Recap: December 28, 1993

Rescott House – Living Room

Tess gets ready to go out. When Jeremy drops him, she greets him and he tells her that she’s looking great after her ordeal with Dante. He’s brought her flowers and she asks if he wants to have lunch with her.

After he leaves to put the flowers in water, she picks up the phone and calls Tout le Monde, looking for Clay.

Tout le Monde

Steffi is looking at Cooper and Ally’s engagement announcement in the paper. Across the room, Gwyneth, Clay, Cooper, and Ally are having lunch.

Trucker’s Cabin

Buck, Stacey, Shana, and Leo have arrived to have a getaway at the cabin – which is one room with one bed, which makes it an odd choice for 4 adults.

Stacey brings up Leo and Shana getting married and things get momentarily awkward.

Trucker’s Cabin – Interior & Exterior

Leo and Stacey exposition about how Leo and Shana’s plans to marry were waylaid by the crisis with Dante. Buck thinks they could still get it done before 1993 closes, but neither Shana nor Leo seems enthusiastic about the prospect of getting married. Undeterred, Stacey picks up the yellow pages to look for a justice of the peace, telling them they should do “something wild and crazy.” Buck says he’s game and suddenly Stacey has cold feet because she doesn’t want to elope.

Shana and Leo get into a fight about her cell phone, which he left in the car, and about her wanting to keep checking on Patti. Buck offers to go get the phone and Stacey goes with him.

Outside, Stacey notes that Buck is being very quiet. He expresses some discomfort at hanging out with Shana and Leo because they’re both rich.

Inside, Shana and Leo fight about why they aren’t getting married and how she feels she has to lie to Stacey every time she asks about their plans. She wonders if they have to “admit that things have all gone wrong between us.”

Rescott House – Living Room

Tess asks Jeremy’s opinion on her outfit and he wonders what kind of business she has to attend to. She says her career is starting to pick up and that she’s thinking of starting an agency. He’s encouraging, but tells her that she’ll need money. She insists that money is the least of her problems.

Tout le Monde

Steffi tells Deborah that Ally and Cooper are getting married and can barely contain her happiness, thinking this will finally free Casey. Oh, Steffi. Did that happen the first time? Deborah thinks they should go over and congratulate the happy couple.

Across the room, Clay and Gwyneth tell Cooper and Ally about their wedding. Deborah and Steffi make their way over and they all make a little small talk before congratulating the happy couple. Ally excuses herself to go to the ladies’ room and Cooper and Steffi step aside. He asks her if Casey is recovered from finding out about the engagement the other day and she’s surprised to learn that he went to the mansion.

Tout le Monde

Tess and Jeremy walk in and he notes the Alden meeting that seems to be occurring.

Across the room, Cooper and Steffi talk about how things have worked out and he encourages her to chill out. Steffi walks away and Ally returns, wondering what Cooper and Steffi were talking about. He says Steffi suggested they honeymoon in Paris. He suggests they bail on lunch and she agrees.

At her table, Steffi looks like the wind has been knocked out of her sails.

Gwyneth and Clay snark about Deborah and then he tells her that he’s booked them a suite at the Ritz. He tells her that planning someone else’s wedding isn’t a proper date. “A suite at the Ritz is a proper date? That is an improper date,” she notes. He suggests another idea – a drive in the country – and she says she’ll think about it.

Across the room, Tess waves to get Clay’s attention. He tells Gwyneth that he’s going to go over and say hello and she looks deeply annoyed at this development. When Clay arrives at their table, Jeremy decides to give Clay and Tess a moment. Clay thanks Tess for her part in getting Curtis back and tells her the family will never be able to repay her for what she did.

Meanwhile, Jeremy walks over to Gwyneth. He tells her that he’s going to catch the latest show at AU’s gallery, which features Trisha’s favorite artist. He invites her to come with him.

Tess tells Clay that she knows exactly how he can repay her. “I’m thinking about opening my own advertising agency. I need capital.” He thinks that’s a “disproportionate” way to repay her – for your son’s life? – but she tells him that it’s perfectly fair. “Why don’t you put your money where your mouth is and show me your gratitude from the inside of your wallet?”

Deborah tells Steffi that she’s distressed by Steffi’s single status while “a girl like” Ally, from the wrong side of the tracks, just landed an Alden. She goes on that Steffi’s youth will fade and so will her looks. “Who will want you? No one!” Steffi says she wants Casey, but Deborah thinks Casey isn’t much of a prospect, especially given how hard she has to work to get him to love her. Deborah declares that she has to go and apologizes for having forgotten her credit cards. Steffi says it’s on her.

Trucker’s Cabin Interior & Exterior

Shana checks in on Patti and afterwards Leo teases her about how overprotective she is. Shana changes the subject by complimenting Stacey on her earrings, which prompts Leo to make a joke about how long Buck will be paying for them. Strike two, Burnell.

Buck asks Leo to step outside with him to get more firewood. Outside, Buck asks Leo not to mention that he got the earrings from Burnell’s on credit. “Why?” Leo dumbs. Buck says he doesn’t want Stacey to find out.

Inside, Shana and Stacey sarcastically talk about how much “fun” they’re having. When Buck and Leo come back, Stacey talks about the kind of games Jack used to play at his corporate business retreats. Leo suggests a trust game, which is just setting himself up for failure. Shana goes first, but when it’s time for Leo to catch her, she doesn’t allow herself to fall, leaving them both looking embarrassed.

Tout le Monde

Jeremy returns with two salads in hand and, after Clay leaves, he hands them both to Tess. “Next time you need an excuse to bump into Clay Alden, don’t use me,” he tells her coldly, leaving her to have lunch alone.

He walks back over to Gwyneth and asks if she’d like to accompany him to the gallery. Gwyneth tells Clay she’s taking a rain check on their date and leaves with Jeremy. Somehow Clay is stunned by this turn of events.

Corinth Towers – Lobby

Steffi sits in the lobby crying. When Clay spots her, he comes over to talk to her and see if she’s okay.

Alden Mansion – Living Room/Foyer

Ally and Cooper return and talk about how they’ve decided to wait until they’re married to have sex. “I just want it to be right,” she says. He thinks their honeymoon will be spectacular and sends her upstairs to get her things so she can move back in with Kate.

Trucker’s Cabin

Shana tries to explain herself, saying she’s tired. Buck and Stacey go out to give Shana and Leo some time alone. “It’s a real mess, isn’t it?” Leo says, suggesting that he should leave, too, “and not come back.”

Episode Cast:

  • Deborah Brewster – Nancy Addison Altman
  • Buck Huston – Philip Brown
  • Leo Burnell – James Carroll
  • Steffi Brewster – Amelia Heinle
  • Tess Wilder – Catherine Hickland
  • Jeremy Hunter – Jean LeClerc
  • Shana Vochek – Susan Keith
  • Clay Alden – Dennis Parlato
  • Stacey Donovan Forbes – Lauren-Marie Taylor
  • Gwyneth Alden – Christine Tudor
  • Cooper Alden – Michael Weatherly
  • Ally Rescott – Laura Wright

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