Recap: March 1, 1994

Hospital – Reception

Curtis and Dinah Lee talk with Angie about Dante being missing. Curtis remains certain that Dante has escaped, but Charles comes along and tells them that Dante is in a recovery room.

Hospital – Dante’s Room

Dr. Lynch tears a strip off of a couple of nurses while they get Dante settled back into bed. Finally, Lynch kicks them out so that he can talk to Dante in private, explaining to him that he just had a surgery that was meant for a different patient. “Everything considered, you came through it pretty well,” he adds.

Donovan House – Living Room

Stacey welcomes Trucker and Christopher in, but tells Trucker that Buck isn’t around and she’s not sure where he’s gone, saying only that “he didn’t seem very happy about it.”

Trucker’s Shop

Buck is making some calls, trying to figure out where Egypt went after they parted ways, but he doesn’t have much to go on.

Police Station

Alex and Ava walk in arguing about whether or not she’s going to end up going to jail. He cautions her to say nothing and then goes to talk to Graham, telling him that he needs to make a missing persons report about Egypt. “There is evidence that might suggest foul play.”

Hospital – Dante’s Room

Dr. Lynch continues trying to explain to Dante how he ended up on the operating table. Dante can’t respond because he’s just had his tonsils out and Lynch warns him that he’s looking at “a fairly painful recovery period” and will have to stay in bed.

Charles, Angie, Curtis, and Dinah Lee walk in to find out what’s going on. Lynch assures them that whoever is responsible for the mixup will be held accountable, but Angie thinks there’s been a lot of mistakes involving Dante’s care and wants answers for that.

Curtis and Dinah Lee approach a pretending to be unconscious Dante. “I know you’re not in a coma, I know you’re out to get me,” Curtis says. “I’m going to get you first.”

Donovan House – Living Room

JJ and Heather come out to collect Christopher and take him to play and Stacey mentions that someone is over fixing the furnace. Trucker is confused because he thought Buck was fixing the furnace and she explains that he called someone in to take the job. They compare notes about Buck’s strange behavior lately and she asks him if he thinks it has anything to do with Egypt. He assures her that Buck isn’t involved with Egypt and goes on that the only person who should be worried about Egypt is Ava, explaining about Egypt’s disappearance and the bloody towel in Ava’s trunk.

Buck walks in and Stacey asks him about Egypt’s disappearance, wondering why he didn’t mention anything to her. Before Buck can answer for himself, the kids run back in saying that “Uncle Lenny” is chasing them, followed by Leonard, dressed up like a furnace repairman. “What the hell are you doing here?” Buck wonders.

Police Station

Alex explains things to Graham, with interjections from Ava, whom Alex tries to silence before she says something that could harm her. He has no success, as Ava launches into the story about her fight with Egypt. “I take it, Ms. Rescott, that you and Ms. Masters are not exactly friendly with each other.” Ava admits that she “can’t stand the woman” but insists she didn’t kill her.

Police Station

“Ms. Rescott, why did you bring up murder?” Graham wonders. Ava clarifies that she just means she wasn’t responsible for the disappearance and Alex shares his theory that Egypt is trying to set Ava up. Graham is more interested in the evidence of foul play and Alex hands over the towel. “Thank you for dropping it by,” Graham says drily after Alex explains that he had the towel analyzed by a lab outside the police force.

Alex continues laying out his theory, but Graham isn’t really buying into it. Alex and Ava explain all the crazy things Egypt has been doing, but Graham wonders why, if Egypt has been trying to set it up to make it look like Ava has been harassing her, she never reported any of the so-called incidents to the police. “Well…” Alex says, “I sort of talked her out of that.” Graham asks how he did that and Alex admits that he basically threatened her. “There does seem to be evidence of foul play,” Graham replies, “and you seem to be smack in the middle of it.”

Alex and Ava exchange “oh shit” looks.

Donovan House – Living Room

Everyone is taken aback by Buck’s reaction to Leonard, but Leonard plays it off like it’s a joke. Trucker decides to take this as his cue to leave and after Leonard and the kids leave the room, Stacey questions Buck about his “friend” and he tells her that he’s never introduced them before because Leonard is “on the rough side.”

Hospital – Hallway

Charles talks to the security guard who never seems to be doing the security job, reminding him that he’s supposed to stick with Dante and then informing him that he’s being relieved of his duties.

Hospital – Dante’s Room

Meanwhile, Lynch is getting it from Angie and tries to blame the issue on the fact that this is a new wing of the hospital and things have been disorganized as a result. Angie doesn’t buy that. “Isn’t it strange that all my patients are always where they’re supposed to be?” she wonders.

Lynch leaves and Dinah Lee tells Curtis that she wants them to leave, too. He wants to stay and tells her that she can leave if she wants to. She walks out.

“Don’t worry, my friend, I won’t leave you. Not until I prove what a fake you are,” Curtis tells Dante. He picks up a safety pin, declaring that he’s going to “find out how deep this coma really is.”

Hospital – Dante’s Room

Curtis gets ready to stab Dante, but Angie returns and stops him. They argue about what he was about to do and she tells him that Dante’s condition is such that, even if he were to come out of the coma, he wouldn’t be in any condition to be a threat to Curtis. She begs him to trust her. “You’ve put yourself and your wife through enough for one night. I want you to go home.” “It doesn’t matter,” Curtis tells her. “He’ll be there, too.”

Angie offers to give Curtis something to help him deal with his anxiety, but urges him to see a psychiatrist as well. Curtis thanks her and then apologizes to Dinah Lee, who has come back. After they all leave, the security guard comes in, blaming Dante for the loss of his job. Dante reveals himself to be out of the coma, telling the security guard, who finally gets a name (Richard) that it sounds like he could use a friend.

Trucker’s Shop

Trucker walks in and sees the phone book that Buck left open. A couple of cops walk in looking for Ava’s car. Trucker tells them it’s in the parking lot and the cops tell him it’s being impounded as evidence.

Police Station

Alex and Ava fight about her not heeding his advice to keep her mouth shut. She tells him she’s sorry – probably not as sorry as she soon will be – and Graham comes back tells them that Ava’s car is being impounded, noting that Alex should have done that as soon as the towel was found. Ava asks Graham not to be mad at Alex, saying he didn’t do anything wrong. “Allow me to give you a few law books,” Graham returns.

Alex tells Graham that he wants to find Egypt for Alexis’ sake and Graham wonders what he’ll do if something has happened to Egypt. Alex doubts that that could be the case, but says that if it has, he’ll get to the bottom of it.

Donovan House – Living Room

Stacey takes the kids into the kitchen and Buck gets a chance to talk to Leonard alone. “I could kill you,” he says. Leonard “doesn’t advise that” and then reminds him that he’s late with his payment. Buck hands him some cash and tells him to get out and never come back. Leonard gets sassy and Buck is about to punch him, but Leonard warns him that the “furnace could blow at any time.”

After Leonard leaves, Buck flashes back to the conversation he had with Egypt on the plane.

Episode Cast:

  • Buck Huston – Philip Brown
  • Dante Partou – Thom Christopher
  • Dinah Lee Mayberry – Jessica Collins
  • Charles Harrison – Geoffrey C. Ewing
  • Alex Masters – Randolph Mantooth
  • Curtis Alden – Christopher Marcantel
  • Angie Hubbard – Debbi Morgan
  • Ava Rescott – Lisa Peluso
  • Stacey Donovan Forbes – Lauren-Marie Taylor
  • Trucker McKenzie – Robert Tyler
  • Dr. Lynch – Richard Cain
  • Heather Forbes – Hallee Hirsh
  • Pat Graham – Michael Hodge
  • Leonard Brill – Robert LuPone
  • JJ Forbes – Geoffrey Wigdor
  • Hospital Security Guard (Richard) – Unknown

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