Recap: August 4, 1993

Rescott House – Living Room

Cooper comes down the stairs, calling out to Ally that he thinks they should take Tyler to he park before he has to head to work (at Pins!). He’s disappointed to realize that Ally is downstairs with Casey. She’s quick to remind him about the appointment with Shana in order to file for divorce.

Casey can barely keep the smirk from his face.

Donovan House – Living Room

Shana tells Stacey, rocking an Alden University t-shirt, the latest about her pregnancy. Stacey tells Shana that she gave Leo a hard time the last time she saw him and that she thinks she should apologize. She also says that she thinks she’s channeling her frustration and loneliness at her lack of love life in the wrong direction. Shana suggests that it might be high time to get a boyfriend, but Stacey thinks that’s the last thing she needs.

J.J. jumps into the conversation to suggest that Buck could be just the guy for Stacey.

Buck’s Bachelor Pad – Exterior & Interior

Gwyneth drops by to visit Buck at his new digs. He asks what she thinks and she tells him it’s “loaded with charm” while beating a cloud of dust from the couch. He’s happy with it and once he starts kissing her, she seems pretty happy with it, too.

Donovan House – Living Room

Stacey chases J.J. out of the room, leaving Shana to wonder if there might be something to what he said. “Buck is pretty gorgeous,” Shana offers. Stacey adds that he’s a pain, too. “He’s a Neanderthal who ate with his big, hairy hands.” Shana thinks Stacey should call Buck and ask him out, but Stacey absolutely does not want to do that and reveals that Gwyneth already has her hooks into Buck. Shana continues to encourage Stacey, who begins to soften but protests that she wouldn’t even know where to find Buck in order to ask him out. Shana tells her that he’s just been hired by AE and that she can call the company and find out where he’s living. Stacey protests, but Shana insists and tells Stacey to go get changed into “something short and sexy.”

Sometime later, Stacey comes back downstairs, by which point Shana has gotten the address.

Buck’s Bachelor Pad

Buck gives Gwyneth his spare key – which seems like kind of a big thing for someone who doesn’t want any strings, but Gwyneth is quick to state that she has no intention of moving in as she continues to go around the room, examining the dust that’s everywhere.

“You don’t even have a bed in this place,” she laments when he tells her that he expects them to spend as many nights there as they do at her place. Buck then proudly shows her the murphy bed and suggests they break it in. Having seen the bed, Gwyneth decides to check out the bathroom and almost immediately runs back out because it’s filthy. Instead of leaving, Gwyneth decides that she’s going to clean the apartment of this grown ass man who would apparently rather live in filth than clean it himself.

After Gwyneth heads back into the bathroom with a bucket in hand, there’s a knock at the door: Stacey.

Buck looks her up and down and smiles.

Rescott House – Living Room

Cooper wonders if Ally and Casey are planning to be married and Casey responds that they will be “eventually.” Cooper asks about living arrangements and learns that Ally intends to stay on at Kate’s for a while and Cooper quizzes Casey on whether his salary from Burnell’s will be able to support Ally and Tyler once Casey and Ally do move in together. They argue and Cooper eventually storms out to go to work. Alone, Ally admits to Casey that they really do need to start thinking about their future.

Rescott House – Living Room

“This is not a fairytale. We have got to be practical here,” Ally says. Casey insists that they’ll make things work, but Ally needs more to hold onto than that. She thinks about all the things that drove her to marry Cooper in the first place – the expenses related to raising Tyler – and wonders if they’ll have to quit school in order to get full time jobs. Casey becomes frustrated and suggests that she just go back to Cooper then and beg Isabelle to take them all back.

“My home is with you,” she responds.

Pins! – Bar

Cooper sits down at a table with Steffi as if he’s just another customer and not on the clock. He asks her how much she wants Casey, suggesting they could “help each other out.”

Donovan House – Living Room

Shana does a puzzle with J.J. and Heather and explains to Heather that she’s pregnant, not fat. Heather asks if it’s a boy or a girl and Shana says it doesn’t matter as long as the baby is “strong and healthy” while trying to hide her anxiety that the baby might turn out to be neither.

Buck’s Bachelor Pad

Buck is surprised to find Stacey on his doorstep. Things quickly get awkward between them as she tries to work herself up to her whole purpose for coming over in the first place. She hands him a belt that he left behind at her house, but he tells her it actually isn’t his. She starts to leave and then stops and very shyly asks him out to a theatrical production of Camelot.

As she’s stumbling through, Gwyneth walks into the room. Buck takes the belt back from Stacey and explains away her presence by saying that she came over to return “his” belt to him. But Gwyneth doesn’t buy that at all and after Stacey leaves she starts teasing Buck about Stacey having a crush on him. “Did you happen to notice the child was shaking?” Gwyneth wonders. “She must not get out much.” Says the woman who had to crash a damn plane to get this guy’s attention and is now cleaning his bathroom while he stands around doing nothing.

Buck suggests that Gwyneth clean his kitchen while she’s at it and then grabs a shirt and heads out the door. Gwyneth, girl, what is you doin?

Donovan House – Living Room

Stacey comes home and tells Shana that her attempt to ask Buck out was a disaster because Gwyneth was there “looking very much at home.” Stacey wants to drop dead from embarrassment and Shana tells her that she’s proud of her for trying.

As Shana leaves, Buck shows up, now wearing a shirt but dripping in sweat.

Buck makes a comment about how he always sees Stacey with her “lawyer friend” and Stacey says they were talking about her will. He offers that he thinks she’s a little young for that, which is stupid as hell given that she’s the widow of a man who was only about a year older than her.

He tells her that he was flattered by her invitation and she’s quick to say that it wasn’t “a dating thing” and more of a way of helping him since he doesn’t know many people in town. More awkwardness ensues and then he leaves and she berates herself for being such “a dork.”

Buck’s Bachelor Pad – Exterior & Interior

Gwyneth returns with more cleaning supplies – why are you doing this??? – and then contemplates the belt, which is monogrammed with the initials “CA.”

Rescott House – Living Room

Casey tries to reassure Ally about their financial future. “Being poor is not fine,” she tells him. “I have been poor my entire life and our love for Tyler and each other can outlive all the Aldens and all their money,” he insists. They start kissing and exchange “I love you”s.

Pins! – Bar

Steffi points out that Casey is taken, but Cooper tells her that he’s not giving up Ally and Tyler “without a fight.” He’s pretty sure that Casey could develop feelings for Steffi because “things change” but when she asks what his plan is, he responds, “I’m sure you’ll think of something.” This episode is just full of men who won’t do their own damn work.

But, much like Gwyneth, Steffi decides to meet the challenge: “Maybe I will.”

Episode Cast:

  • Buck Huston – Philip Brown
  • Steffi Brewster – Amelia Heinle
  • Shana Vochek – Susan Keith
  • Casey Bowman – Paul Anthony Stewart
  • Stacey Donovan Forbes – Lauren-Marie Taylor
  • Gwyneth Alden – Christine Tudor
  • Cooper Alden – Michael Weatherly
  • Ally Rescott – Laura Wright
  • Heather Forbes – Hallee Hirsh
  • J.J. Forbes – Geoffrey Wigdor

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