Recap: February 8, 1993

Rescott House – Front Porch

Shana imagines herself having a daughter, but is brought back to reality when Kate steps outside and finds her standing on the porch. Before Shana can get to what she’s come to talk to Kate about, Leo bursts in, furious and looking for Ava.


Ava and Dinah Lee are cruising down an empty stretch of road with Harold. Ava complains at length about Leo and when she tries to pass the gossip baton to Dinah Lee, Harold leans forward and starts sharing about his own personal life.

Hospital – ICU Room

Armand tries to advise Gwyneth and Clay, while Isabelle plays up being mentally incapacitated by her “tumor.” Armand sees through the act and is angry, but Isabelle sticks to her story and Dr. Firstenberg backs her up, telling Armand that Isabelle isn’t well enough to testify and that she can’t be held responsible for anything she’s done while suffering from a brain tumor.

Clay tells Isabelle that her act isn’t going to work, but Isabelle thinks her plan is “brilliant.” Armand is sickened at being compromised and storms out.


Dinah Lee tries to be polite to Harold, but Ava treats him like an unruly child whose presence she will barely tolerate. Not only is she rude to him, she asks Dinah Lee to stop being polite to him, too. Nevertheless, Harold continues to intrude on their “private” conversation and then promises to show them a good time in Sea City.

Rescott House – Living Room

Louie, Kate, and Shana laugh at Leo and his predicament. Shana decides to follow Leo when he goes storming out and tells him that he can track Ava down through the credit card company since she’s using his card. The two trade some barbed words and she reads him for filth.

Gwyneth’s Apartment

Despite being furious with her, Armand comes back to Gwyneth’s place with her. Gwyneth plays the “it’s complicated” card, which only makes him more angry and leads him to wonder what he is to her. “Face it, Gwyn. We use each other. You take what you want, and I take what I want.” He then proceeds to kiss her by mashing his face against hers.

Rescott House – Living Room

Shana is upset after her argument with Leo – or maybe she’s upset about agreeing with Ava: Leo’s a jerk. Kate and Louie lend their ears while Shana admits to them that she’s having romantic difficulties and has come to the conclusion that there’s no man out there for her, but that she wants to have a baby regardless.

Shana gets to the point: she wants to know how Kate managed to raise 8 kids on her own after her first husband died. And, I don’t know. I love Kate, but Kate’s circumstances resulted in Ava. You don’t want that for yourself, Shana.

Clay shows up and reveals that the charges against him are being dropped and that Isabelle is giving a full deposition as they speak (but… I thought she wasn’t well enough to testify…?). Shana is horrified to learn that Clay is getting away with it again and vows to make sure that Clay gets the punishment he deserves.

Rest Stop Bathroom

Ava bitches to Dinah Lee about Harold and tells her that they’re going to ditch him. Dinah Lee doesn’t want to, but Ava is insistent. “We’re just ditching him. We could kill him,” Ava states prophetically.

Dinah Lee only begins to feel swayed when Ava reveals that Harold is in the diner recounting to the cook the embarrassing stories they’ve been sharing on the road. They decides to sneak out the bathroom window.

Rescott House – Living Room

Clay asks Louie to talk to Dinah Lee for him, but Louie wants nothing to do with it. Louie points out that Clay lied to his face and is unmoved by Clay stating that he had “no choice.” Louie throws him out and tells him that if he loves Dinah Lee, he’ll let her go.

Rest Stop

Dinah Lee and Ava try to sneak back to the car, only to find that Harold has already beaten them to the car. “Let’s roll!” Harold says enthusiastically, telling them that he can’t wait to learn more about women from them. “Is it really true that you don’t care about size?” he wonders.

Burnell’s – Leo’s Office

Leo gets a call from his credit card company (the “Corinth Credit Card Company”) about the increase in spending on his card. Leo tells him to cancel the card and decides to get a little more revenge by reporting his car stolen.

Episode Cast:

  • Louie Slavinsky – Bernard Barrow
  • Isabelle Alden – Patricia Barry
  • Leo Burnell – James Carroll
  • Dinah Lee Mayberry – Jessica Collins
  • Armand Rosario – Michael Galardi
  • Shana Vochek – Susan Keith
  • Clay Alden – Dennis Parlato
  • Ava Rescott – Lisa Peluso
  • Kate Rescott – Nada Rowland
  • Gwyneth Alden – Christine Tudor
  • Dr. Firstenberg – Larry Pine
  • Harold “the Possum” Waxman – Floyd Vivino

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