Around Corinth: Rodeo Bar

Location: Down the street from Ralph’s Diner/Le Bistro, walking distance from the Rescott house

Rodeo Bar is a saloon themed bar which becomes a place of special meaning for Curtis and Dinah Lee early in their relationship. In 1994 Curtis buys Rodeo and initially takes Buck on as a partner. After learning that Buck has been stealing from the bar, Curtis ends the partnership, but later hires Buck to be a bartender. Towards the end of 1994, Curtis gives ownership of the bar to Buck in order to make amends for some of his own misdeeds. Though Curtis tries to get the bar back in 1995, Buck remains owner until the end of that year when he decides to leave Corinth and open a new bar in New York with Jacob.

The sets to Rodeo consist primarily of the bar area itself, but on rare occasions there are glimpses of the exterior and parking lot and the kitchen.

Bar, 1994
Bar, 1994
Bar, 1994
Bar, 1995
Bar, 1995
Kitchen, 1995

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