  • Tony Soleito – George Palermo
  • Ava Rescott Masters – Lisa Peluso
  • Jacob Foster – Darnell Williams
  • Ally Bowman – Laura Wright
  • Lucretia Jones – Jennifer Harmon

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