Recap: August 18, 1993

Shana’s Apartment

Shana does a little work at home. Leo suddenly runs in the door as if he’s being chased to it by wolves. He explains that he ran up the stairs because he didn’t want to risk running into Ava. She’s confused about why he would want to avoid Ava when the plan relies on Ava thinking he wants her back and he explains that things have blown up in his face. “Ava’s not going to let go of me.”


Ava tries to explain her new start with Leo to Dinah Lee, who wonders if Leo is really on the up and up. “This does not make sense, not even for you,” Dinah Lee says. “You are trying to get back something that is dead and gone.” She continues to push Ava towards Jeremy.

Jeremy’s House – Front Porch/Foyer

Casey drops in on Jeremy, telling him that Tyler is sick in the hospital and that it’s all his fault.

Hospital – Private Room

Cooper and Ally keep Tyler company. He is decidedly frosty towards her as she reaches out to him for comfort.

Hospital – Private Room

Angie comes in to check up on Tyler and delivers some good news to Cooper and Ally. Angie expositions a little about meningitis and tells them that the prognosis is “excellent,” citing Cooper’s quick thinking as the reason. Ally feels guilty, but Angie tries to assure her that the first symptoms are subtle and she shouldn’t blame herself. “Tyler’s going to be just fine.”

After Angie leaves, Ally asks Cooper if he blames her. He tells her that Tyler being okay is all the matters. While Ally turns her attention to Tyler, Cooper remembers his last conversation with Shana, in which he expressed uncertainty about letting Ally have custody of Tyler.

Jeremy’s House – Living Room

Casey explains what happened to Jeremy. “I don’t know what to do,” Casey says and then says that Ally is shutting him out. Jeremy points out that it’s not so simple and that it’s not just about the two of them. “Ally and Cooper are the baby’s parents and they have to prop each other up at a time like this,” Jeremy says, suggesting that Casey back off a little. Casey snits that the last time he backed off “Cooper forced her to marry him” which is a spectacular rewriting of history. If anyone was the catalyst in that decision, it was Casey.


Ava and Dinah Lee go through some clothes that the former is going to get rid of in order to make room for Leo to move back in. Dinah Lee tries to talk sense into Ava, who expresses (and not for the first time) that being with Leo is better than being alone, which is about the saddest damn thing.

Dinah Lee tries to talk up Jeremy again, but Ava’s feelings about that are very strong. “Do you like him?” Ava wonders. “Be careful, Curtis is a very jealous guy.” As if we all didn’t know that by now.

Dinah Lee tells Ava that she’s not in love with Leo, she’s in love with the idea of someone she can manipulate.

Ava decides to go and see Shana and give her some of her old maternity clothes. “She’s probably in a lot of pain since Leo left,” Ava says. “What better time to gloat,” Dinah Lee returns. Ava has the gall to call that retort “rude.”

Shana’s Apartment

Shana wonders why Leo can’t just tell Ava that he wants nothing more to do with her, but he thinks that wouldn’t work, either. “I’ll think of something else, I promise,” he tells her. But she’s over this whole thing and tells him that he and Ava are history.

At that moment, Ava knocks on the door and tells Shana they have to talk.

Shana’s Apartment

Ava keeps knocking on the door while Leo runs and hides. When Shana opens the door, Ava invites herself right in and offers Shana some of her old maternity dresses. “Well, thanks, but I’ll never be gaining that much weight,” Shana says.

She wonders what Ava wants to talk about. Ava claims to have wanted to apologize for Leo’s erratic behavior and that she wanted to console Shana so that they could become friends. “If Leo wants to go back to you, it’s just fine,” Shana says, but then tells Ava that Leo won’t stay with her.

They trade a few more barbs and then Ava tells Shana not to pout. “At your age? It’s very unattractive.”

Shana informs Ava that Leo hasn’t come back to her and that all Shana has to do is snap her fingers and Leo will leave Ava behind. After Ava leaves, Leo comes out of the bedroom and wonders why Shana antagonized Ava that way, reminding her that she herself said that Ava wants what she’s told she cant have. “She pushed one too many buttons,” Shana says, realizing that she’s made things worse. She asks Leo if he still has feelings for Ava and when he says “no” she challenges him to prove it by telling Ava the truth.

Jeremy’s House – Living Room/Foyer

Casey is gone and now Dinah Lee is there, trying to convince Jeremy that Ava is “close to admitting that the two of you are perfect for each other.” Jeremy thinks there’s no point in trying to convince Ava that they could have something and then sends Dinah Lee out the door.

After she goes, he thinks about him and Ava kissing on the train.

Hospital – Hallway/Private Room

Casey comes to visit Tyler, but Isabelle catches him and demands to know why he’s there. “Haven’t you caused enough problems for this family?”

Hospital – Private Room/Hallway

Isabelle informs Ally that her “boyfriend is waiting outside.” Ally goes out and Cooper tells Isabelle that Tyler is going to be okay.

Meanwhile, Ally tells Casey the same thing. He apologizes to her for causing problems and she tells him that it might not be a good idea for him to come by again, explaining that Cooper is mad. Casey offers to talk to him – yeah, that’ll make things better – but Ally wants to give Cooper a break because things have been so hard for him. He agrees to stay away if that’s what she wants.

Back in the room, Isabelle is still wound up about Casey having been there and tells Cooper that he needs to take control of the matter or risk losing his place as Tyler’s father to his rival.

Shana’s Apartment

Leo rehearses what he’ll say to Ava, but Shana tells him to forget it. “You’re only gonna make it worse,” she says.

He then gets a new idea. I’m sure this one will be just as great. He goes into the bedroom, picks up a bag of laundry, and heads out the door.


Ava vents to herself about Shana acting smug. The doorbell rings and she finds Leo on the other side of the door. He hands her the bag and asks her to do his laundry. But, once again, things backfire on him as she’s thrilled at the idea of doing his laundry. She surprises him with a kiss just as the elevator doors open, giving Jeremy an eyeful.

Episode Cast:

  • Isabelle Alden – Patricia Barry
  • Leo Burnell – James Carroll
  • Dinah Lee Mayberry – Jessica Collins
  • Shana Vochek – Susan Keith
  • Jeremy Hunter – Jean LeClerc
  • Angie Hubbard – Debbi Morgan
  • Ava Rescott – Lisa Peluso
  • Casey Bowman – Paul Anthony Stewart
  • Cooper Alden – Michael Weatherly
  • Ally Rescott – Laura Wright

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