Recap: June, 1988

Head Writer: (Strike) / Executive Producer: Joseph Stuart

Despite his assurances to Jack that there’s nothing untoward going on between him and Stacey, Rick confesses to Clay that he feels more than just friendship for her. Stacey has started to develop feelings for Rick as well, but despite the tensions between them she remains concerned about Jack, particularly his gambling. When she runs into him at the casino, the two have an argument which ends with a kiss, but Jack is disappointed when Stacey tells him that the kiss was a mistake.

Continuing to self-destruct, Jack quits his job at AE and takes out a line of credit at the casino, where he begins spending all of his time. But while Jack is wallowing, Stacey is feeling like she’s ready to move on now that JJ is becoming accustomed to the fact that she and Jack are living separately. Grateful to Rick for all his efforts in helping to get her novel published, Stacey is feeling especially close to him, and Rick confesses to Clay that he’s begun to fall for her. After she invites him over for dinner, he admits that he feels more than friendship for her and they share a kiss. As Rick is telling Stacey that he wants to spend the night with her, Jack shows up and overhears them, but instead of confronting them he leaves with his tail between his legs and doesn’t hear Stacey tell Rick that she’s not ready for them to be intimate.

Rick is understanding and he and Stacey continue to see each other. When his car won’t start after one of their dates, she invites him to stay over in the guest room, causing Jack to have the wrong idea when he stops by in the morning. Angry at seeing Rick having a cozy breakfast with Stacey and JJ, Jack heads straight to the casino to gamble his problems away.


While Ava is thinking about taking the next step in her marriage by trying to have a baby with Alex, Egypt finally manages to come face to face with her ex-husband, much to his shock. Not wanting her to blow up his life in Corinth, Alex offers to pay Egypt to leave town, but she refuses, saying that all she wants is for them to reconcile. Learning that Egypt is one of Kate’s new boarders and has become friends with Ava, Alex is feeling backed into a corner and tries to find his divorce decree, only to learn that the original was destroyed in a fire, leaving him with no proof that his first marriage was dissolved. Sensing that something is amiss, Ava questions Alex about whether something is going on, but he can’t bring himself to tell her about Egypt, who is fantasizing about replacing Ava as lady of the manor at the Alden mansion.

Though Alex is preoccupied with thoughts of Egypt destroying his life, and obtains some fake divorce papers to try to discourage Egypt’s plot, it’s Minnie who ultimately derails Egypt’s scheme. Unable to handle the guilt of deceiving Kate, whom she’s come to genuinely think of as a friend, Minnie confesses to her that Egypt is Alex’s ex-wife. Kate is furious with both Minnie and Egypt as well as Alex, who tries to reassure her that he’s handling the situation. She insists that he come clean with Ava, but before he can work himself up to doing so, Ava reveals to him that she’s pregnant. Not wanting to upset her, Alex keeps his secret about Egypt, who has been forced to take up residence at the homeless shelter after being kicked out by Kate. Nevertheless, things are looking up for Egypt, whose lawyer has revealed that the divorce papers Alex gave her are fake and that a warrant out for her in Kansas can be quickly cleared up.


Despite his rejection, Gwyneth continues to pursue a romantic relationship with Jeff and tries to entice him into going away with her for a romantic weekend. He declines and later she shows up at his apartment to try again, only to find Trisha there with him. Forced to cover, Gwyneth claims that she and Jeff had been discussing a potential business trip to New York and when they’re alone later, Jeff tells her that they need to end their fling and develop a business only relationship. Unaware of the clandestine relationship that Jeff has just ended with her mother, Trisha is blissful after sharing a kiss with Jeff and confides to Clay that she thinks she’s ready to begin dating again.

Although she initially felt sure that Jeff would change his mind and come running back to her, Gwyneth begins to worry that he might be involved with another woman. When Trisha goes to her seeking advice about Jeff, Gwyneth is horrified to learn that her competition is her own daughter and discourages her from getting involved with someone that she’s working with. Afterwards she goes to Jeff and warns him off pursuing something with Trisha, but instead Jeff goes full steam ahead and invites Trisha to come to New York with him to audition a host for Image. When Trisha suggests that they should tell Gwyneth about the trip, Jeff tells her that he’ll take care of it and leaves a memo that Gwyneth doesn’t see until after they’ve gone to New York. Furious, Gwyneth books her own flight and when the two would-be lovers return from sight seeing, they find her waiting. Trisha is apologetic and agrees to leave the room so that Gwyneth and Jeff can speak alone. Once again, Gwyneth warns Jeff not to get romantically involved with Trisha, but it’s only the realization that Trisha might not really be ready to move on from Steve that makes Jeff consider putting the brakes on things. Trisha talks him out of taking a step back and the two continue seeing each other.


Jim and Dan continue to be at odds over Shana, who has followed through on her intentions to file for divorce. Realizing that he can’t force Shana to stay married to him and that the best way to prove that he really does love her is to let her go, Jim acquiesces and signs the divorce paperwork that Shana’s lawyer has prepared. Not wanting Shana to waste any time in ending her marriage, Cabot encourages her to go to Reno to get the divorce done quickly. But sitting alone in Reno gets Shana thinking about her relationship with Jim and wondering if she’s doing the right thing.

When Dan learns that Jim has flown out to Reno to keep Shana company, Cabot calls her and asks if she’ll travel elsewhere in Nevada to check in on some AE subsidiaries. Happy to have something to do, she agrees and checks out of her hotel, unaware that Jim is on his way to see her. Feeling foolish when he gets to the hotel and learns that she’s gone, Jim returns to Corinth and reports to Lily that things didn’t go the way that he wanted. With Jim out of the way, Dan flies to Reno and is delighted to receive a warm welcome from Shana.


Dr. Sacks is happy with the progress that Lily has made in therapy, but thinks it would be helpful if Jack attended a session to discuss their relationship. Jack refuses and Jim, whose presence Dr. Sacks thinks would also be helpful, similarly declines. Lily is understanding, but both men feel guilty and decide to attend a session with her after all, during which Jack and Lily hash out the circumstances of their affair and he takes his share of the blame, and Jim assures Lily that Shana having decided to fly to Reno to get a quick divorce has nothing to do with their friendship. Feeling renewed and more confident in herself, Lily decides to begin giving back by volunteering at the homeless shelter.

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