Recap: December 17, 1993

Hospital – Private Room

Charles looks at pictures of spiders, trying to identify the one found at the fashion show. A nurse comes in and reminds Charles that he isn’t supposed to have visitors, per Angie’s orders, but Charles is dismissive.

Alex and Clay arrive in time for Charles to identify the spider and learn that it’s found primarily in the Middle East. “I knew it,” Alex says, “Dante Partou is X.”

Angie comes in and tells everyone they need to leave, warning Charles that she “has had it.” He looks at her as though he’s never been yelled at by a woman before.

Rodeo Bar

Stacey arrives to meet Trucker, who is hiding out at a corner booth. He explains that he wanted a little privacy because he’s meeting someone. She’s intrigued that he has a date, but her face falls when he tells her it’s Dinah Lee. Same, Stacey, same.

Jeremy and Tess arrive and he tries to assure her that the FBI is going to catch Dante. “He’s not going to be easy to track. The only chance they have of getting to him is through me.”

Pins – Apartment

Dante entertains Dinah Lee, having taken down his wall of crazy and hidden Curtis and the cage. Dinah Lee gently approaches the idea that Dante/Joe is hiding something and he tells her that he understands why she’s suspicious. “Welcome to my nefarious hideout, the hot VCRs are in there, the homemade bombs under there, and I run my numbers racket from there.” She’s embarrassed to have thought that anything untoward might have been going on and asks where the cat is. He tells her that the cat had to be put down.

Meanwhile, in the closet, Curtis is passed out after having been drugged.

Hospital – Private Room/Hallway

Angie and Charles argue. “You’re not even my doctor!” he points out.

Clay, impatient, tells Angie that they don’t have time for her to get into it with Charles. As Alex tries to explain, Frankie wanders down the hall with his video camera and decides to tape the rest of the conversation.

Angie relents and Charles asks her to have Frankie come in rather than film from the doorway.

Rodeo Bar

Stacey is very displeased by the turn of events that find Trucker about to have a date with Dinah Lee and he’s very defensive. “You can date anyone you want,” she says. “Except Dinah Lee?” Yes. Given the history, yes.

Stacey points out that Dinah Lee is still married and Trucker points out that Curtis and Trisha are both gone. “I’m tired of being alone, I need someone,” he explains. “Needing someone is not exactly loving someone,” she says. “I think could love Dinah Lee.” “The same way you loved Trisha?” “I don’t know. Do you love Buck the same way you loved Jack?” It’s a fair point, except that Stacey didn’t cheat on Jack with Buck. It’s the fact that Trucker cheated with Dinah Lee while Trisha was pregnant with Christopher and is now contemplating starting a life with Dinah Lee, which would entail her helping him raise Christopher, that makes this relationship so morally abhorrent.

Nevertheless, Stacey starts to back off and wishes Trucker the best, giving him her blessing.

Trucker changes the subject to Buck and asks about the earrings. “I keep telling him that he doesn’t need to keep buying you that kind of stuff,” Trucker says. Stacey admits that she’s not comfortable being on the pedestal Buck has put her on.

Across the room, Jeremy tries to reassure Tess that he’s not going to let her be drawn into a trap. Tess isn’t so sure. “Maybe the only way they’re going to draw him out is by using me.” She goes on to say that she now feels as trapped as she did when she was living with Dante and suggests that they only way to end it is to face Dante head on. “I am the least heroic person that you’re ever going to meet, but I’d take a quick death any day to a slow, sadistic torture.”

Pins – Apartment/Closet

Dinah Lee is sympathetic to Joe having to put down the cat, but suggests that he go and get another to help him get over it. Dante/Joe jokes that he’s afraid of becoming a lonely cat person and tells her that he wants to meet a woman to share his life with instead.

She stands up and says she has plans. He guesses that she’s meeting Trucker. Meanwhile, Curtis begins to come to in the closet just as Joe asks Dinah Lee how serious things are between her and Trucker. She gets defensive and tells him it’s not his business. He tells her that it is because he once asked her out and she turned him down. “I haven’t given up on you, Dinah Lee. I can’t.” She looks rightfully freaked out by this.

Rodeo Bar

Stacey and Trucker continue to talk about Buck and she feels guilty about being concerned about the financial aspect of Buck showering her with gifts, but Trucker acknowledges that Buck is doing something he can’t afford to be doing. He tells her that she’s different for Buck than the other women he’s been with and he’s afraid of losing her so he’s trying to keep her by buying her things. “All he knows is how special you are to him,” Trucker explains, encouraging her to “stick with it” and be patient with Buck as he figures out how to be in a serious relationship.

Across the room, Jeremy tells Tess that Dante’s reign of terror isn’t her responsibility, but she’s not so sure. “You’ve been really kind to me,” Tess says, but states that she isn’t a damsel in distress. Too bad because Jeremy is the ultimate Captain save a ho.

Tess warns Jeremy that he could be in danger by being around her, telling him that she’d hate to see something happen to him because she’d like for them to get to know each other better once the danger passes.

Hospital – Private Room

Charles is angry with Frankie for filming him again and hands the tape to his colleague to destroy. Frankie is upset, but Charles is firm: “No documentary.” Frankie continues asking questions, but Angie steps in and tells Frankie to leave and then physically drags him out.

Alex and Clay return to talk further about Dante, Alex expositioning that the bureau got hold of a photo of Dante. However, when Alex takes a look at the picture, he recognizes the man: “I’ve seen this guy before…”

Pins – Apartment/Closet

Dinah Lee becomes upset while Joe tells her that Trucker isn’t the right guy for her. In the closet, Curtis continues to come to and tries to get to his feet. Thoroughly angry, Dinah Lee tells Joe he’s out of line and that she’s evicting him. He tells her that he isn’t going to be leaving there alone and Dinah Lee hears Curtis’ chains rattling.

“What’s in the closet, Joe?”


Frankie reviews his notes about Charles’ background and comes to a realization.

Hospital – Private Room

Alex struggles to remember where he knows Dante from and realizes that he saw him with Trucker and Dinah Lee when Charles was brought into the hospital.

Rodeo Bar

Trucker asks Susie if Dinah Lee has been in looking for him and is disappointed that she’s late. Stacey tells him not to worry, but he decides to call Dinah Lee. As he gets up, he crosses paths with Jeremy and Tess, who bring him up to speed about Dante being behind everything. Tess warns him to watch out for a man with a spider tattoo on his hand.

Of course, Trucker already knows a man with just such a tattoo.

Pins – Apartment

Dinah Lee wants to know what’s in the closet and heads for the door, but Dante stops her from leaving. “There is something you should know about me, Dinah Lee. I do not accept rejection very well.”

Episode Cast:

  • Frankie Hubbard – Alimi Ballard
  • Dante Partou – Thom Christopher
  • Dinah Lee Mayberry – Jessica Collins
  • Charles Harrison – Geoffrey C. Ewing
  • Tess Wilder – Catherine Hickland
  • Jeremy Hunter – Jean LeClerc
  • Alex Masters – Randolph Mantooth
  • Curtis Alden – Christopher Marcantel
  • Angie Hubbard – Debbi Morgan
  • Clay Alden – Dennis Parlato
  • Stacey Donovan Forbes – Lauren-Marie Taylor
  • Trucker McKenzie – Robert Tyler
  • Susie – Katy Selverstone

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