Recap: May 12, 1995

Hospital – ICU

Charles talks to his colleagues about the hit and run. Asked where he was at the time, Charles plays dumb and asks what’s going on. “We got a tip from someone putting you at the scene,” Officer Higgins tells him.

When told that the tip came from an anonymous caller, Charles says that he has a feeling he knows who it was just as Frankie is approaching. As Charles steps over to Frankie, Alex comes around the corner and stops him.


Danny meets with his boss, who remains in his car and obscured from our view. The boss’ bodyguard tells Danny to make his point and make it fast and Danny tells the boss that he checked Casey out and it’s all good. “You got nothing to worry about,” Danny says while, across the street, pictures are snapped of the meeting.

The photographer is, of course, Casey, who is crouching down in an alley. He moves behind a car to get a better shot, trying to capture the man in shadow in the back of the car.

Hospital – ICU Room

Angie asks Jacob to tell her about his late wife. “I lost her,” he says.

Hospital – ICU Room

Angie tells Jacob that if it’s too hard, they don’t have to talk about it, but he tells her a bit about his wife, describing her as “an angel” and saying that they were childhood sweethearts. “She was my touchstone,” he says, describing how she helped steer him away from a bad path and encouraged his musical talents. “Sounds like you were pretty happy,” Angie observes. He agrees, calling his life with his wife and son “perfect.”

They’re interrupted by a doctor who wants to examine Jacob, who asks Angie not to leave.

Hospital – ICU

Alex and Charles have a whisper argument about Alex being suspicious of Charles. Alex tells him that he doesn’t believe Charles did it, but someone did put him at the scene. “I can fix this,” Alex says, certain that it’s just a misunderstanding. Charles thinks he’s being set up and fixates on Frankie, standing across the room.

Officers Rodriguez and Higgins come over and report that they’ve been ordered to bring Charles in. Alex says he’ll do it and as he and his colleagues are discussing it, Charles heads over to Frankie. “I didn’t tell anybody anything,” Frankie says. “I wouldn’t do that. I wouldn’t do it to my mother.” “Then who the hell did?” Charles wonders.


Danny assures the boss and his muscle that he’s “got everything under control.” Danny reiterates that he’s determined that Casey is okay and describes the test he gave him at Belden Pond. The bodyguard warns him that if Casey turns out not to be okay, both he and Danny are going to be killed over it. With no shortage of admiration, Danny relates how Casey stood up to Jerry when he was holding a gun on him and then disarmed him. “He takes me on, man,” Danny says, “He told me to shoot him or shut up and get out of his way.”

The boss starts laughing. “Tough guy, huh?” the bodyguard says. “I’ve got to hand it to the guy, he’s got nerve,” Danny says. But the jovial vibe quickly disappears as Danny hears something across the street. Casey quickly ducks out of view, but Danny motions for the bodyguard to follow him and they head across the street.

Casey retreats back into the alley and hides.


Danny and the bodyguard come running down the street – which I take it to mean that Danny somehow heard the click of the camera from down and across the street – and take a look around the alley.

Casey hides, looking nervous.

Hospital – ICU

Alex tells Higgins and Rodriguez that he’ll take responsibility with Graham. He then goes over to Frankie and Charles and starts questioning Frankie. Charles tells Frankie to go ahead and tell Alex what he knows. Frankie is reluctant and Alex starts to get frustrated.

Charles decides to let Alex in on his investigation and reminds Alex about his trip to Quantico, revealing to him and Frankie that there’s a gap in his memory and that he’s sure that the gap is connected to a case he worked on in 1988. “What does this have to do with last night?” Alex wonders. Charles tells him that he was supposed to meet with Carolyn at the inn because she said she had some information for him. “That’s where I was at the time of the accident.” Alex is relieved, but then Charles tells him that Carolyn never showed up and that he fell asleep in the lobby.

Alex repeats everything that Charles just told him. “I know it sounds weird, Alex, but it’s true. I can prove it,” Charles says, asking Alex to come with him.

Hospital – ICU Room

Jacob is told that he’ll be moved from ICU once a room becomes available and after the on call doctor leaves, Jacob tells Angie that he’s anxious to leave. She tells him that he’s “not out of the woods yet” and should get some rest, but he asks her not to leave just yet. He tells her that he hasn’t talked about his wife in years, saying that he thinks she can understand.

He talks some more about his relationship with his wife and she can relate to the kind of bond he’s describing. She talks a little about Jesse and how hard it was to lose him. She says that they have to move on, make a new life in the wake of their losses, but he tells her that some people can’t do that.

He tells her that his wife died before their son did and “that was the one and only saving grace. I mean, I thank God that she… parents should not outlive their children. It’s not natural.” She asks how his wife died.


The bodyguard searches inside a dumpster, but not beside it, and then declares that there’s no one there. Danny suggests he check behind the garbage cans, but the bodyguard bizarrely refuses to step two feet from where he’s standing and have a look. Casey listens to them argue and then a cat comes along, momentarily startling everyone. When they see it, Danny and the bodyguard think that was the noise Danny heard – from down the street – and take off.

Hospital – ICU Room

Angie walks back her question, saying she shouldn’t have asked. “I don’t know if I want to deal with that right now,” Jacob says and she understands that, saying that she didn’t want to talk about Jesse’s death after it happened, as if that could somehow keep him alive. “He died in my arms,” she says. “At least you were the last person he saw, the last voice he heard.”

He apologizes for his resemblance to Jesse and how it must bring up old memories. He asks about her relationship with Charles and whether she has the same bond with him that she had with Jesse. She stammers a response, saying they haven’t been together as long as she was with Jesse, nor have they been through the same things she and Jesse went through.

He tells her that he wants to tell her the truth about how his wife died.

Hospital – Parking Garage

Charles and Alex argue about the former’s plan to go to the inn and question the innkeeper in person when the latter thinks they could just call him. “I want you to take his statement so there’s no question,” Charles says.

Charles then tell Alex that he’ll drive, but then realizes that his car is gone. “They impounded your car,” Alex says.

Hospital – ICU Room/ICU

Jacob starts to tell Angie about something that happened “a long time ago,” but Frankie interrupts them. He asks if Jacob remembers anything about the hit and run and Angie asks if Frankie can come back later, but Frankie tells her that he needs to talk to her about something urgently.

Frankie and Angie step out and he tells her that the police think Charles was the driver of the car.

Episode Cast:

  • Frankie Hubbard – Alimi Ballard
  • Charles Harrison – Geoffrey C. Ewing
  • Danny Roberts – T.W. King
  • Alex Masters – Randolph Mantooth
  • Angie Hubbard – Debbi Morgan
  • Casey Bowman – Paul Anthony Stewart
  • Jacob Johnson – Darnell Williams
  • Joseph (bodyguard) – Dan Southern
  • Officer Higgins – Craig Zakarian
  • Officer Rodriguez – Unknown
  • Edith (on call doctor) – Unknown

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