Recap: March 24, 1995

Alden Mansion – Drawing Room/Foyer

Cooper and Steffi’s party is just getting underway, with Casey, Ally, and Jeremy arriving. Cooper jokes to Jeremy that he’ll have to come with them so that he can be their translator, but Jeremy informs him that “Parisians thinks of us French Canadians as less than French.”

Ally has a gift for Steffi, which she happily opens. It’s a t-shirt that says “An American in Paris.” They hug, but then hear Deborah ripping into Jacob and Neal about the preparations for the party. Seeing this, Steffi decides to take off in the exact opposite direction from Deborah (a good choice) while Jacob tells Deborah to “relax.”

Alden Mansion – Library

Cabot, Isabelle, Clay, and Gwyneth have a private summit to discuss the new Paris branch. Isabelle and Cabot are full of praise for Clay for agreeing to go along with it, calling him “generous.”

After Isabelle and Cabot leave, Gwyneth offers that she’s proud of Clay, too. “I had forgotten that there is a warm and caring man under all that bluster.” He tells her not to ruin his reputation, but she’s glad about what he’s done. He brings up what she did, saying that he knows that she secured the Paris job for Steffi after it seemed lost. He says this just as Steffi walks into the doorway.

Alden Mansion – Foyer/Drawing Room

Buck and Stacey arrive and run into Jacob, who is playing waiter. After he walks away, Stacey turns to Buck and says, “My God, he’s everywhere.” He tells her that it’s nothing to be nervous about and she says that she’s not nervous, she’s just worried about Angie.

On cue, in walks Angie, Charles, Frankie, and Bree. Charles gets paged and goes off to use the phone, so Angie walks into the party and comes face to face with Jacob without Charles at her side.

Alden Mansion – Foyer/Drawing Room

Stacey sees Jacob and Angie looking at each other across the room and decides to intervene, going over to her friend, who says that she’s “okay.” Stacey asks how she’s feeling and Angie admits that she kind of wants to go straight home.

Across the room, Casey walks over to Frankie and Bree, who has heard a lot about him from Tess. She tells him that Tess is full of praise for his work and, after she excuses herself, Frankie tells Casey that Tess really does miss him and asks if there’s any chance he’ll come back. Casey doubts it, saying that other professional doors have been opening up for him. He then thanks Frankie “for being a friend when just about everyone else had written me off.”

Ally and Cooper talk about the impending move and how fast things are happening. He tells her that he’s worried that Tyler will forget about him and she promises that she won’t let that happen.

Alex, Ava, Kate, and Dinah Lee arrive, but Dinah Lee isn’t happy about being there and outright states that she didn’t want to come. Honey, you’re an adult. If you didn’t want to come, you didn’t have to come. It’s not like you’re friends with Cooper and Steffi anyway.

Alden Mansion – Library

Steffi asks for clarification about what Clay just said to Gwyneth, who tries to dismiss it by saying that Clay was “over dramatizing” what happened, but admits to having talked to Simone.  Clay decides to let them talk in private, but not before revealing that Gwyneth took out an insurance policy on her in order to get Simone to give her the job back. Steffi is confused, but then realizes that it must have something to do with her bulimia. She wonders how Simone found out about that, but is grateful to Gwyneth for helping. “I’m getting better, you know,” she says, telling Gwyneth that she’s her friend and giving her a hug.

Alden Mansion – Drawing Room/Foyer

Deborah, still in a tizzy, tells Clay that she needs help. “We can’t find the cake!” Clay doesn’t care, but this is a huge deal to Deborah.

Charles tells Alex that Graham just called to talk about the drug investigation, but then spots Angie across the room and decides to go over to her.

Ava reassures Dinah Lee that she “has every right to be here,” but Dinah Lee doesn’t really agree. “This is Trisha’s house, this is Trisha’s family…” going on that being there feels “insensitive.” Ava disagrees, saying that “we’re all friends here,” but then glancing across the room at Buck and Stacey, adds “almost.”

Deborah, having failed to get Clay to care about the cake, is now harassing Cooper. He also does not care and she can’t understand why no one cares. When he tells her to “chill,” she remembers that she left the cake in the freezer at the Bistro.

Charles is questioning Angie about what’s wrong, but she says she’s just tired from work. He suggests heading home in that case, but she says that she doesn’t want to spoil the evening. He thinks leaving the party and heading home to bed would make the evening better and goes off to let Alex know they’re heading out. She goes over to Stacey and Buck to let them know the same and Stacey wonders who she’s going to talk to if Angie leaves. “Deborah?” Angie suggests. “Or Ava?” Stacey grimaces.

Angie goes off in search of Frankie, while Deborah decides to make the cake issue a Lenox problem. He tells her that he can’t leave the party to help her and Isabelle steps in to intervene. Isabelle suggests that Clay can drive Deborah a ride to the Bistro to get the cake. He doesn’t want to do that, but Isabelle asks him to please just take Deborah away so that she can stop driving everyone crazy. “Only for you, Mother.”

“Alright, Ms. Albatross,” Clay says, gesturing for Deborah to come with him. They start to leave, but then she pauses and says she doesn’t know if she can trust him. “What if I wind up in Cleveland?” “I hope you do wind up in Cleveland.”

Alden Mansion – Library

Angie comes looking for Frankie and winds up face to face with Jacob again.

Alden Mansion – Library

Jacob asks Angie if she needs something to drink and she declines, saying she was just looking for Frankie. Charles walks in a moment later and isn’t very happy to find the two of them together.

Alden Mansion – Drawing Room/Foyer

Stacey and Dinah Lee make plans for the following day’s exchange of Christopher and Buck asks if Dinah Lee has heard from Trucker. Dinah Lee says that he wrote last week, but he hasn’t found much about Trisha. Buck and Stacey head off and Dinah Lee turns and sees a picture of Trisha on the desk. Ava notices her looking at it and heads straight for Stacey, demanding to know what she said to upset Dinah Lee. “Oh, come on, Ava. Don’t you ever take a break?” Stacey wonders, walking away.

Kate, having noticed the exchange, comes over and tells Ava that she can “smell meddling a mile off.”

Gwyneth walks over to Jeremy and they have a somewhat awkward conversation. “I miss you,” she admits. “I miss you, too.”

Cooper brings Steffi up to the gallery, where they look down at their party and talk about their past. “I was afraid to get close to you,” he admits.

Le Bistro

Deborah comes out of the kitchen and tells Clay that she left the key to the freezer in her other purse, demanding that he take her home to get it. He’s had enough of this and says she can find someone else to drive her all over town and they argue. She starts having pains and clutches her chest, but he thinks she’s just being dramatic and walks out.

Alden Mansion – Foyer/Drawing Room

Bree and Frankie find each other and he wonders where she’s been keeping herself. She reveals that she’s been talking to Jacob and he’s surprised to learn that Jacob is there. He heads off in search of him.

Alex tells Ava that Graham is still on him and Charles about not having solved the drug case yet, but she cuts him off and he gets that he’s been talking about this a lot.

Out in the foyer, Kate tells Dinah Lee that she wishes she wasn’t going so soon, but Dinah Lee feels very uncomfortable and out of place. After seeing her out, Kate returns to the drawing room, where she runs into Neal, who recognizes her. “I can’t believe it – and just as pretty as ever,” he says, as she looks at him with confusion.

Alden Mansion – Library

Jacob lets slip that he and Angie met at the hospital. Frankie walks in and looks about as happy as Charles is to see Angie and Jacob in the same room.

Alden Mansion – Foyer/Drawing Room

The director of this episode is getting the absolute most out of this set, opening this scene with a crane shot that starts with Cooper and Steffi walking back down from the gallery, pulling back through the gallery, and then meeting them back at the bottom of the stairs as they cross into the drawing room.

Ally walks over and tells them that she was starting to think they’d snuck off to elope. Steffi wonders if Ally has seen Deborah.

Le Bistro

Deborah, clutching her chest, tries to get over to the phone behind the counter, but falls to the floor.

Episode Cast:

  • Cabot Alden – Wesley Addy
  • Deborah Brewster – Nancy Addison Altman
  • Frankie Hubbard – Alimi Ballard
  • Buck Huston – Philip Brown
  • Isabelle Alden – Augusta Dabney
  • Charles Harrison – Geoffrey C. Ewing
  • Steffi Brewster – Amelia Heinle
  • Jeremy Hunter – Jean LeClerc
  • Alex Masters – Randolph Mantooth
  • Dinah Lee Mayberry – Elizabeth Mitchell
  • Angie Hubbard – Debbi Morgan
  • Clay Alden – Dennis Parlato
  • Ava Rescott Masters – Lisa Peluso
  • Kate Slavinsky – Nada Rowand
  • Casey Bowman – Paul Anthony Stewart
  • Stacey Donovan Forbes – Lauren-Marie Taylor
  • Gwyneth Alden – Christine Tudor
  • Cooper Alden – Michael Weatherly
  • Jacob Johnson – Darnell Williams
  • Ally Bowman – Laura Wright
  • Bree Hawkins – Meta Golding
  • Neal Warren – Larry Haines
  • Lenox – Simon Prebble

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