Recap: December 14, 1993

Hospital – Emergency

Frankie is trying to entice Angie to come to a movie with him when Charles is brought in on a gurney. Frankie points out that he’s the “FBI guy” who took the tape from their house and Angie walks over to check things out.

Burnell’s – Sales Floor

FBI agents mill around while Sgt. Shaw questions Ava about the day’s events. She recaps the fashion show and Charles having been shot and asks Shaw if Alex is around. Jeremy pulls Ava aside and tells her that Alex took off after the shooting, however, Alex shows up at that moment. “We can’t find him, this man has disappeared into thin air,” Alex says grimly.

Pins – Bar

Trucker’s had it and decides to go upstairs to find out what’s up with Joe and the cat carrier. He asks Dinah Lee for the key to the apartment and, I’m sorry, but who do you think you are, Trucker? Dinah Lee is entitled to a key because she’s the landlord, but it would be incredibly illegal for her to just lend that out so that people can go into her tenant’s apartment at will. Not that it matters since Dante changed the locks and hasn’t given her a key, news which makes Trucker furious. “I think he’s hiding something up there,” Trucker declares, heading for the stairs.

Pins – Apartment/Hallway

Meanwhile, Dante slams into the apartment, out of breath after running all the way from Burnell’s, and tells Curtis how stupid the FBI is.

Trucker starts pounding on the door, demanding entry.

Hospital – Emergency

Angie tends to Charles, who is in agony over his wound. He jokingly questions whether this qualifies him for one of those keychains she plans on giving out and notices that she’s dressed to go out. She basically tells him to shut up and stay still because she’s trying to work.

When she leaves the curtained area, Frankie slips in and asks Charles what happened. Frankie praises Charles’ undercover work and Charles apologizes for ruining his plans. They talk about Angie and how she doesn’t like Charles. “She didn’t appreciate me mugging you and her jaw got real tight when I said cops and crooks are alike.”

Angie returns and sends Frankie away so that an orthopedic surgeon can have a look at the wound. Charles wonders what his chances of recovery are.

Burnell’s – Sales Floor

Jeremy asks Alex why the FBI was already at Burnell’s. “You were expecting something to go down tonight, weren’t you?” Alex isn’t in a sharing mood, but Ava tells Alex that Jeremy could help. Alex relents and tells Jeremy what’s been going on. Jeremy brings up Tess and the things she’s been going through. “Could there be a connection?” he wonders. He goes on to say that he contacted a friend at the State Department to check out the death of Tess’ husband.

Pins – Apartment/Hallway

Trucker continues to pound on the door and threatens to break it down if Dante/Joe doesn’t open it. Inside, Curtis rattles his cage and tries to call for Trucker through his gag.

Finally, Dante/Joe opens the door. “I’ve had an awfully trying day…” Trucker’s not having it. “I want to see inside your apartment, Joe, I want to know what you’re hiding in there,” he says, going to the door and trying to get in. He demands Joe give him the key but Dante pretends not to have it.

Dante/Joe begins heaving and Dinah Lee wonders if he’s sick. He collapses and Trucker catches him.

Rescott House – Front Porch

Jeremy find Tess waiting around outside. She tells him that she saw the news about the shooting and wonders if the bullet could have been meant for her. He tells her that he thinks it was meant for the Aldens. She thinks it’s all too coincidental and tells him that Curtis was the man who helped her escape from Kuwait. “He was the one who shot my husband,” she says and then warns that if it’s Dante’s people “they’re coming for blood.”

Hospital – Emergency

Dr. Traitster asks to speak to Angie in private. She assures Charles that everything will be fine and steps out. Frankie comes back in so that he can continue distracting Charles by talking to him. Frankie tries to talk Charles into giving him back the tape and then shoot some more so that he can make a documentary about Charles being an FBI agent, but Charles points out that he’s supposed to be undercover.

As they’re talking, Angie comes back and listens to Frankie telling Charles that he respects his job and him as a person. Angie sends Frankie away so that she can talk to Charles alone. He wants to know if he’s going to lose his leg.

Meanwhile, Trucker and Dinah Lee bring Dante/Joe in, but he insists that he just needs to lay down and get some rest at home. Dante/Joe says he has no medical insurance or money to pay for a hospital stay and would prefer to go home.

Frankie walks up to Trucker and tells him about the shooting. A moment later, Alex and Ava walk in. Dante/Joe makes a point of turning away and taking a walk. Meanwhile, Alex states that no one could ID the shooter, but that he’s confident that they’re going to catch him.

Rescott House – Front Porch

Jeremy tells Tess about his friend in the State Department checking into things and suggests that she go inside. “This sounds really crazy, but it’s like I can feel him watching me with those dark eyes,” she says. “Maybe it’s not his family, maybe it’s not his people. Maybe he’s climbed out of the grave to get me.” She wonders if maybe Dante isn’t dead after all and worries that she’s going to be killed.

Pins – Apartment

Curtis imagines Dinah Lee coming to him to comfort him. “I love you, I need you, I’m waiting for you,” she assures him. He asks her to take him with her.

Hospital – Emergency

Angie expositions about the damage to Charles’ leg and admits to him that he could lose it. Alex assures Charles that he’s going to be there when he gets out of surgery and Charles is more concerned about being kept in the loop on what’s going on.

Charles thanks Angie for all her help and she tells him that she heard him and Frankie talking. “Frankie rarely reaches out to anyone. He really does need a man in his life.” He wonders if he’s finally “passed the Dr. Hubbard good guy test.”

She tells him that his recovery is going to be a long one, but he’s determined to get back to work as fast as possible. She’s unmoved and tells him someone else will have to solve the cases for him because he needs to rest.

Outside the curtain, Alex returns to Ava and tells her that Charles is going to have surgery but should be okay. He then tells her that he wants her to get out of town for a while with Kate and Sandy so that they aren’t in danger. She begins to protest, but he’s firm. “For the first time in your life, will you just do what I tell you to do and not ask any questions? I love you too much…” He finishes the sentence with a kiss.

Dinah Lee and Trucker talk about the night’s events and he tells her that he’s going to be her bodyguard from now on. He walks away to call Mrs. Gondak and Dante/Joe sidles up to Dinah Lee and tells her that he, too, will act as her bodyguard. She looks a lot more unsettled by Joe’s promise than she was by Trucker’s.

Episode Cast:

  • Frankie Hubbard – Alimi Ballard
  • Dante Partou – Thom Christopher
  • Dinah Lee Mayberry – Jessica Collins
  • Charles Harrison – Geoffrey C. Ewing
  • Tess Wilder – Catherine Hickland
  • Jeremy Hunter – Jean LeClerc
  • Alex Masters – Randolph Mantooth
  • Curtis Alden – Christopher Marcantel
  • Angie Hubbard – Debbi Morgan
  • Ava Rescott – Lisa Peluso
  • Trucker McKenzie – Robert Tyler
  • Sgt. Shaw – Gene Canfield
  • Dr. Traitster – Larry Robinson

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