Recap: March 24, 1993

The Tides – Master Bedroom

Trucker wakes Trisha up with a little frisky business and they talk about Dinah Lee being Curtis’ mystery woman and the skywriting that Curtis used the previous night to get her attention. Trucker wants to get busy, but Trisha notices the time and tries to get out of bed to start getting ready for the day. However, it doesn’t take much for Trucker to convince her to stay a while in bed.

35 Maple – Ally’s Room

Ally, Casey, Cooper, and Steffi are studying. Ally and Casey are wound up about Cooper and Steffi’s antics in Burnell’s, which chases Cooper and Steffi out. However, before they make it out the door, the phone rings and when Cooper picks it up, it’s Steffi’s mother. Steffi quickly grabs the phone out of Cooper’s hand.

Corinth Towers – Elevator

Shana and Leo run into each other on the elevator. He tells her that he’s moving out of the penthouse and she decides to hijack the elevator to get him up to her place. Cue sexy saxophone music.

Corinth Towers – Elevator

Shana and Leo banter about her next attempt to get pregnant. As they’re about to kiss, a woman gets on with her kids and when they reach the lobby, Leo gets out with all his belongings.

35 Maple – Ally’s Room

Cooper wants to firm up plans to meet Steffi at The Hive later, but she gets irritated and leaves. Cooper is confused, but Casey thinks its perfectly natural to be annoyed by him so he doesn’t see the big deal.

Casey finds a pamphlet for Lamaze classes, which sends Cooper out the door. “Every time this baby is mentioned, he leaves the room,” Ally notes. Casey assures her that she has him so she doesn’t have to worry.

The Tides – Master Bedroom

Sexy sax music cues up as the scene opens. Trisha and Trucker are in the bathtub. “Do you know what I love best about you?” Trisha wonders. “We always have fun together.” They then proceed to have all kinds of fun rolling around in the bathtub together and then the bed. When she finally tries to leave, he pulls her back and tries to convince her to stay. Because Trisha doesn’t know that this is her last chance to have sex with Trucker (spoiler, I guess), she assures him that they’ll revisit this at a later time and gets out of bed.

Shana’s Apartment

Trisha shows up for lunch with Shana, who is fantasizing about having sex with Leo in the elevator just before Trisha gets there. The doorbell rings and it’s Trucker. “I just missed my wife,” he says and under normal circumstances this would seem extremely clingy, but since it’s Trisha’s last day on earth (sort of), it just seems sweet.

35 Maple – Ally’s Room

Casey and Ally argue because her back is now up about Casey wanting to take care of her. She tells him they’re friends, but then admits that they’re more than that. He tells her that he’d like to be her Lamaze partner and then the baby kicks and Casey adorably talks to the baby, promising to teach him about “guy stuff.”

Brewster Mansion – Front Step

Cooper decides to drop in on Steffi, who looks less than pleased to see him. She tries to rush him away and won’t let him past the front door. She comes up with a story about renovations being done to try to explain her reticence and then gets annoyed when he continues to press. “Leave me alone,” she tells him, prompting him to turn and leave.

35 Maple – Ally’s Room

Cooper comes storming back and gets short with Casey, who makes a snide comment upon his entry. Cooper laments that he doesn’t understand what happened between him and Steffi. Casey tells Cooper that if he ever actually listened to Steffi, he would understand her better, which just makes Cooper angrier. “Stef is not as grown up as she would like all of us to believe,” Casey observes.

Cooper storms back out.

Brewster Mansion – Front Step

Steffi sits on the front step, looking sad. Inside, her mother begins yelling to her so she goes back inside.

Shana’s Apartment

Trisha and Trucker are doing the post-lunch dishes. Shana has left to go back to the office and Trisha quizzes Trucker about how he liked crashing a ladies’ lunch. She admits that they censored themselves because of his presence and he laments that he still doesn’t know what women talk about when they’re alone.

She tells him that seeing the turmoil that Shana, Curtis, and Stacey are in makes her feel lucky to have him. “I would rather spend an hour in your arms than a lifetime with anyone else,” she tells him.

The phone rings and they let it go to the machine. It’s Phyllis from the clinic, who announces that the pregnancy test came back positive.

Shana’s Office

Leo surprises Shana. “I keep hearing this biological clock ticking,” he tells her. “What the hell are we waiting for?”

He closes the door and they exchange significant looks.

Episode Cast:

  • Trisha Alden McKenzie – Noelle Beck
  • Leo Burnell – James Carroll
  • Steffi Brewster – Amelia Heinle
  • Shana Vochek – Susan Keith
  • Casey Bowman – Paul Anthony Stewart
  • Trucker McKenzie – Robert Tyler
  • Cooper Alden – Michael Weatherly
  • Ally Rescott – Laura Wright
  • Phyllis Brown (voice) – Brenda Pressley

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