Recap: May 31, 1995

Pins – Bar

Ava brings Tyler over just as Kate is locking up and reports that no one picked Tyler up from daycare and no one knows where Ally is. Kate gets Tyler set up at a table and then steps aside with Ava to talk some more. “Mama, it’s like they just dropped off the face of the earth.”

Carnival Grounds

Danny holds Ally at gunpoint and warns Casey to keep his distance. When he implies that he’s going to kill them both, Casey tells him that he’s already been to the police and that they’re on the way, but he still has a chance to escape. Danny laughs at him.

The Loft

Charles gets ready to go and collect the antidote that will save Jacob, but Tess tries to delay him. Jacob points out that this isn’t the time for “chit chat” since he’s, you know, dying, but they’re then interrupted by the knock at the door that Tess has been waiting for. Tess lets Angie in, much to Charles’ surprise.

Pins – Bar

Kate and Ava continue to talk out the situation and try to figure out what’s happened. “I never should have let her leave my house,” Kate laments. Ava tries to get hold of Alex, but can’t.

Alex’s Car

Meanwhile, Alex is still trying to get hold of Casey. “Casey, where the hell are you?”

Carnival Grounds

Casey urges Danny to run while he can. “I know you’re pretty green in this drug game, Bowman, but there are certain rules and regs, so here it goes: if the cops really are coming after me, I might have to put a bullet in both of you right now.” Casey realizes that Danny is killing time and asks who he’s waiting for. “An associate of mine,” Danny says, going on that he needs a witness who can confirm to his boss that he got the job done.

“Are you really going to kill us?” Ally wonders. Danny seems pretty sure that he is and suggests that everyone relax since they’re going to be waiting for a bit. Danny manhandles Ally a little, prompting a response from Casey, which Danny challenges because he’s the one with the gun, so what’s Casey going to do?

The Loft

Angie takes a look at Jacob and Charles watches as she tenderly attends to him. He looks increasingly upset and when he finally stands and walks away, Tess looks amused. Angie assures Jacob that he’ll feel better soon, as Charles and Tess argue about her having called Angie.

Angie administers the antidote, but notes that she doesn’t know how much poison is actually in Jacob so she can’t speak to how effective the antidote will be. “We need to get you to the hospital.” Charles says “no” and Angie protests. Jacob sides with Charles, worried that the rogue agents will come after him again. “Right now my life is in his hands,” Jacob says.

Pins – Bar/Alex’s Car

Ava tries to get Tyler to tell her what happened to Ally and he says that there was a man. Ava tries to call Alex again and this time gets hold of him. He tries to get her off the phone, but she tells him that something is wrong with Casey and Ally and explains what’s going on. “I’m sure everything is fine,” Alex says, laughing a little.

Really, Alex?  Like… really?

Alex offers to go to Casey’s room and look for him, but she says she’s already tried him there. “Tyler said that Ally went with a bad man,” Ava says. Alex is disinclined to accept the testimony of a two year old as accurate and tries to convince Ava that this is all no big deal and then hangs up.

Carnival Grounds

Ally asks Casey about Tyler and he assures her that he’s fine and he’s at daycare. Ally starts in on Danny for leaving Tyler alone at the airport, but Danny doesn’t care. Casey looks around, waiting for the cops to show up. “Police response just ain’t what it used to be,” Danny jokes.

Casey tries to convince Danny to leave again and offers to testify on his behalf that he was working with Casey to bring the drug ring down. Danny thinks it’s hilarious that Casey wants him to trust him given that Casey has already ratted him out once. Danny decides to start harassing Ally again and implies that he’s going to rape her in front of Casey.

When Danny becomes distracted molesting Ally, Casey makes his move, knocking Danny to the ground and telling Ally to run. Instead of doing that, she hangs around to watch Casey and Danny fight until finally Casey is able to extricate himself and run with her. Danny takes a moment to find his gun and then runs after them.

The Loft

Jacob wonders when he’ll start to feel the antidote working and Angie tells him that she doesn’t think it’ll be any time soon. She takes another try at convincing him to go to the hospital, but both he and Charles shoot that down. Tess offers to keep him at her place and Angie thanks her for calling her.

Angie tells them that Alex knows that Carolyn is behind it all and the police are searching for her. Charles warns Tess about Carolyn and how dangerous she is and then takes Angie aside and tells her that he doesn’t want her involved. “I’ll be fine,” she says and asks what he’s going to do. He’s going to Quantico and get some back up and asks her to take care of herself. “I’ll be safe here,” she says, but the fact that she’s planning to stay with Jacob doesn’t exactly reassure him. “I have to monitor his response,” she says, but Charles thinks that she needs to go home in case Carolyn is watching. Jacob agrees and then takes her hand, asking her to do it for him as well as for herself and her family.

Carnival Grounds – Barn

Casey and Ally run inside and lock themselves in. “We’re going to get out of here,” Casey says, adding that the police are on their way, not understanding why they aren’t there already. Outside, Danny taunts them and rattles the door. “Enjoy yourself while you still can,” he tells them.

Shamrock Hotel – Hallway/Casey’s Room

Alex checks out Casey’s room and finds it trashed. He sees that his surveillance equipment has been ripped out of place and runs out.

The Loft/Hallway

Angie shares a few final words with Jacob and tells Tess to call her if anything happens. Jacob thanks Charles and the two shake hands. “Don’t you go dying on me now,” Charles says. “We got business to settle,” Jacob assures him.

Charles and Angie walk out, with her taking a last look at Jacob before going. Out in the hall, she apologizes to Charles for doubting him about what he was doing with Jacob. “I can forgive you just about anything,” he says, “As long as I know you still love me.” “I will always love you,” she says. “Only you.”

He hugs her and, over his shoulder, the expression on her face betrays that lie she just told.

Inside, Tess smirks at Jacob and tells him that he has “it bad for [Angie].” He doesn’t reply.

Episode Cast:

  • Charles Harrison – Geoffrey C. Ewing
  • Tess Wilder – Catherine Hickland
  • Danny Roberts – T.W. King
  • Alex Masters – Randolph Mantooth
  • Angie Hubbard – Debbi Morgan
  • Ava Rescott Masters – Lisa Peluso
  • Kate Slavinsky – Nada Rowand
  • Casey Bowman – Paul Anthony Stewart
  • Jacob Foster – Darnell Williams
  • Ally Bowman – Laura Wright

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