Recap: September, 1989

Head Writer: Millee Taggart & Tom King / Executive Producer: Joseph Hardy

Disguised as a Canadian Mountie, Alex visits the Bar Habor police detachment and tries to get information about the crime for which Trucker went to prison. He meets with Jelka, the investigating officer, but when he spots a bullseye in an ad on TV, Alex suddenly shuts down and walks out of the police station as though in a trance. He makes his way to an abandoned mine and jumps into a shaft, believing those are his orders. When Clay arrives in Maine, he’s furious with Jelka for not managing to stall Alex and keep him at the station. Knowing that Clay has gone on a trip to Maine, when Ava finds out from Jack that Alex is also in Maine, she worries that Clay is going after him. Despite her rift with Kate, Ava goes to her to plead her case and try to get her to reveal how Alex can be reached, explaining that she knows Clay took a gun with him on his trip, but Kate is unconvinced that the two men are going to end up in a duel to the death over her daughter.

Despite Kate’s efforts to keep Ava from bothering Alex, Ava finds the address where he’s staying and heads to Maine to try to warn him about Clay, but she’s too late: Clay has already spotted Alex’s rental car outside the mine and finds Alex unconscious inside. When Alex comes to, he initially thinks they’re back in the prison camp, but when Clay points a gun at him, Alex realizes that he was hallucinating and starts to get his bearings. Clay confesses to the hit and run and the two men argue about their past and their connection, with Alex certain Clay can’t actually kill him because deep down, they have a bond. As they argue, someone pulls up the rope to the shaft, and when Clay notices that the rope is gone and realizes that they’re trapped, he agrees to work with Alex to get out. They find a passageway blocked by rubble and as they clear it, Alex tells Clay about the dream he’s been having about shooting himself in the foot and Clay recalls that Alex needed a crutch while they were at the prison camp.

While Alex and Clay work on freeing themselves from the mine, Ava arrives in Maine and heads straight to the police station, where Jelka pretends he’s going to help her, but then arranges for Ava to be taken off to a mental hospital and locked up. Ava’s attempts to explain her situation only seem to confirm that she’s lost her mind and that an institution is exactly where she belongs. When she gives her watch to an orderly as a bribe to get them to call Kate and tell her where she is, the call gets picked up by Abril who, thinking the caller is joking, confirms that Ava is crazy. Meanwhile, Clay and Alex extricate themselves from the mine and the former pretends that he’s going to turn himself in. Alex takes Clay to the police station where Clay goes into an interrogation room with Jelka and berates him for trapping him in the mine. Jelka denies doing so and tells him about Ava being institutionalized. Clay gives instructions to have Ava drugged and brought to his hotel room, and then returns to Alex and announces that he’s not being charged due to the statute of limitations having lapsed. Alex is suspicious, but becomes distracted when Clay lies that Ava came with him to Maine and returns to Clay’s hotel with him, where they find Ava in Clay’s bed. Feeling discouraged, Alex returns to Corinth. When Ava comes to in Maine, she thinks that Clay must have rescued her from the institution and claims that she followed him because she was worried about what would happen to him.

After Ava and Clay return, Alex informs her that he wants a divorce and doesn’t want to hear her explanation for what she was doing, and what happened to her, in Maine. Clay reiterates to Gwyneth that he, too, wants a divorce, but when Cabot begins making noise about all the trouble Clay has made for the family since his return and threatens to have Clay removed as AE’s CEO, Clay turns his attention to trying to get Cabot out of his way. As part of his plan, Clay tells Ava that he’s worried Cabot is deteriorating cognitively and arranges for him to be given an physical and psychological exam by his doctor.


Jeff and Trisha move into the gatehouse at the Alden estate and he tells her that he’s ready for them to be sexually intimate. She puts him off and later goes to Trucker, who tells her that he thinks Jeff was working with Gwyneth and helped her stage her apartment to make it look like Trucker attacked her. Trisha agrees that if proof of that could be found, she would feel free to leave Jeff despite his condition. While Trisha is with Trucker, Gwyneth pays a visit to a sexually frustrated Jeff and offers to help him determine whether everything is still in working order and he decides to take her up on it. But despite Gwyneth’s attentions, Jeff continues to pressure Trisha to consummate their marriage. She tries to stall, but he persists until she decides to submit. However, when he realizes that she’s crying, he stops and she asks him to be patient.

In an effort to keep tabs on Trisha and further his and Jolie’s plot, Dale applies for a job as an electrician on the Image set, but Trisha is spending much of her time at the cabin instead of at work, where she and Trucker give in to their attraction and begin a physical affair. Suspecting that Trisha has been spending time with Trucker, Jeff tasks his henchman, Ransom, to find proof, while he himself begins a new kind of therapy after learning from a specialist that he may be able to regain the ability to walk after all. Jeff quickly begins to see some improvements with the new therapy, but his happiness is short lived when Ransom confirms his suspicions that Trisha is seeing Trucker.

When Trisha questions him about how his new therapy is working, Jeff hides the fact that his condition is quickly improving – so quickly that he finds that he’s already able to move his foot. Meanwhile, Amourelle’s Perfect Man contest gets under way and, worried that Clay would sabotage him if he knew that he was competing, Trucker enters as a masked contestant and makes it to the finals, where he’ll compete against Todd for the cash prize.


Despite being initially unimpressed by Todd’s motorcycle, Rocky agrees to let him take her for a ride out to Belden Pond. However, this go awry when Todd loses control of the motorcycle and Rocky is thrown from it and knocked out. Todd rushes her to the hospital, where Curtis admits to his friend/rival that he, too, is in love with Rocky. When Trucker finds out that Rocky is in the hospital, he’s furious and tells Todd once again to stay away, but Todd warns him that he’s not going to stand for anyone trying to keep him and Rocky apart.

Rocky decides to cool things with Todd once again, telling him that their relationship is feeling too intense. Unhappy and frustrated, Todd makes a show of asking another woman out in order to make Rocky jealous. Rocky responds by accepting a date with Curtis and all four end up at Belden Pond. When Todd’s date realizes that she’s being used and that Rocky is the one he really wants, she takes off.


Kate’s doctor is concerned with the results of her pap smear and asks her to come in for a biopsy to determine whether the cancer cells discovered are malignant. Afraid of what the results will be, Kate is upset that Ava has run off to Maine and isn’t there to provide moral support. When the biopsy results come back and Kate learns that she has cervical cancer, she tries to break the news to Ava, but Ava is so wrapped up in her own drama that she doesn’t let Kate get the news out. Kate later confides her diagnosis to Alex and Minnie.


Jack is feeling triumphant when he returns to Corinth after escorting Stacey and her mother to Florida and takes the opportunity to rub it in Rick’s face. The news gets worse for Rick when he learns that Stacey’s petition to annul their marriage has been granted, and then finds out second hand that Stacey has given birth to a baby girl.

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