Recap: December 16, 1993

The Loft

Casey and Steffi make out. She wants to go much further, but he pulls away. “I really want you, but we’ve got to slow down,” he tells her.

Trucker’s Shop

Buck and Stacey make out and act all gooey together. He pulls away and tells her to close her eyes because he has something for her. When she opens her eyes, he has a jewelry box in his hand. She’s stunned when she sees the earrings inside.

Pins – Bar

Trucker asks Dinah Lee to close the bowling alley for the day and come hang out with him at the shop so that he can keep an eye out and protect her, but she declines. He then tells her that if she’s with him, he can look at her all day. “I guess you might be able to tell that I’m having a real hard time staying away from you,” he admits. She confesses that she’s glad and that she’s been thinking about the idea of them starting over. They decide to get going on their relationship and seal the deal with a kiss.

Alden Mansion – Library

Clay is annoyed as hell that it took so many weeks and Jeremy getting involved before anyone figured out the connection between what’s been happening and the events of Kuwait. Jeremy and Tess come over to join the conversation and Gwyneth steps in to tear a strip off of Tess. “You call your husband’s hitman off my family, now! Do you understand me?”

The Loft

Steffi feels rightfully jerked around, but Casey tries to assure her that his reluctance has nothing to do with Ally. He explains that he cares about her and wants them to “date and go slowly and not jump into anything prematurely.” She’s dissatisfied with this, but claims to understand.

He runs out to keep an appointment and she answers the ringing phone. Deborah is on the other end, telling Steffi that she’s in every paper in the area.

Alden Mansion – Library

Gwyneth continues to go after Tess, who defends herself with Jeremy’s help. When Gwyneth continues to attack, Tess strikes back by telling her that during their time together Curtis told her all about his childhood – “If you asked him who abandoned him he is not going to point a finger at me.”

Alex tells them to stop. The phone rings and Clay answers it, but it’s for Jeremy. Jeremy talks to his State Department contact and then reveals that Dante’s family has been hiding a secret. “Apparently they lost the body on its way to the morgue.”

Pins – Bar

Trucker and Dinah Lee continue kissing and talk about how good it feels. He asks her to go out on a date with him that night and she agrees. They decide to meet at Rodeo and he tells her to keep her distance from “Joe.” She insists that he doesn’t need to worry about her and sends him on his way.

After he leaves, Dante/Joe comes downstairs, claiming that he feels much better. He also tells her that he got a key for the new lock and invites her to come upstairs. “I know you’ve been anxious for an invitation.” She agrees to come up and hang out once he’s had a few minutes to clean up.

Trucker’s Shop

Stacey is reluctant to accept the gift from Buck, but he tells her not to worry about the cost. “You’re acting as if you’re a rich man and it’s just not right…” He tells her that she doesn’t really know his finances, but she continues to press the point, telling him that he doesn’t have to buy her diamonds. His pride wounded, he takes the gift back and tells her to forget it and to “go on home.” She tries to tell him that he doesn’t have to do anything to impress her because she’s already in love with him, but he pointedly ignores her.

Finally, she leaves and he mopes around, feeling sorry for himself.

The Loft

Steffi hangs out with Deborah, who wants to know about her relationship with Casey. Steffi says she’s in love with Casey, but Deborah is unimpressed and wonders why they aren’t “together” even though they’re living together. Steffi admits that Casey sends mixed messages. “He’s a man and, like most men, he thinks you want too much so he runs,” Deborah says, going on to say that if he hasn’t fallen in love with her yet, he’s not likely to. She then tells Steffi that she should pursue a man of their social standing instead. “Why should you moon over some guy who doesn’t want you anyway?” Deborah wonders. She’s got a point.

Like a tornado, Deborah, having done her damage, moves on, leaving behind a cheesecake, which Steffi starts eating once she’s alone.

Pins – Apartment/Motel Room

Dante calls Malcolm, who warns him that shooting an FBI agent wasn’t a good idea. Dante tells Malcolm to go ahead and finish things with Buck, while he intends to kill Curtis and then kidnap Dinah Lee.

Dante tells Curtis not to be hopeful that anyone is going to come to his rescue.

Alden Mansion – Library/Pins – Apartment

Alex asks Tess about Dante’s tattoo. Clay then gets a call from the man. “How are you, Mr. Dante Partou?” Clay wonders. “Yes, we’ve all been wondering just how you faked your death.” Dante’s face falls slightly and Curtis starts making noise, prompting Clay to wonder what that was. But Dante hangs up and starts jabbing Curtis with a cane.

The Loft

Steffi is curled up on the couch, having killed the cheesecake. She tries to hide the evidence as Casey comes home. He doesn’t notice that anything is wrong and tells her that he wants to take her to dinner. “The Ally cloud is lifting,” he says, claiming to feel better and better about the break up.

She heads upstairs to get changed, but when she gets to the bathroom, she looks in the mirror with disgust. She recalls the advice of one of the models from the fashion show to give bulimia a try and decides to throw up the cheesecake.

Motel Room / Trucker’s Shop

Malcolm calls Buck and tells him that there’s bad news. “The investment is a bust.” Buck looks like he’s going to be sick. “That’s all the money I had in the world. Half of that was my brother’s…” Malcolm pours salt in the wound by telling Buck that he didn’t ask him to invest, it was his idea.

As Buck listens to the dial tone, Stacey comes back. “If you’re trying to call me, I’m back to apologize,” she says. He starts trying to walk back all his proclamations about having money to spend, but she tells him that she’s going to accept the earrings after all as “a symbol of how much you love me.”

Alden Mansion – Library

Alex, Clay Gwyneth, Jeremy, and Tess listen to the recording of Clay’s call with Dante and realize that there was someone else in the room with him.

Episode Cast:

  • Deborah Brewster – Nancy Addison Altman
  • Buck Huston – Philip Brown
  • Dante Partou – Thom Christopher
  • Dinah Lee Mayberry – Jessica Collins
  • Steffi Brewster – Amelia Heinle
  • Tess Wilder – Catherine Hickland
  • Jeremy Hunter – Jean LeClerc
  • Alex Masters – Randolph Mantooth
  • Curtis Alden – Christopher Marcantel
  • Clay Alden – Dennis Parlato
  • Casey Bowman – Paul Anthony Stewart
  • Gwyneth Alden – Christine Tudor
  • Trucker McKenzie – Robert Tyler
  • Malcolm – John Bolger

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