Recap: March 23, 1993

Pins! – Apartment

We open where the last episode closed, with Curtis’ message to Dinah Lee playing on the radio. Clay runs in to turn up the radio to hear it, but Dinah Lee takes the radio from him and turns it off. He tells her that the message had to do with Curtis and Ava walks in just in time to come to the mistaken conclusion that they’ve figured out who Ronnie really is.

Rodeo Bar

Curtis looks satisfied as he listens to the radio message which, again, is so vague that I’m not sure how he thinks it’s going to bring him closer to Betty. Trucker and Trisha walk in to join him, the latter happy that Curtis hasn’t given up, but the former unhappy to learn that Curtis is still pursuing this.

“What have you got against true love all of a sudden?” Trisha wonders.

The Tides – Front Porch/Living Room

Gwyneth knocks on the door and Buck answers wearing nothing but a towel. He invites her in to wait for Trisha to get back and asks her to have a beer with him.

The Tides – Living Room

Gwyneth and Buck continue to flirt. He excuses himself while he gets dressed (right there in front of her) and when he pulls some clothes out of his bag, a picture of him and Curtis falls onto the floor.

Gwyneth wonders what Buck is doing at the Tides and he tells her that Trisha and Trucker invited him to stay while he does them a favor. He quickly changes the subject.

Pins! – Apartment

“What about Curtis?” Clay wonders.

Ava quickly covers, saying she heard that Curtis was back in town, and helps Dinah Lee kick Clay out. He leaves, but tells Dinah Lee that he’s not giving up and that, sooner or later, Dinah Lee is going to have to face the fact that she still loves him.

After he goes, Dinah Lee asks Ava about the “Ronnie loves Betty” sign and Ava lies that she made the sign as a means of luring Dinah Lee’s mystery man. She encourages Dinah Lee to forget about Ronnie and then reveals that Leo dumped her.

Rodeo Bar

Trucker insists that he has nothing against love, but thinks that Curtis should let this mystery woman go. “Don’t look for trouble.”

Trisha completely disagrees with this advice and Curtis is convinced that Betty is “the one.”

“I know she’s married, but I can’t believe she’s happy with her life,” Curtis says in order to justify his pursuit. Remember your nonchalance a year from now, when you’re mad that Dinah Lee is in love with someone else despite being married to you, Curtis.

Trisha is annoyed when Curtis reveals that he’s accepting Clay’s help. “For once in my life, I’m going to use him.”

Trucker continues trying to talk Curtis into just letting Betty go and Trisha wants to know why he’s so determined to discourage Curtis.

Rodeo Bar

Clay walks in to meet up with Curtis and tells him that if Betty missed the radio message, she’ll get the message in some other way because they’ve saturated Corinth with it through billboards and ads and another means which they don’t specify (but which we know from the next episode is skywriting). Clay tells him that if any of this works, he’ll borrow the tactics to use on Dinah Lee.

Pins! – Apartment

Dinah Lee and Ava commiserate over ice cream. “You can’t be honest with men. It scares them off,” Ava states. She then goes on to tell Dinah Lee that Shana lured Leo away with kinky sex.

Meanwhile, Dinah Lee blames herself for Ronnie ditching her.

Ava suggests another trip out of town and, this time, Dinah Lee is a little more receptive to the idea. When they move to the couch – ice cream bucket in hand – Fred decides to get in on the action and basically sticks his face in the bucket.

They decide to head out west and Ava thinks it would be the perfect opportunity for her to visit Sandy. She then reveals that she intercepted the replacement card for the credit card Leo cancelled and, despite how badly that turned out last time, they decide to go and have dinner on Leo’s dime.

The Tides – Living Room

Buck relates a tale of adventure (he’s got a lot of those) to Gwyneth and when he spots the picture that fell out of his bag, he quickly grabs it.

Trisha and Trucker get home and are surprised to find Gwyneth with Buck. Buck suggests that he and Gwyneth head out and go get a drink and she agrees. He tells Trisha and Trucker not to wait up for them.

Alone, Trisha questions Trucker about why he’s so down on Curtis’ pursuit of Betty and he finally admits to her that Betty is Dinah Lee (who, for some reason, he calls by her full name, as if Trisha is going to get her confused with some other Dinah Lee).

Note: the last 5 minutes are missing from my copy of this episode, so some scenes are missing. Based on dialogue from the next episode, the scenes consist of the various characters from this one seeing Ronnie’s message to Betty in skywriting.

Episode Cast:

  • Trisha Alden McKenzie – Noelle Beck
  • Buck Huston – Philip Brown
  • Dinah Lee Mayberry – Jessica Collins
  • Curtis Alden – Patrick Johnson
  • Clay Alden – Dennis Parlato
  • Ava Rescott – Lisa Peluso
  • Gwyneth Alden – Christine Tudor
  • Trucker McKenzie – Robert Tyler

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