Recap: May 19, 1995

Shamrock Hotel – Casey’s Room

Casey and Ally are still lying in bed, two episodes later. He tells her that she should go because it’s not safe, but, like, she’s already been there all day. She suggests that they could run away together and “start brand new lives,” disappearing with Tyler. Because that worked out so well the last time they tried it.

Rodeo Bar

Buck glares at the model of the house he wants to build, but now can’t for reasons of toxic masculinity. “The hell with it,” he snarls, pouring himself another shot.

Tess walks in and asks if Buck wants to buy her a drink. He looks game for whatever she has in mind as they make eyes at each other.

Hubbard House – Living Room

We open mid-conversation between Alex and Angie, who presumably started this conversation in the missing previous episode. Charles is missing and Alex tells her that he has to call the station and let them know that he’s on the lam.

Hospital – Private Room

Carolyn, disguised as a nurse, injects something into Jacob’s IV. He tries to ask her for something before she goes, but can’t get the words out. When he tries to stand up, he immediately collapses. He tries again and makes it a few steps before falling to the floor.

Rodeo Bar

Tess tells Buck that she was just visiting Jacob, who’s doing well all things considered. He wonders if the police have a suspect and she thinks it must be “a jealous husband.” She points out that this is the “first semi-friendly conversation you and I have had since we slept together. Could it be that you’re finally forgiving me?” He tells her that she just caught him on a “crazy” night.

She notices the model and asks about the real thing. He tells her there’s been a “set back.”

Shamrock Hotel – Casey’s Room

Casey tells Ally that they can’t run away, but she continues trying to convince him. “Where would we go?” he wonders. She suggests such disparate places as Colorado, Tahiti, and Australia and tells him that they can change their names. “I just want us to be together and I want you to be safe,” she says.

“I’ve started this, I’ve got to finish it,” he says. She’s worried that he’s going to get himself killed and he declares that that’s not going to happen and that “this whole thing is going to be over in a couple of days.” She tries to convince him that he doesn’t need to be the one who brings the drug ring down, but he disagrees. “I want to try to make amends somehow. I want to be able to wake up in the morning and look at you and Tyler in the eye and know that you’re proud of me.”

They argue some more about the danger and he tries to get her to leave. There’s a knock at the door and Danny calls out, telling Casey to let him in.

Hospital – Private Room

Jacob writhes around on the ground, trying to get back to his feet. He finally succeeds, but is still unsteady.

Hubbard House – Living Room

Angie stops Alex from calling the station, reminding him that “Charles is your best friend.” Alex claims that he has no choice, which is, of course, a different tune than the one he sings any time Ava is in trouble. “You don’t believe Charles tried to kill Jacob,” Angie says. Alex says it doesn’t matter what he believes because the evidence is there.

Angie tells Alex that Charles thinks that he’s being set up by Carolyn, but Alex tells her that he’s already looked into that. “Maybe he has something, I don’t know, but we can’t prove it. Him running off like this, it makes him look guilty.” He asks if she knows where Charles would have gone and then realizes that he must have gone to Jacob.

They run out.

Hospital – Private Room

Jacob has managed to get himself dressed and starts trying to leave the room. When he sees the door opening, he grabs a vase full of flowers and when Charles walks in, he cracks it over the back of his head.

Shamrock Hotel – Casey’s Room

Casey sends Ally into the bathroom to hide and then lets a very impatient Danny in. “What’s going on?” Danny wonders, looking around. Casey says he was sleeping and asks why Danny is there so late. “It’s almost midnight,” he grumbles, as if drug dealers normally keep bankers’ hours.

Danny tells him that he heard voices and Casey claims he must have heard his radio. Danny tells him that he’s been asking around about him and no one has seen him all week. “I’ve been busy,” Casey says. “Busy doing what?” Danny wonders, pointing out that he’s supposed to be selling drugs. When Casey claims that he’s been busy selling drugs, Danny demands to see the money he’s collected. Casey stalls, saying he doesn’t keep the money in his apartment. Danny gives him a time and place to deliver the money he’s collected and warns that he’ll send people to come and get him if he doesn’t show up.

Once Danny is gone, Casey brings Ally out of the bathroom. She hugs him.

Hospital – Nurse’s Station

Alfred asks Carolyn how things went. “Great for me, not so good for Johnson.” She claims that it will take some time for the doctors to figure out how Jacob died.

As they’re about to leave, Angie and Alex step off the elevator. They step out of sight, letting Alex and Angie pass.

Hospital – Private Room/Hallway

Jacob kneels down to have a look at Charles, who appears to be passed out but then grabs him when he gets close enough. Charles takes out a gun and Jacob wonders if he’s there to “finish the job.” Charles tells him that he didn’t run him over and says that someone else is trying to kill him and pin it on Charles.

Charles drags Jacob to his feet. “If I don’t let you save my life, you’re going to shoot me?” Jacob wonders. Charles drags him to the door and Jacob tries to resist, but he’s too weak. They get into the hall just as Alex and Angie are approaching the door. “Keep out of this, Alex,” Charles warns. Angie pleads with Charles not to do something crazy and Alex tells Charles that he can’t let him walk out with Jacob. “That means you’ve got a big problem, Alex.”

Rodeo Bar

Tess questions Buck and admits that Stacey accused her of “some bizarre plot to send you the loan papers.” When he tells her that he’s going to find some other way to put the money together to build the house, she reiterates her offer to give him a job as a model. She tells him that she thinks about their relationship “all the time” and hints at how lonely she’s been ever since.

He pours each of them another shot and suggests they keep drinking.

Shamrock Hotel – Casey’s Room

Casey tells Ally that he wants her and Tyler to get out of town for a little while. She questions him about where he’s going to find the money Danny is expecting to see in the morning and he tells her that Alex has arranged the money for him.

She’s worried about Danny’s threats, but Casey tells her that Danny is “all talk” and assures her that by morning, this will all be over. When he says that Danny and his associates will be locked up, she wonders what will happen when they eventually get out, but he’s not worried about that.

She kisses him and tells him that she loves him. “I love you even more,” he says, sending her out after checking to make sure the coast really is clear.

Hospital – Hallway/Parking Garage

Angie tells Charles not to make things worse, but Charles thinks that if he turns himself in, he’s sure to be convicted and his only chance is to find proof that he’s innocent. Charles points to Jacob, saying that he needs to get him out of the hospital because if he stays there, “they” will get to him. “You can’t just drag him out of the hospital,” Angie says.

Alex offers to put Jacob in protective custody, but that’s not good enough for Charles. Jacob weakly suggests to Alex that he should “shoot [Charles] now” and Alex warns Charles that if he goes through with this, the entire Corinth Police Department will be after him.

Oh no! The worst crime solvers in the world are going to come after him! Better give up now Charles.

Charles tells Alex not to try to follow him and hustles Jacob out. Great cop that he is, Alex tells Angie, a civilian, to follow Charles and Jacob to the parking lot while he calls it in.

Meanwhile, Carolyn and Alfred watch this through a window in the hallway’s door. “Mr. Johnson looks awfully lively for a corpse,” Alfred remarks.

As they walk into the parking garage, Jacob comments that Charles is finally finishing what he started 8 years earlier. Even though he’s been saying for several episodes now that Jacob is connected to the mystery event in his past, Charles is taken aback by this.

Episode Cast:

  • Buck Huston – Philip Brown
  • Charles Harrison – Geoffrey C. Ewing
  • Tess Wilder – Catherine Hickland
  • Danny Roberts – T.W. King
  • Alex Masters – Randolph Mantooth
  • Angie Hubbard – Debbi Morgan
  • Casey Bowman – Paul Anthony Stewart
  • Jacob Johnson – Darnell Williams
  • Ally Bowman – Laura Wright
  • Carolyn Myers – Lisa Brown
  • Alfred Unknown

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